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Age Of War PBEM Game

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  • Actually he decided he's leaving all his games except for the Imperialism 1870 game at CFC, and 'maybe' except for the AoW game there. We're going to need a replacement... again.


    • 'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


      • why doesn't whoever's allied to SunTzu's civ just take over temporarily at least.

        Nice to see a signature by the greatest guy in history Case .
        "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein


        • BUMP for Sun Tzu.
          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


          • yeah, thank god Henrik emailed me, thought this pbem is dead, haven't gotten an email notifications from poly in a long time


            • Ok, we have a problem, i opened the file, and it seems that Spain has declared war on turkey, italy and this correct on spains part? or a mistake?


              • i'm gonna have to wait to get an answer about Spains declaration of war on the Mediterranean League, also i'd like the removal of the british naval ships by Gallipoli, there are atleast 5 ships there blocking the passage. The war with russia is over, so move your ships so merchant ships can pass through.
                Also i'm reinforcing my position that no military ships can pass through the Dardanelles Strait, unless of course given permission by the Turkish Government


                • Ok, we have a problem, i opened the file, and it seems that Spain has declared war on turkey, italy and this correct on spains part? or a mistake?
                  It happened ages ago - as requested by Henrik I destroyed a rail line linking Spain with the South of France. However, the stuipid AI considered this to be an act of war and the med league declared war on me. I asked you guys to make peace with me several months ago but no-one has bothered doing so.
                  'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                  - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                  • alright, cool i'll make peace :-D


                    • Game on
                      Attached Files


                      • Case I did try several times but your AI wouldnt have it
                        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                        • i was able to make peace. they were receptive towards me


                          • European Council?

                            Josip Chokov, Henriko Lohmandero and Abdul Sun Tzu the elected leaders of the states constituting the mediterenean emerged today after a one week long meeting int he specially constructed Mediterenean Council buidlign in Rome. These meetings have now been decided to be schedueled on a regular basis rather than summoned when needed in the future. While no details where given it is clear that many common Mediterenean policies where decided upon this week.

                            Seemingly an effect of this President Lohmandero has made an acording to some radical suggestion to the european diplomatic comunity.

                            "The league would like to suggest the creation of a European council based in Zurich or Geneva, the role of this council will be to decide upon common european policies and to mediate in european conflicts. A nation will have as many votes as it has provinces (cities).
                            This would currently mean that the votes would be divided like this:
                            Germany: 65
                            Brittain: 49
                            Russia: 42
                            Turkey: 35
                            Italy: 30
                            Jugoslavia: 18
                            Spain: 15

                            Possibly concensus or atleast 2/3s majority would be needed for some major decisions.

                            The presidents all voiced great optimism about the other rulers of Europe accepting this suggestion."
                            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                            • As said in private correspondence, the CEU supports the creation of such a council, although Europe should come to a consensus on just what authority it should have.

                              It's our position that all votes on diplomatic matters should only need a 51% majority. However, the powers allotted to the council must be agreed to by a 100% consensus upon its creation, and written down in a formal constitution. Any amendments to this constitution, or additions of new powers, must also have a unanimous vote.
                              Last edited by Darius871; April 20, 2003, 20:57.


                              • Though not having consulted with her allies yet Italy supports this addition.
                                No Fighting here, this is the war room!

