Jugoslavija supports that addition as well.
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Age Of War PBEM Game
Originally posted by Darius871
As said in private correspondence, the CEU supports the creation of such a council, although Europe should come to a consensus on just what authority it should have.
It's our position that all votes on diplomatic matters should only need a 51% majority.
However, the powers allotted to the council must be agreed to by a 100% consensus upon its creation, and written down in a formal constitution.
Jugoslavija proposes that each major power gets 2 votes and each remaining country 1 vote, so the voting structure would be this:
Germany: 2
Britain: 2
Russia: 2
Italy: 1
Turkey: 1
Jugoslavija: 1
Spain: 1"Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein
Originally posted by Henrik
if it can get both Russia and Germany's acceptance.
This is what Italy suggests:
Germany: 65
Brittain: 49
Russia: 42
Turkey: 35
Italy: 30
Jugoslavia: 18
Spain: 15
Atleast 2/3s majority would be needed for some major decisions.
Concensus needed when amending the authority of the council.
What makes you think the democratic alliance will allways vote as a block (which btw of late hasn't seemed that solid, as I recall Jmarks was in the proces of disolving it or rather reshape it into something else)?
And if they do so, that will be enough to overrule Russia alone, but they still won't be able to pull anything dangerous or dammaging off as that most likely wouldn't be appreciated by the other voters (ie. the med. nations) and 2/3s majority wouldn't be achieved.
Propositions from the league to the would be council from us med. countries involve:- "The be or be not of tariffs"
- "Defence measures about railroads, these have proved devestating to a country's defences should we reach an agreement to abolish them? (if so the rules could be amended to make normal roads slightly bettter)"
- "The possibility of european tech trading deals."
- "The granting of the ability to invoke sanctions on warring european nations by the council."
I am sure you guys can think of a lot more thingsNo Fighting here, this is the war room!
Originally posted by Choke
Darius, this doesn't limit you further. It give you the same power as Britain and Russia...
The only thing close that Germany would accept would be a bicameral council similar to the congress of the United States, where there would be a house based on population (loosely defined by number of cities), and one house where each nation either has 1 or 2 votes. Would you be willing to settle for a bicameral system?
Originally posted by Choke
quit whining.
woah, I didn't know how much trouble I would stir up by being cautious of the straight city votes. Although I am close to backing down on that, diplomatic contact by courrier with other nations during the worldwide electrical blackout has reduced much of Russia's fears. I'm sure a compromise much closer to the original could be achieved
Ok then after talking to both Germany and Russia again this is what I suggest:
One vote per city.
(The list of who gets how many votes is on the previous page)
2/3s majority will be required.
A set amount of discussion will take place after a proposition has been laid before the vote (my suggestion is that everyone gets to post their view and the originator of the proposition gets to coment and then the vote is held. Either that or we simply say 3 days or something like that).
Is this acceptable to Russia and Germany? (where's brittain?)
No Fighting here, this is the war room!