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Extended Original Succession Game

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  • #16
    Excerpts from the Histories of Cerridwin

    10 After Disappearance of Thoth
    High King Macmanaman the Unready ascends to the throne of the mighty Celtic Kingdom, determined to build on the good work of his predecessors.
    The people of Caerphilly commission a Phalanx to defend their home, and start work on a fleet to explore the western seas.
    Illauntanig completes the first Celtic fleet, which takes onboard a party of diplomats and heads south.

    20 AD
    A census puts the Celtic peoples as numbering 600,000
    Tintagel forms a troop of Horsemen to aid in the city defence.

    30 AD
    Strange portents fill the sky, and the bards and seers tell of a people called the Brr'tilian and a Great Lighthouse they have built.
    The wise men tell the court of Polytheism and all it can offer and of a new idea they are working on, which they name Philosophy.
    Caernarfon readies a caravan which starts the work in that city on a Great Library

    40 AD
    Cork sends a caravan to aid in the construction of the Great Library
    Horsemen assemble in Iona, and work begins on another fleet.

    50 AD
    Armagh forms a band of Horsemen, and the citizens start to assemble a caravan to aid with the construction at Caernarfon

    60 AD
    A traveller named Livy tells the court of Macmanaman that his is the 3rd most powerful nation in the world.
    Rhimeny sends a caravan to aid in the construction of the Great Library, and starts to form a Phalanx
    A census puts the Celtic peoples as numbering 700,000

    70 AD
    A traveller brings news the Americans have almost finished a Great Library
    Carmathen send a caravan to aid the Great Library building in Caernarfon

    80 AD
    Wise men discover Philosophy, and in the frenzy of debating, propound the ideas of Monotheism to the Court, and begin discussing the idea of a Republic.
    Another traveller brings news the Americans have built a Great Library
    High King Macmanaman orders a fellow called Michelangelo to take the Great Library building in Caernarfon and convert it into a chapel.
    Swansea citizens form a Phalanx.

    90 AD
    Illauntanig sends settlers out to improve the roads and irrigate.
    Caerphilly sends their newly floated fleet down to Cork.

    100 AD
    Celebrations are cancelled in Camarthen on the Centenary of Thoth's disappearance. Entertainers are hired to restart them.
    A census puts the Celtic peoples as numbering 800,000
    Diplomats land on new land east of Iona after a long trip round the coast from Illauntanig.
    Rhimeny forms a Phalanx for the cities defence, and the warriors there are disbanded to form the core of a unit of Crusaders.

    110 AD
    Rhondda and Tintagel both send a caravan to aid with Michelangelo's Chapel in Caernarfon.
    The annual celebrations are reinstated in Carmarthen.
    A census puts the Celtic peoples as numbering 900,000
    Land is discovered to the West of Cork, and horsemen are dispatched to the coast to explore this land.
    The Diplomat in the East makes contact with the representative if one Isabela, Queen of the Spanish. A peace treaty is signed and an exchange of information is agreed on whereby the Spanish learn of Pottery and Mysticism, and teach the Celts of the the Wheel and Warrior Code.

    120 AD
    The Spanish city of Valladolid is discovered.

    130 AD
    Valladolid is found to be on a small island. The Trimarines press north.
    A census puts the Celtic peoples as numbering 1,000,000

    140 AD
    The land to the west is larger and seemingly unoccupied by civilised peoples. Horsemen start to explore.

    150 AD
    Iona launches a fleet and sends it North with the city's Horsemen.
    The horsemen in the West persuade a nomadic tribe to join the Celtic Nation

    160 AD
    Carmathen sends a caravan to complete the work on Michelangelo's Chapel, and starts to Macmanaman commissions a great embassy to be built by one Marco Polo
    Rhymany assembles a host of Crusaders in the city.
    The diplomatic mission in the north east recruits a Legion of mercenaries

    170 AD
    Wise men set before High King Macmanaman the proposal for a new Republican government. Macmanaman puts of the decision, saying it must be made by his successors.

    180 AD
    Michelangelo's Chapel is completed in Caernarfon. High King Macmanaman presides over a grand opening ceremony, and delivers the shock news that he will quit office in 20 years
    Armagh sends a caravan to aid with Marco Polo's Embassy.

    190 AD
    Swansea sends out settlers to improve the surrounding land.
    Tintagel sends a caravan to aid with Marco Polo's Embassy.
    the city of Durrow is founded in westland
    The legion in the north discovers the secret of Construction in an abandoned village

    200 AD
    25 Gold is discovered in an abandoned village near Durrow in westland
    High King Macmanaman vanishes one night, leaving an abdication note.
    1st in all but Family size (2nd), Military service (7th)
    Discoveries 9 turns
    Profit 8 Gold per turn
    Attached Files
    "Spelling....... I thought that only Mages did that."


    • #17
      200 AD Coming from the land down under, a new king is born, long live King Hydey 1 .

      210 AD Citizens of Cork send traders away with a load of copper

      220 AD Citizens of Caerphilly send traders away with a load of copper.

      230 AD To celebrate his 30th birthday King Hydey comands that he be called consol and that all girls remain virgins for the pleasure of the consol. discoveries now every 5 turns.

      240 AD Carmarthen builds Marco Polo's Embassy, now we know what everyone is up to. Horseman find Iron working equipment in an abandoned hut.

      250 AD Rhymney organizes settlers to build roads and irigation to help our nation grow.

      260 AD Consol Hydey spending all his time removing virginity from teenage girls.

      270 AD Nations scribes learn about feudalism.

      280 AD Spanish city of Valladolid serverts to our way of life, silly spanish.

      290 AD Tintagel sends out workers to build roads.

      300 AD form Alliance with the nation called America and swap our maps with Americans, Vikings and English.

      310 AD Carmarthen builds temple to the glory of Hydey.

      320 AD Scibes learn how to build bridges.

      330 AD Consol Hydey maintains his fitness by impregnating 15 girls per day.

      340 AD Rhonda sends off a carravan full of Gems

      350 AD To prove his fitness to rule Consol Hydey sleeps with every woman in the nation.

      360 AD Illauntanig builds library and fills it with porno's, Caerphilly builds Marketplace and Armagh builds temple.

      370 AD Scibes discover Engineering

      380 AD Swansea sends off caravan of dye and Rymney one filled with wine.

      390 AD Armagh and Carmarthen build aquaducts

      400 AD as plans for a huge 200th birthday bash are made , the great consol Hydey dies of massive sperm loss after sleeping with entire worlds female population.

      Our Nation well placed and well infront in techs and population.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Hydey; August 4, 2001, 08:52.
      The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

      Hydey the no-limits man.


      • #18
        Hello pples i havent been able to dind civ2 MP anywhere so i have bought ToT and was wondering if anyone here plays it online so i can have a go at MP


        • #19
          Hello all. We made it to our new house but I've got to go on a business trip from 8/06 - 8/10 (that's 6/8 -10/8 for you European types ). If my turn pops up during this time, please skip me and move on. Although at the current pace I just may make it. I'm thinking that we need to switch to 10 turns each at 1700 AD. We've still got a little ways to go yet.
          Here's a link.


          • #20
            Attached Files
            Last edited by dexter4dxm; August 9, 2001, 03:14.
            Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


            • #21
              Hey,Dexter,forgeting someone!?!Look at the top,it was my turn,and I was going to post my 20 turns,but seeing how you have so kindly done that for me i guess i'll just pass.
              "Battle is a combination of all your skills,therefore,to be excellent at battle is to be excellent at life"-Me


              • #22
                oh ****! i cant believe i did that
                sorry! if you want you can go ahead and post your turns, i'll get rid of my post. or you can go now, but if you already took your turns and you just need to post then do that

                sorry, i dont know what i was thinking
                Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


                • #23
                  Uhmmm....I'll post my turns,lemme find the stuff...

                  AD 400-Sir Blade assumes the throne

                  AD 410-Our diplomats inform us that the Spanish have developed currency.The english have developed Monarchy.That our allies,the Americans,have learned of Monarchy through there great libaries,that the English have undertaken the Great Wall and that the English and Spanish have declared war on each other,as if we cared.

                  Sir Blade rejoices as his scholars learn of Invention.He almost decided to have his scholars invent a weapon that whould revolutionize the world However,his countrys economy has grown too large for the basic currency exchange system.He has decided that better ways to manage money must be found.
                  The people of Rhondda Riot,displeased that Sir Blade,whom they do not like,came to power.Entertainers are hired to distract the masses.

                  Merthry finishes conscripting and arming a unit of pikemen and Blade encourages them to go out and tame the land around them.

                  AD 420-Sir Blades jaw drops to the floor as he sees English Warriors defend succesfully against A legion of Barbarians.He sees that the english whould best be kept a friend,less we face such skilled fighters.

                  AD 430-Our diplomats learn that the Americans have nearly completed this Big Wall of theres.

                  Sir Blade laughs at them,saying this wall won't even stop barbarians and that they were in Violation of the ABM Treaty(Anti-Barbarian Mission)

                  AD 440-Despite the worlds efforts to dissuade the Americans from building there big wall,they do.THe war between the Spanish and Japanese end.

                  Riots in Swansea over a lack of temple flair up.Blade wonders why these people are so ignorant,don't they realize he's building them one already.He desides to entertain them some more.

                  AD 450-The Americans develop bridge building.We send our Emmisary to America and they promptly demand our secret of invention.Now,not only do they blow us off and build the big wall,they refuse to share secrets and instead demand things from us.We refuse them,no longer wanting this alliance.THe alliance is ended by the Americans while the Celts are left in fury at the Americans for useing them.

                  Barbarians camped on the hill over Valladollid threaten to invade,and only a warrior and a group of settlers stand to defend against them.Blade immediately buys weapons to arm the conscripts at Valladolid with at a steep price (though much cheaper then the barbarians demands normally are.)to ensure the safety of that town.

                  AD 460-With the masons of Carmathean done building a market for the city,Blade orders that they begin building a workshop for the greatest genuise in there country,Leonardo.

                  THe Japanese develop bridge building.The Barbarian Legions storm down the hill and overwhelm the Warriors,though they fought valiantly.THe Barbarians sack the outer edges of the town,advanceing towards the Pikemen conscripts.

                  Quickly,vendors and merchants have put together a economy that can better manage the flow of money our republic makes.Now,Sir Blade concentrates on Theology,to bring new thoughts on a growing religous populace.

                  Talks with the Japanese prove fruitfull.A peace treaty is signed and for teaching them how to make maps,there first map of there country is given to the celts as a gift.

                  AD 470-The Barbarians throw themselfs against the pikes of Valladollid and are easily beaten.For there valour in combat,those pikemen are given veteran status.

                  Rhondda is told to begin gathering resources for a great Cathedral that will one day be built for the zealous Celts to worship in.

                  The leader of the barbarians at Valladollid is captured and forced to pay 100 gold in ransom.

                  AD 500-After a lapse of new events,Sir Blades scholars have developed the school of Theology,to better advance the application of religon across the lands.To herald this event,hes building a great Cathedral for some guy named Bach.

                  AD 510-Tara is founded on the mainland to take advantage of some unused land.

                  AD 530-Yawn...Sir Blade is bored.

                  AD 540-Boredly talks with the women of his court about how to make riceballs.

                  AD 550-Sir Blade is boggled how his people can learn to be bankers before they can learn how to count.This has all ended,Mathmatics has finnaly been researched.Feeling even more need for freedom,Sr Blade chooses to research democracy,that his country might reach greater heights long after his coming death.

                  AD 560-Nothin

                  AD 570-Talks with the spanish go well as Sir Blade bargains for there maps.Langollen is founded,yet another island taken for Celtic glory!

                  AD 590-Traitors!As Sir Blade lay in his death bed he learns that the SPanish have broken there treaty and destroyed Langollen and are attacking valldollid.Sputtering in Rage Sir Blade orders that his mighty armys smash the Spanish scum,yet the greedy,selfish,gaudy,(american),and decadent people of the Celts start rioting about this,and Sir Blade learns that he has spoiled the people of the celts,yet he can do no more...

                  But on a up note,Leonardos workshop is almost built,and Democracy is close to discovery,Gunpowder surely next in line.

                  AD 600-Sir Blade finnaly succumbs to his life long illness and has past away.However,before that his people learn of democracy,but the decison to enhance there republic will be left for the next leader.The attack on Valladollid was a total flop,the veteran pikemen to much for the unskilled archers.However,at sea the navy at Valladollid is in a dangerous situation...

                  Heres the dl
                  Attached Files
                  "Battle is a combination of all your skills,therefore,to be excellent at battle is to be excellent at life"-Me


                  • #24
                    i apologize the screw up and the long wait. here's my turns, they are short but i just wanted to get this posted asap

                    600 AD: Following the loss of Sir Blade, the Celtic people scramble to find new leadership.

                    610 AD: Mass confussion spreads within the Republic, the Celtic people stregthen demands for a new government .

                    620 AD: Carmarthen becomes host to Leonardo's Workshop. The foolish Spanish invade and are easily defeated.

                    630 AD: Nomads are found in a far away land, and the people elect Dexter as their new President.

                    640 AD: 5 Celtic cities unite in celebrations.

                    660 AD: Celebrations die down and city officials call for aqueduct development.

                    720 AD: 60 years of peace and serenity (nothing going on) are marked by the discovery of economics.

                    730 AD: Just as the first Celtic university begin construction in Armagh, the people begin a massive celebration.

                    740 AD: J.S. Bach's cathedral is completed in Rhondda.

                    750 AD: The greedy Spanish attempt to blackmail the Celts but President Dexter will hear none of it. War is declared by the Spanish shortly after the incident.

                    760 AD: President Dexter's administration announces changes in city defences with the addition of the musketeer. The president's education policy is stressed in local debates.

                    780 AD: Reports of crusades being in other nations come in, and President Dexter responds by rushing workers into Carmarthen. 60 gold is spent to get the project finished.

                    790 AD: Carmarthen completes King Richard's Crusade. Contruction continues as always in the industrial center.

                    800 AD: President Dexter completes his term of office. Elections are held and the Dexter administration wishes good luck to the new president-elect

                    looks like we all forget things. this is actually #9, last one should have been 8. here ya go
                    Attached Files
                    Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


                    • #25

                      It´s MBloomIII´s turn, right?

                      If there´s gonna be any action here anytime soon, I´m not available from the 23rd till the 26th of this month...
                      Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                      • #26
                        Carmarthen Post Headline: MBloomIII kidnapped by Spanish

                        MBloom, where are you?

                        JoeK, are you good to go? I hate to suggest skipping the turn of the guy who initiated the game, but it has been almost 2 weeks. I propose JoeK play it if we don't hear by the 28th.

                        MBloomIII, if you can hear this, say something!

                        "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                        "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                        "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                        • #27
                          SKIP ME! SKIP ME!

                          My 1 week trip turned into a 2 1/2 week trip and I do not have access to a computer with Internet access and a computer with ToT at the same time. I won't have both until this weekend. So skip me and I'll jump in next time around.
                          Here's a link.


                          • #28
                            OK... I just downloaded the last file. I probably won't get to play until tomorrow some time though.



                            • #29
                              Quick question: are we supposed to be playing 10 or 20 turns this round?



                              • #30
                                Play as many as you want, JoeK... there doesn't seem to be as many 'nothing happening' turns now, though, so when it gets to me I'll just take 10 turns.

                                "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                                "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                                "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)

