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Age Of War PBEM Game

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  • I must ask everyone to not send caravans for naples yet (if that's where the germans are headed), I want to build a freight there myself first (and I only have one supplied commodity at the time).
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


    • Exile: I still own Prague, but its not currently the world leader in industry, yet...

      Henrik, don't worry, I'm not sending freight to Naples.

      Also here is a picture to demonstrate the outragous fortune of my orchard workers. Henrik, give me back my land!
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      Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
      -The Artist Within-


      • Italy officially apologizes for the missunderstanding, you shall have your vinyards back.
        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


        • This month a new Rush Build Policy was introduced and implemented, resulting in 5 banks and 4 engineers being built throughout the Nation. Soon the Corps of Engineers will be ready for the massive Industrialization of Asia Minor(IoAM). Within the next 2 months every city in Asia Minor will be connected by road. Then the IoAM will commence.
          Consul Abdul SunTzu II thanks his great ally Henriko for the gracious gift to the Ottomon Republic.
          Also Jugoslavia please put your attitude to me as worshipful so i can get an alliance with you. Since we are allies and everthing, do the same with Italy.

          Ioanes, i would like to purchase the destroyer....
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          • Originally posted by Henrik
            Italy officially apologizes for the missunderstanding, you shall have your vinyards back.
            Wise move Henriko, wise move.

            Tzu, we'll talk price when I catch you online, unless someone else would like to place a bid...
            Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
            -The Artist Within-


            • Heres the save, not much happened, swapped a tech with you germany, ill see you online to tell you what it was. Other than that britains navy grows once again. Its massive!!!
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              Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

              "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


              • Nothing to report.
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                'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                • BUMP, Henriko is back from Greece and eager to play his turn
                  No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                  • Zhitomir-Lemburg Railroad completed!

                    As the first of a line of railroad projects connecting Russia to the rest of Europe, the Lemburg line now stands finished, on the initiative of the russian government. The Warsaw line is nearly completed, with the assistance of german engineers, coworking on the project. Further lines are expected to open during the next 6 months.
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                    The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                    Kaplak Stream


                    • Dimunition of Prussia Announced!

                      The Prussian Kingdom, a big member of the CEU, has been formally disolved! The reason? The Poles, out of great nationalistic pride, wished to have their own voice in CEU affairs. This resulted in the formation of Poland, consisting of the following cities:


                      Konigsburg and Brandenburg have joined Germany proper. This news reporter is unsure what this developemnt may lead to, but Polish nationalism is said to be very great indeed.

                      Cracow Bi-Weekly Times and Places
                      Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                      -The Artist Within-


                      • The Rome Times: November 1904

                        The destiny of the Greek nation!

                        During his visit to the nation of Greece President Henriko was aproached by several Greek politicians who presented to him the idea of Greece becoming a member of the Mediterenean League.
                        After seeing how the Mediterenean League have recieved the newly born nation of Yugoslavia, these Greek officials, representing the Greek parlament and the King of Greece, felt confident that the Mediterenean League would lead them to a greater future.

                        After listening to these men President Henriko concluded that they indeed made a great deal of sense, and decided to officially take on their case.

                        Greece has for a long while been a millitary protectorate of Great Brittain, and while the protection of such a mighty empire has been thankfully recieved, it has now come to be unnecesary, Greece no longer faces any threats.
                        The formerly totalitarian neighbors of Greece, Italy and the Ottoman Empire (now known as the Turkish republic) have both reverted to Democratic or Republican governments, they are run by peaceloving, publically elected presidents.
                        The formerly apreciated defence of Great Brittain has now become a burden, critical voices within Greece even refer to the Empire as a parasite, who eats away what wealth the Greeks manage to assamble in order to build up it's own fat body.
                        The Nation of Greece is not being allowed to develop properly, it's industrialization is being hindered by the precense of Brittish laws and regulations.
                        And while they are subjects of brittain when it comes to obligations, they have no rights, Greek citizens may not vote in Brittish elections as they are part of Greece, and not Great Brittain itself, however they do have to pay taxes to support the Brittish millitary presence in the area.

                        Therefore President Henriko Lohmandero of Italy has made a sugestion to the democratic alliance,
                        Remove all millitary presence in the nation of Greece, and allow the nation to become part of the mediterenean league, so that it can develop and prosper on it's own!
                        The Med. League will provide the necesary capital to invest in new modern industries and infrastructure, the neighboring Republic and fellow League member of Turkey will provide the most urgent help.
                        The Island of Crete will in turn with the help of the young but prospering nation of Jugoslavia be the home of a gigantic ship warf industry, famed all over the mediterenean sea.

                        We do however understand that this will affect the brittish economy negatively therefore the Governments of the Mediterenean League are prepared to compensate Brittain economically with the gargantuan sum of 1000 gold within one year.

                        How the other nations of europe will react to this radical suggestion remains to be seen...
                        Last edited by Henrik; July 19, 2002, 17:02.
                        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                        • Ooops forgot the save
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                          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                          • Polish Capitol Established in Historic Cracow

                            The Polish Unification Effort (PUE pronounced pee-you) has culminated in the election of the first parliment of the New Polish Republic (NPR). The capital of the new government has been established in Poland's historic capitol P, also known as Cracow. Poland's representatives in the CEU parliment will be sent at the first of the next year, but their lobbiests are already on the move. Somethings in their agenda include:

                            Unification of the Polish peoples (annexation of Warsaw, preferably peacefully).
                            More CEU budget allocated to Polish developement.
                            More Polish Freighters to high paying foreign markets in Britain and Spain.
                            More beer at local festivals.

                            Ioannes has promised the Polish people immediate looking into of said proposals.

                            Berliner Democratic News Weekly
                            Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                            -The Artist Within-


                            • Consul Abdul SunTzu II backs our Italian Allies and will add to the price that is already set at 1000 gold coins.


                              • Has Grothgar been taken by aliens or something? I was expecting him to have begun the bombardment of Instanbul by now
                                'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                                - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

