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Extended Original Succession Game

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  • #61
    1400 AD
    Josefus III becomes elected as President of the Celtic nation. Riots break out in Tara and Rhondda, President Josefus III wonders if it has anything to do with his winning the Presidency. To calm the people throughout the land, Josefus III changes the tax rate of the nation: 20% for Taxes, 60% for Science, and 20% for Luxuries. He hopes that the increase in Luxuries will help make the people happy, while not bankrupting the treasury or suffering too much from scientific loss.

    Celtic scientists report that they have made the discovery of Refining. President Josefus III directs them next to research Amphibious Warfare. The prospect of Marines, troops who can attack from the sea, intrigues Josefus III as he enters Presidency while the Celtic nation is at war.

    The Celtic people exceed 12,000,000 citizens.

    Distraught that three different cities are working on Women's Suffrage (when some can be making freight to help speed up the production in just one city), President Josefus III does some remanagement of our cities. Increasing production in Tara, he grants that city with the task of creating Women's Suffrage, while directing other cities to build more freight to help speed up the production.

    1410 AD
    Viking catapults land near The Udal!
    Thanks to President Josefus III's rearrangement of the taxes, order is restored in Tara and Rhondda, and 'We love the President' day is celebrated in Carmarthen. The Spanish wish to speak with us, but Josefus III denies them the privilege, and moves troops in position to take Barcelona. These troops then capture the city, and the Spanish wish to speak with us again, but Josefus III send them away again.
    The Vikings wish to speak with us. Josefus III sends them away, but the Senate meets with them and signs a cease fire.
    The English wish to speak with us. Josefus III meets with them, and they tell us to leave the area of Canterbury. Josefus III withdraws the riflemen near there, but moves them in a position to watch if the English try to take a northern route to our cities.

    1420 AD
    The Celtic people exceed 13,000,000 citizens. Explorers discover an advanced tribe on a long stretch of land west of Rhymney. They join us as the town of Turin. Japanese Knights move towards the town of Capua!

    1430 AD
    Celtic scientists discover Amphibious Warfare much to President Josefus III's joy. Josefus III next directs them to research Steel to give our materials more strength. Meanwhile, Capua Riflemen soundly defeat the Japanese!

    1440 AD
    Explorers find friendly mercenaries southwest of Turin. The will be sent to protect the new city of Turin. President Josefus III moves troops into a position to take the Spanish city of Salamanca.

    1450 AD
    Celtic forces attack Salamanca. Amazingly they find it undefended, and capture the city with no casualties. Celtic foreign emissaries tell Josefus III that the Spanish have only four cities left. The President decides to meet with the Spanish and agree to a cease-fire. Josefus III feels good about this. Now there is only one nation warring with us, the Japanese, and Josefus III can focus all of the Celtic military strength on them. Meanwhile, diplomats from The Udal manage to bribe the Viking catapult into joining our nation.

    1460 AD
    Celtic scientists discover Steel and President Josefus III directs them towards Machine Tools to create a more powerful canon-like weapon. The Celtic people exceed 14,000,000 citizens. With just 744 gold left to complete the Cure for Cancer in Rhondda, President Josefus III chooses to rush buy this wonder, in order to have its benefits as the Celtic people prepare for war with the Japanese.

    1470 AD
    Rhondda completes the Cure for Cancer. 'We love the President' days are celebrated in Valencia and Armagh.
    Meanwhile, Japanese land forces near Capua!

    1480 AD
    'We love the President' days are celebrated in Cremona, Cunaxa, Llanelli, Abergavenny, The Udal, and Barcelona.

    1490 AD
    To President Josefus III's disappointment 'We love the President' day is ended in Armagh. The Celtic people exceed 15,000,000 citizens. With only 384 gold left, Josefus III decides to rush build Women's Suffrage in Tara, to further improve the people's feelings about the oncoming war with the Japanese.
    Despite many cities celebrating for President Josefus III, he loses the next election.
    Attached Files


    • #62
      Dimorier Maximus
      Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
      I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


      • #63
        Aargh! It´s my turn...
        Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


        • #64
          While pleased with Josephus III, the people choose the more peacefull Iorrix, apparently a descendant of the mythical third King of the Celts who ruled for nearly a 1000 years. A choice the people are soon to regret... A Japanese catapult takes out defenders in Capua. On the other hand, Iorrix does keep his promise and passes a law that allows women to vote (Women's Suffrage completed). The technology of Machine Tools is discovered, research is changed to an intriguing new economic model: Communism.

          Population exceeds 16,000,000. A ship with engineers and freight sets off to settle land South of Swansea, and establish trade routes with distant cities.

          There is a change in plans. The Engineers are dropped off to found the new city of Genoa, while the Freight will join a military mission to the East, joining an army of Marines. An army that has to avenge the sacking of Capua by the Japanese this very year, taking the idea of Railroads with them.

          Communism is discovered, research is switched to Combustion. Word is rceived that the Spanish have moved their capital to Saragossa

          Combustion is completed, Espionage is now pursued. Caerphilly starts the construction of the United Nations.

          The homeland Marine invasion fleet nearly reaches the invasion force already waiting outside Salamanca to wage a first attack against the Japanese, or perhaps to finish off the Spanish.
          Even though retaliation against the Japanese is imminent, the Celtic people have become impatient, having to wait nearly 40 years. Winning this year's elections will not be as easy as it has been over the past few years.
          Attached Files
          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


          • #65
            I'll be on the road until the 24th. If by some minor miracle my turn actually comes back around before then, skip me and don't wait for the time limit to expire.
            Here's a link.


            • #66
              Alright, I've got the save and it looks good. I'll play and post within the next 2 days.

              "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

              "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
              "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


              • #67
                In the year 1545, Fifty-five Hundred Year Old Man regains the Presidency of the Celts. For those of you not following at home, FFHYOM had sworn revenge on the Spanish following the humiliating peace of Cordoba. Now, he sees that the Celts, though mighty, devote the least resources in the world to their military! FFHYOM resolves to correct this while maintaining the Celt predominancy in technology.

                1) Maximize city growth.
                2) Increase offensive potential of military.
                3) Conquer the world.
                (seems simple enough )

                1545: Sewers rushed in Carmarthen, Caernarfon, Valladolid, and Durrow. Luxuries adjusted to 1.4.5.

                1550: Celebrations begin in Turin, Cannae, Cremona, Cunaxa, Naples, Neath, Maesteg, Llanelli, Cardigan, Dinas Emrys, Abergavenny (aqueduct rushed in Abergavenny), Rhayader (aqueduct built, starts engineers), Roskilde, Dinas Powys (aqueduct rushed), Tara, Merthyr, Valladolid (Sewer built; starts Factory), Swansea, Illauntanig (Aqueduct built; starts Cavalry), Iona (Salt built; starts Sewer), Valencia, Rhymney, Cork (aqueduct rushed), Cordoba (aqueduct rushed), Caernarfon (Sewer built, starts Marines), Seville, Carmarthen (Sewer built, starts Freight).

                Espionage discovered; research starts on Electronics so that the Celt people may practice the art of war on something the seers call 'Sivvtoo'.

                Durrow builds Sewer, starts Factory. Toledo builds City Walls, starts Cavalry.

                Granaries sold.

                Invasion fleet nears Japanese lands. 2 Japanese Caravels are destroyed attacking invasion fleet. Americans start Eiffel Tower.

                (owing to the vastness of his great Empire, FFHYOM decides to ease up on some of the detail in subsequent Celtic histories.)

                1555: Things are built. Troops land in Japanese lands. Emissaries are rebuffed and the Japanese vow to rid the world of us. We'll see. Rheims captured from Japanese. Emissary signs a &^*%** cease fire! For entirely unrelated reasons, United Nations rush built .

                Japanese change government to Monarchy. FFHYOM rubs his hands together, gleefully. Japanese bluster at us about territorial issues.

                1560: Barcelona, Salamanca, Rhondda, Rheims (they throw a giant street party to welcome our troops) celebrate. United Nations built. Eiffel Tower started. Luxuries readjusted to 1.3.6.

                Our marines, in a dazzling yet entirely predictable sneak attack, recapture Cadiz! However, now the Japanese, Spanish and Americans are at war with us. In a stirring speech before a cheering crowd, FFHYOM declares that the world stands behind us as evidenced by UN opinion. FFHYOM vows that he will not rest until war has been brought to the Japanese and Spanish. (The Americans get off easy for now). Japanese change back to Democracy, the cheating little b******.

                Viking diplomat steals Combustion from The Udal! I guess that's only fair because we stole The Udal from them . Nonetheless, form demands that we declare war on them.

                FFHYOM looks around for the English so we can have a war with them, too

                1565: Most celebrations end, save for selected cities. Electronics discovered; our learned minds now are working on a device that will keep our good Celtic ale cold (Refrigeration). Lyons (Japanese) assaulted from the sea and captured by land. Beads and Gold delivered to Paris totalling about 270 gold. Eiffel Tower production changed to Hoover Dam.

                Japanese discover Steam Engine; they start an Eiffel Tower. Vikings give Combustion to the English and Americans

                1570: Celebration in Genoa. Marines re-embarked to attack Spanish possessions. Vikings start an Eiffel Tower. Pretty soon those things'll be everywhere.

                1575: More celebrations end Our Marines sack Saragossa, the Spanish Capital. A peace treaty is imposed on us but we subvert Bilbao anyway. A permanent peace treaty is again imposed. Spanish have only Malaga remaining. Viking Settlers destroyed near The Udal; English declare war. Might as well.

                Japanese attack our riflemen ineffectually.

                1580: Refrigeration discovered; researching Atomic Theory.

                Brrtil discover Bridge building. How nice.

                1585: Viking Dragoons destroyed near The Udal. Izumo (Japanese) attacked. Troopship ferries troops from Tintagel-Cordoba. Jorvik (Viking) revolts.

                Japanese steal Refining. Japanese counterattack near Izumo. Viking attack at Jorvik fails.

                1590: Atomic Theory discovered; Miniaturization started.

                Izumo (Japanese) is captured. 'Permanent' peace treaty signed. Malaga (Spanish) subverted. Buh-bye, Spanish.

                Viking catapult defeated at The Udal. Americans are nearly finished Eiffel. English start Eiffel Tower.

                1595: Attempt to sneak-attack Japanese blocked by Senate. Jarrow (Viking) revolts to our cause.

                Although war grips the Celtic people, FFHYOM feels secure in the knowledge that the evil Spanish have been broken, Japanese expansion curtailed, and the Celt population having mushroomed. However, 50 long years of war have wearied the Celt leader, and he retires to Elba to contemplate something called 'OCC'.

                (cheat sheet) Troops are poised near Capua (Japanese). Expect a counterattack near Jarrow (Viking). Transport loaded with 2 settlers, marine and spy headed for Turin (Celt). I've been resupplying for Japanese war via troopships from Tintagel-Cordoba and Salamanca-Rheims.
                Attached Files
                "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                • #68

                  OK, here's one for all your frustrated deity players stuck in our 'King' game (MBloom, Thoth, et al).

                  With 8 players it'll be 70 turns before I'm up again. Now, as much as I'd like to lead a campaign against the hateful Brr'til, my challenge to y'all is to conquer both worlds before my turn comes up again!

                  If you don't get there, of course, I'd be just as happy to take my turn crushing the oppo.


                  (edited for typo)
                  Last edited by Six Thousand Year Old Man; October 14, 2001, 11:36.
                  "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                  "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                  "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                  • #69
                    Game recieved, will play this afternoon.

                    Details to follow.
                    Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                    I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


                    • #70
                      Re: Challenge!

                      Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man
                      OK, here's one for all your frustrated deity players stuck in our 'King' game (MBloom, Thoth, et al).

                      With 8 players it'll be 70 turns before I'm up again. Now, as much as I'd like to lead a campaign against the hateful Brr'til, my challenge to y'all is to conquer both worlds before my turn comes up again!
                      (edited for typo)
                      Sure, I'm game. This means if my turn comes around again, don't skip me, I'll pick up the game when I return from my trip.

                      [hint mode=on]We will need a favorable government (Fundy) and lots of money. Good goals would be Fundamentalism and Mobile Warfare.[hint mode=off]
                      Here's a link.


                      • #71
                        It's done. Sorry for the delay, my back's been giving me grief the last couple of days. The log is a little brief, but here it is.

                        1605: Miniturisation. Automobile selected next.

                        1610: Our lilly livered senate accepts a ceasefire with the Vikings.

                        1615: Automobile. Mobile warfare next.

                        We sneak attack the Japanese and capture Edo. The Vikings declare war.

                        1620: We capture Paris.

                        1625: Mobile warfare. Mass Production next. Capua subverted for 250g.

                        1635: Mass Production. Computers next.

                        1645: Computers. Robotics next.

                        1650: Robotics. Nuclear fission next.

                        We capture Buffalo and Satsuma. A revolt is incited in Kaupang giving us a productive foothold on the Viking mainland.

                        1655: Nuclear fission. Nuclear power is next.

                        Delivered a bunch of freights, bought a few Superhighways.
                        We've finished a few factories, and will need some pollution control (Mass Transits) or a lot more engineers. Oil is in demand accross the empire, we should be able to build and deliver enough of this to keep our cash flow well up while we get the homeland improvements in.

                        Sorry about the minimalist log, I'm in too much pain to do any better right now.
                        Attached Files
                        Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                        I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


                        • #72
                          This could be our last turn Makka so make it a good one for me to follow.
                          The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                          Hydey the no-limits man.


                          • #73
                            Put a fork in it.

                            This game may be officially dead. With the immenent arrival of CivIII, I can't imagine there will be much interest in continuing. A shame.
                            Here's a link.


                            • #74
                              WHAT!? I won´t accept that! We´re almost through, and Civ3 isn´t coming out for a little while over here yet.
                              Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                              • #75
                                NO!! I for one am interested in hearing the outcome of this game, despite being unable to participate due to lack of ToT
                                So keep it going
                                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

