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Age Of War PBEM Game

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  • Game on.

    I'll post 'results' of the turn later. Here's the save now.
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    Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
    -The Artist Within-


    • Economy~~
      *Turkish Caravan heading for Rome is held up near Montenegro due to engineers working on the railways.
      *The Jugo-Turk railway project is complete. Now Railway bypasses will be built so multiple caravans can move without being held up by others.
      *Ankara is becoming the Central Turkey Railway Hub. All cities will have their railways branch off of Ankara.
      *Roads have been connected to Ankara from the Palestine Region.
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      • Britain nearing full industrial output

        This month britain is nearing full industrial output, every mile of land, hills or forest that can be utilised is being, and factorys are pumping out wave after wave of manufactured goods. Some of the production is being tailored to improving britain already vast fleet of ships, it is hoped that soon the destroyers making the rounds in the med will soon be replaced by the newer armoured cruisers being built around the british empire.

        Britain alarmed by pollution

        British observers, on a routine trip across the German empire were alarmed by the huge clouds of pollution hanging across much of the landscape. The German empire needs to sort this out because as everyone knows Britain is an island nation and will be worst hit if the rumours of global warming come true. Britain would like to offer a few of our engineers to help clean up this mess caused by the factories and ask th germans to invest in pollution cutting measures as soon as possible. Thank you

        Not an evil scheme to weaken the Brits is it JMarks lol
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        Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

        "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


        • Spanish Traders Dissapointed

          Two parties of Spanish traders have left Spain in recent months, and both parties have been cruely disappointed by the state of the Mediterran League Rail Road System. Not only are important rail links missing, but promised RR by-pases have proven to be no more then dirt tracks!

          This comes as a humiliating blow for the Spanish Government which has invested much time and money into building RR bypasses around the major Spanish cities.

          Spanish Industrialistion Begins to Take Off!

          The opening of a new factory complex at Serville this month is another sign that Spain is slowly emerging from the dark ages. Speaking at the opening of the factories, President Case said that "Along the with complexes in Barcelona, Madrid and Zargossa, this new complex is a sure sign that Spain will soon join the list of industrialised European Nations"
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          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


          • Gary,

            How'd ya know? Shoot, well now I'll have to reveal my whole evil plan.

            Generate so much polution that it triggers a global warming. Then watch as Britain falls to its knees under the massive swamps and deserts created. Invade.

            Seriously though, unless your observers were actual caravans or something, they're most likely wrong. Funny how the press is always willing to tell you of industrial accidents, but never tell you about the clean up.

            That means I should have everything under control.
            Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
            -The Artist Within-


            • Due to caravans not being able to pass Istanbul for Eastern Turkey, the Fortifications at Gallipoli will be demilitarized so caravans will have access to East Turkey


              • Manufactured goods not in demand

                Economists ask why?

                Has the market for manufactured goods in Europe met its needs? Just 4 cities in Europe seem to hold these high quality goods in demand. Several celebrated european and russian economists adressed this topic at a seminar in the conference centre of Vladivostok this week. Has agricultural Europe not yet reached a level of industrialization where consumers will need manufactured goods of this quality? Or is the answer simply, that the markets have been satisfied long before russian industrialists reached the industrial level to produce these goods?

                Vladivostok Chronicle, 27th of March, 1905.
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                The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                Kaplak Stream


                • Labor Unions

                  In reply to Vladivostok Chronicle, 27th of March, 1905 edition concerning manufactured goods and the lack for their demand, leading economists in Munich have theorized that this may indeed be due to the mass industrialization that is occuring across Europe at this time. Also, increasing labor unions demand home-made products over imported products, despite their quality. They note also that manufactured goods have gone out of style in many Russian cities that were once in demand. 'For now, things will be made near home' is a quote taken, quite surprisingly from two industrialists, one in Berlin, and the other in St Petersburg.

                  Munich Weekly Economist, March 24, 1905
                  Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                  -The Artist Within-


                  • The ever growing Italian economy continues to expand...

                    The italian government congratulates the spanish at thier succes at industrializing thier rural nation, and conveys thier apologies for the Railroad bypasses that are still lacking at some places.
                    "Our primary goal so far has been to connect to all nations in the mediterenean railway project, however you can be assured that soon we will have funds to alocate to the bypasses for major cities, as I am pleased to anounce that the Medeterenean Railway now runs all the way from Madrid to Istanbul!" stated Prime Minister Henriko to the Mediterenean Railway board in Rome.
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                    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                    • Having sucessfully stabalized the Jugoslavian economy, Andreas Kleshnikov has moved to managing the industrial sector, and production has never been better! People have jobs, and the sweat of hardworking Jugoslavians beads on the floor of our productionlines!

                      In other news, Primier Kleshnikov met with President Lohmandero at the Mediteranean Railway Boardmeeting in Rome this month. Firstly, Kleshnikov presented data showing that railroad bypasses leading from Italy to the Turks have been complete, and that the remaining bypass to Germany will be complete next month.

                      As the men talked, a Board member approached them with a proposal. "Sirs, I have been pining over these calculations for weeks now, I think you two should have a look at this." The men looked at the data which predicted huge losses for the Med. Railway Co. in this fiscal quater, and even larger losses in the long term. "For the resources our nations have put into this venture, the turnaround has been marginal at best" explained the Boardmember. "We simply have to make this a money making venture, especially as our fiscally powerful neighbors to the north make disproportionate earnings by swamping our rails with their products."

                      A suggestion was then put forth to impose tarrifs on trade profits earned by passing along the Med Railways. "Tariffs, based on the sender-city's population (visable to all players) is a perfect way to guage profit made through the use of our railnetworks" continued the Boardmember. As the three men talked, Abdul Sun Tzu II came upon the group. He listened intently as his nation too has invested greatly in this project. The now group of four retire to a rear chamber to discuss things further...

                      The shareholders meeting was bustling with reporters as word of the impomptu meeting was leaked to the press. The room was electric as everyone felt something important was happening. President Lohmandero took to the podium to present the new policy.

                      "As of this moment the Mediteranean Railway Company no longer provides its service free of charge. With the great monies invested in both the initial phases of construction as well as the secondary railbypass phase by the three nations involved, drastic steps are needed to bring this monsterous project out of the red."

                      The silence in the room was broken only by the snapping of the press' shutter lenses.

                      "We therefore present this tariff chart, which nations usign our rails will have to use in order to calculate the fees to be paid. The fees are based on the population of the City where the trade unit originates.

                      City Size------------Tariff rate
                      0-10 ------------------50 gold
                      10-18 ----------------100 gold
                      19-22 ----------------150 gold
                      23-26 ----------------200 gold
                      26-29 ----------------300 gold


                      Declaration of the trade unit, its commodity, its destination and its city of origin shall be made when the unit itself crosses the border on our rails. To ensure this policy is strictly enforced, borderposts will be erected at which soldiers will halt all vehicles to demand declaration. Refusal to abide by the new policy will result in removal of the international link of the railnets, making the exclusive to the Mediteranean League member nations.

                      We hope that our neighbors realize that this is a necissary procedure, and we hope that relations are not effected."

                      And with that, roaring applause came from the audience, and Lohmandero shook a fist in the air in triumph.

                      -Andreas Kleshnikov.
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                      • Upon hearing this news Prime Minister Smith just shrugged and commented, "Oh well, we will just deliver by ship."
                        Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                        "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                        • Minutes after the Jugoslavian anouncement the Spanish government released the following statement:

                          "While the illustrius leader of Jugoslavia may see fit to enact barriers to trade, the Spanish government intends to stick to its' free trade principles. The Spanish government welcomes traders from across Europe and pledges to never do anything which may hinder their progress."
                          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                          • Adbul SunTzu II wishes that all countries will abide by the Tariff law. We make no money off of a caravan from berlin earning 1000 gold, a mear 300 out of the 1000 is nothing for the Democratic Industrialized nation of Germany or Britain. While the tariff is being inacted all Turkish ports will be closed to trade vessel's outside of the Mediterranean League, they will be re-opened soon.
                            The West Black Sea Railway will soon connect to Adrianoples from Russia and Jugoslavia.
                            The World Port of Istanbul will be completed in the coming months adding a huge production boost to the ancient city.


                            • Originally posted by SunTzu
                              We make no money off of a caravan from berlin earning 1000 gold
                              That's not quite true - any caravans which reach your cities boost their trade and you earn extra money from taxing this. Seeing as this is literally money for nothing, I think that it works out well
                              'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                              - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                              • well yeah thats not what i meant lol imeant like w/o taxing ok anyways i'm all for the taxing

