If Hydey still does not care to rejoin the game I have a day off coming up, and I should be able to play
No announcement yet.
Seriously Tricky Sticky Game
Originally posted by Straybow
Well, I'll leave that mystery to SG(2), since I'm up in other games.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
Originally posted by -Jrabbit
I keep running across stuff like this...
That made me smile all over again, and sad at the same time.
edit: Here's the quote.
Originally posted by Scouse Gits
Usually when Admiral Puke follows the Rodent his first job is to arrange and count the bodies. When the Colosseum reaches overflow, Palace Square is often commandeered. On one occasion the Great Wall was used.
Puke's nostrils twitched as his Flagship dropped anchor. "Don't smell much rotting flesh today"
Instead he found a fledgling but flourishing democracy.His analysis of the situation went as follows:
With Magic Kingdom celebrating we have the makings of an empire. In two turns Steam Engine will be discovered. However, MPE reveals many white techs. We are way behind in science. With this in mind - when the advance allowing Ironclads is discovered, we will let the AI be our scientists! The Treasury needs a boost so the emphasis will be on tax. It takes no time to build a diplomat but many turns to reach a new discovery. If we slow our advance rate ... so will the other civs.
We are at war on a waterworld - Magellan's Expedition would add a little adrenaline to our Navy. Thinking further ahead JSB seems crucial for democratic conflicts.--------------------------------
SG(2)Last edited by Six Thousand Year Old Man; September 15, 2003, 09:22."I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
No response from Hydey, so I'm go.
This day, former President and Grand Admiral Puke was buried at sea with full honors. The Democratic Kingdom of Garden Mice fly flags at half staff for one month.(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
Can I play tonight to make up for my skipped turn?Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
/me takes command of invasion forces, flags at half mast, vowing to seize all canals in sight!
/me tries very hard to suppress his perfectionist half. Err, perfectionist fervor.
Hey,who built Makrell one tile away from the sweet spot?
[OK, he doesn't really try that hard. Let's start over.]
/me reminds himself to tolerate the rabid aggressive rodents and surveys the realm.
We have more than doubled the number of cities but barely more Engrs than 40 turns ago. Engrs = roads = trade = money. Even the chief RAR likes money.
Not enough Airports; we have whole continents neglected. We already have Howies to spare, for some reason they are sleeping in China. We need Transports to carry them. We need Paratroopers so we can drop in on our neighbors. What are friends for?
Finally, the question of overall strategy: we are a long ways from conquering our enemies. Travel by Magellan-guided Transport from our farthest outpost to French territory is 8 turns. Our Greek and Indian enemies are equally advanced. Somebody will be building Manhatten. So, in addition to APs we will be needing SDIs nearly everywhere to protect ourselves from the infamous infinite range AI nukes.Last edited by Straybow; September 30, 2003, 04:28.(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
Log and Save
1874 [tweaking] almost a dozen cities are supplying Uranium!!The income from one demanded Uranium can exceed 1000g (greatly exceed, if demanded in a large and distant foreign city). Freights are to be rushed in those cities, immediately. [/tweaking]
1875 Roman Partisan dies attacking Ravenna, another moves onto Pheasant and kills our Alpine by shield deprivation. Screw's Coastal batteries sink Indian DD. Cartoon Scylla Airport, Ravenna Temple, Pompei Colosseum, Argos Barracks. 10 Uranium Freights built (drool). 2 huts produce mercenaries. Spies sabotage Indy DD & Rom Partisan, Howies take out 3 Gk units near Athens and Eretria.
1876 Rom Partisan dies, Ravenna Rifle now vet. Lutetia, Macao, Tatung, Tiensin Tmp; Peter Pan Har; Ephese AP; Chengdu Mkt; Nanking Aq. Spy lost after destroying Eretria Temple, DD sabotaged deep into red. 200g from huts, Hangchow (no SHwy) Uranium to MK 840g, Doom Gems to Thunder 174g. Some Walls sold.
1877Greeks start Manhatten! Rom Armor & Arty advance, Ftr sinks Trxpt&Dip near Rav. Pluto, DGits, Dumbo, Hang Mkt; ; Rav, Atzcap, TheMick, Beijing AP; Mouse C SHwy; Penz, Canton, Rome Aq. Four special strategic air transfer 4 special hub Louie founded. Chunder Beads MK 114.
Fan and 100g from huts. Spy lost after destroying Aq at Thermopylae. Rav Rifle kills Arty (vet), Bomber kill 2 Armor, 1 Marine, 1 Dip, 1 Arty, & 1 supernumerary around Rav, Cumae, Neapolis.
1878Greeks have nearly completed Manhatten! Gk Bmbr kills Howie; Ind DD sinks Txprt & Engr; Rom Ftr kills Bmbr. Hisp Tmp; Tientsin, Shanghai Mkt; Chengdu, DisCh, Tenoch Aq. Four special strategic air base Dewey founded near Screw McD.
Hut 100g, Spy sabotages Indy DD, Ftr finishes off. Howie croaks Marine near Athens.Cities building Manhatten are out of reach, one on the other continent. I've got a really bad feeling about this.
1879 Manhatten in Rhodes *gulp* Wait for it… no immediate nuke assault? Armor, Howie killed by Gk Bmbr; Ind Sub sinks heavily loaded Transport (incl EuroD's U). Anyang Mkt; Zen, Hang, Xoch Aq; Penz SHwy; NNLand AP. 40MM Rodentians!
Tatung Salt 354 (+8), Shang Au Pirates 362 (+4). Rom Marine bombed near Syracuse; Alpine bombed near Cumae; 2 Cumae defenders bombed; Howies take out Athens defenders, Armor seizes 560g, Gk Govt escapes to Delphi, seeks peace (OK).
1880 Rom Ftrs kill 2 Bmbr near Cumae, Rom bombs Rav Rifle. Plastics developed by lab rats, SuperC next. Atzcap, Pirates, Calix, Canton, Beij, Stitch SHwy; SpMtn, Ana, Lilo Bank; Flicka, Veii AP. Screw Silk 1243g (+6), Matter Salt 51 (+17!), ChinaF Hides 127 (+5)
Ftr sinks DD near Cumae, Ftr kills Bmbr near Rav, Bmbr kills Neap Rifle.Airlift Spy to Rav shot down. Island Airbases built for transfer of Ftrs near Fantasia (33,109) and Pluto (134,86). Indian Sub eludes searching Aegis. First U Freight enters Gandhi's territory—must make peace to secure $$$, but he sends our emissary away.
1881 Tintin, Goofy, Mkt; Pompey Aq; SmallW, Hang, DD, TLand, EuroD, Fan Bank; The M, Tenoch, Texco SHwy; Tsing, ThMtn AP. Marauding Sub located and destroyed! Arty strafed, Ftr then dies attacking Cumae; Cumae Alpine bombed. Beijing U to Delphi 808g (+9) Haunt Hides Stitch 27 (+3) Jungle Ag to Argos 138 (+3).
/me suddenly seeshe has sent some precious U to the wrong destinations
Yikes, forgot about the 63 continents limit—all Indian cities and the Greek home continent are 63. Cities from our lower continents (Penzance, Beijing, etc) will be treated as if they are on the same continent! This drops delivery bonus by 50%.
1882 Greeks sneak attack—against Dip!Gk Aegis sinks Txpt near Athens
. Makrell, Athens Tmp; Canton, Beijing Mkt; Lilo, Veii Aq; Xinjian, Mhorn Bank; Calix Sewer; Chengdu, DChina, Rome SHwy. Orlando Hides 25g (+3 to +10) Pix Hides to Stitch 51g (+3 to +4) The Inst 70g (+6 to +16!) Goofy U Thermopylae 576g (+3) Lug Oil Delhi 741g (+7) Makrell Coal Delhi 240g (+6) JungleC Wool 129g (+6) Dumbo Beads 52g (+5) Columbia Salt 104g (+5) NNLand Salt 146g(+13) Atzcap U Bangalore 1728g! (+22!)
Howies kill Engr, 2 Partisans near Athens; Ftrs kill Fanatics, Paradrop capture Eretria 376g; Greeks beg for peace again (I agree so that we might get to deliver Uranium to South East Greek continents). Armor kills Rom Partisan near Lutetia; Bomber takes out Armor near Cumae.
I'm going to leave tweaking for Ben KI can't think straight.
Attached Files(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
Income skyrocketed from 1874g in 1874 (how bizarre is that?) to 2739g
Engineers increased from 23 to 44
Banks have multiplied from 7 to 18, Aquaducts from 24 to 39
20 Airports and 6 Superhighways have grown to 31 APs and 20 SHwys
/me feels happy
Explanations of wierd stuff you might notice: Superscripts in order of Civ color for location reminders and for Airport finders (and alt-codes to make them)
º near Romans (alt-0186)
¹ near French (alt-0185)
² near Greeks (alt-0178)
³ near Indians (alt-0179)
ª has airport (alt-0170)
* has SHwy
Ftrs can be moved up to Temple of Doom, across to Pluto, then down to Ephese via Airbase
Planes must stop off on carrier from Hispalis to western continents.
Hispalis at Argos waiting for ship south
Romeª* on ship near Pluto (to Rhodes?)
The Mickª* on Indian continent
EuroDª (sunk)
Goofyª Thermopylae 576
Atzcapª* Bangalore 1728
Calix* on Indian continent
Tenoch* on Indian continent
Texco* ship heading to Eastern Greece
Penzance* airlifted to Goofy waiting ship to Neapolis
Stitchª* airlifted to Zenon waiting ship to Cumae
Beijingª* Delphi 808
Canton* ship heading to Viroconium
Hangchow MK 840
Nanking ship heading to Eastern Greece
Chengdu* at Athens waiting for ship south
Note Penz-Cheng all continent 63Last edited by Straybow; September 30, 2003, 05:13.(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
Paradrop capture Eretria 376g
Apparentice Rodent asks... no other cities captured?"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
Reputation must remain Spotless throughout
Win by conquest - the bloodlust flag has NOT been set - the AI can build a spaceship
Only one change of government allowed and that is Despotism to Democracy
Playing my turn. Captured 7 cities on my first turn, but I no longer have a spotless rep so I have to redo the turn.Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
Not as bad as I feared.
We captured a fair number of cities.
Examining our foreign minister:
13 cities
15 cities
French have 4.
We have absolutely nothing heading towards the French!
Manhattans in Rhodes, we may wish to raze this city to deny the computer nukes.
Indians sneak attack!
We dicover STEALTH!
Insist that Greeks remove troops, we get war!
Bring it on!
Rodents capture:
From Romans:
Cumae, Virconium, Neapolis
Paratroopers raze Syracuse. The Romans are out!
1 down, three to go.
From Greeks:
Rhodes, Delphi, Thermopylae, Artemesium
Pharsalos reduced to size 1.
Marathon emptied.
Shipchain from Pirates O Caribbean to Herakliea should be established next turn.
Bribe Madras for 7000 gold, get 600 back.
Still have 2765 gold!
Senate forces a ceasefire.
Build Bergen to house all the units heading to Delhi.
Establish shipchain to capture Delhi next turn.
Both Delhi and Bergen rush build SDIs. Just in case.
What are we going to do about the French?
59 squares away from Makrell or 7 turns by boat.
That's going to be difficult.
What I will do is ship a boatload of engineers in the general direction
and build cities on the islands closest to the French.
Rush howitzers/Paratroopers to target the Greeks.
Xenon- Antium shipchain established. Apotzatcho- Penzance Lutetia-Xenon shipchain next turn.
Next turn we ought to be able to ship howitzers to India in one turn, from anywhere in the empire.
Capture Marathon
Raze Pharsalos, Argos.
Build Ghent to house all our units close to the Greeks.
Meet with Ghandi. Insist that he remove troops.
He refuses. War.
Capture Delhi.
Senate signs ceasefire.
We now have 7 tanks and 7 howitzers loaded on the Indian continent.
Indians: 9 cities.
Greeks: 9 cities.
French: 4 cities.
Brussels built enroute to French
Indians nuke Delhi, break ceasefire.
Kill your former citizens? That's going to work.
Delhi belatedly constructs an SDI.
Howitzers from Madras steamroll over Bangalore.
Spy bribes Hydrabad.
Indians relocate government to Calcutta.
Uranium to Sparta. 1684 gold!
Capture Miletos, Halicarnassus, Heraclea.
Purchase Howitzers and Tanks for Greek front, Spies for Indians.
Indians: 7 cities
Greeks: 4 cities
French: 4 cities
Indians revolt to Fundamentalism.
Capture Chittagong
Bribe Karachi, 1548 gold.
Acquire Mikes Chapel, Women's Suffrage.
Howitzers, Stealth fighters crush Knossos.
Capture Apollo Program.
Howitzers storm Corinth, Sparta.
Indians: 5 cities
French: 4 cities
Greeks: 1 city
Bribe Jaipur, 400 Gold.
Bribe Kolaphur, 3050 Gold.
Attack on Calcutta fails, 1 mech infantry remains in city along with Nuke.
Megara razed by stealth fighter.
Greeks are out!
French: 4 cities
Indians: 3 cities, Calcutta, Bombay, Lahore.
Build Copenhagen.
Task force 21 squares away from French. Shipchain established out to 13 squares from french for next turn.Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
I played five turns, so I'll give someone else a go to finish off the game.
Earning over 4K gold per turn, I still have 1500 gold in the treasury.Attached FilesScouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
"Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."