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Age Of War PBEM Game
sorry, all, i've been work a load lately, here's the turn.Attached Files
In the final act of the peace treaty between Russia and Britain, the city of stockholm was handed over to British control, thus cementing the nordic countries under british rule.
Other than this, not much happened although the British Navy was slightly miffed to see the Italian Navy shadowing their ships and have staged some funny manuversAttached FilesMaps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
Nothing to report.
Can you please bump me via PM or email in future? I'm more likely to notice that then a post in a thread I've half forgotten aboutAttached Files'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
Russia will not bow down and lick Germany's boot!
Retaliation for German troops remaining upon Russian soil is meated out!
Germany has continued to ignore our diplomatic notes about German troops remaining on Russian soil. Perhaps they will listen when a bayonet is sent with the letter. In response to German troops occupying territory inside the city radius of Vilna. Russian troops have occupied territory inside German cities limits at Reval.
In addition to this action, Russian soldiers have appeared outside the city of Riga in response to German engineers found deep within Russia. This can be no mere accident, Germany is trying to pull a fast one over russia. The offending engineers will be disbanded immediately or Russia will disband them for Germany
At the end of hostilities, the German troops were farther west than they are now. They have since moved 6 tiles East, they are obviously heading for the Russian steppes. This will not be tolerated.Attached Files
The troops outside Vilna were in a valid defensive position, and were never mentioned in the peace agreement. I have yet to hear you say a word until now. They will withdraw, but kindly asking several turns ago would have worked fine.
However, we fail to see how engineers building infrastructure in your country at no cost can be perceived as a threat. At the end of the war, they were so deep in Russia that getting past zones of control would have been more of a hassle than they were worth, so they were ordered on the humanitarian mission of reconstruction. Again, you had plenty of time to complain about this as well (although I can't comprehend complaining about having my land improved for free).
If this seriously seems threatening to you, the engineers will be withdrawn, not disbanded. It could take several turns however, which is why I didn't bother to move them in the first place. Any attack on them will cost you your capital... again.
Ridiculous, were our engineers never there, the railroad would have been built by Russian engineers, so it makes no difference either way.
Also, if we had ANY desire to conquer Russia we would have done it already, back when we had a valid pretext.Last edited by Darius871; June 29, 2003, 07:46.
Originally posted by Darius871
The troops outside Vilna were in a valid defensive position, and were never mentioned in the peace agreement. I have yet to hear you say a word until now. They will withdraw, but kindly asking several turns ago would have worked fine.
Orignally posted by HTower
Did that council of Europe get formed yet? If so, I call upon the council to ask Germany to vacate the fortess within the city limits of the town of Vilna. Diplomatic notes in the past have failed to make any impression upon the German Chancellory, perhaps the Council of Europe can do better.
Session Start (AIM - dschowyarius 871 @Poly): Thu May 01 21:16:47 2003
[General chating removed]
dschowy: you have a consrcipt division fortified inside russian territory between konisberg and Vilna, occupying valuable russian land.
[General chatting removed]
The treaty specified the withdrawl of German troops from Russian soil, you haven't done that.
However, we fail to see how engineers building infrastructure in your country at no cost can be perceived as a threat.
Italy urges Germany and Russia to be more friendly towards eachother
Council or no Council we have to decide on wether we are to have railroads in the game or not.
IMHO they unbalance the game a lot, allowing unrealistic one turn blitzes capable of destroying entire nations. I say we remove all railroads (I'd simply edit them out, leaving only roads and making the continued building of rails impossible) and instead increase the road multiplier to 9 or 10.
That's a lot of lost railroad and wasted engineer time I know, but imho it'll be worth it...
Italy's turn:
Not much happening todayAttached FilesNo Fighting here, this is the war room!