Download Civ2tech
Bugfix 12-12-2007
Update 11-12-2007:
I've made civ2tech a little more user-friendly for people wary of using the command-line.
For those who want to use the command-line, that still works the same:
Update 11-12-2007:
I've made civ2tech a little more user-friendly for people wary of using the command-line.
- Unzip the contents of the zip anywhere
- Create a (desktop) shortcut to civ2tech.exe (Optional)
- Drag and drop any rules file onto either the civ2tech executable or the civ2tech shortcut to check the technology tree for errors.
- Repeat the above step until civ2tech can't find any more errors.
For those who want to use the command-line, that still works the same:
It's a command-line utility so you'll have to use a DOS/Command prompt.
Unzip the contents into some folder. Open the command prompt, go to the directory you put civ2tech into and type in something like:
civ2tech C:\MPS\Civ2\Scenario\Awesome\rules.txt
civ2tech "C:\Program Files\Civ2\Scenario\Totally Awesome\rules.txt"
To be more precise, it will give you just one error message; the first error it finds. You'll have to fix that error before running civ2tech again to see if there are any more errors.
If it can't find any errors it will say so. E.g. "Everything seems OK for D:\Games\Civ2\rules.txt."
Could anyone try it out with some (intentionally) screwed up tech trees?