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Age Of War PBEM Game

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  • Caspian,

    Don't worry, Germany and all other CEU nations respect your nuetrality. Particularly since you haven't broken any treaties or thown spitwads at others. I think you're in a safe position as the world around you morphs.
    Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
    -The Artist Within-


    • Et ouila....

      Seriously guys, I know I said I would have the game completed after afew hours, but I really am busy at the mo' with essays and the like for uni. I'll always be able to play and post. I just can't guarantee that I can do it immediately all the time.

      Thanks JMarks for those reasuring words on the position of Spain. Just one question though. Does the Spanish Neutrality wonder (Great Wall) count for anything in this game. I mean, does it work or has it expired or something?

      I just hope none of you crazy war mongoring types get any ideas about peaceful Spain. I know the megalomaniacal way....."don't want all the territory in the world, just the terretory which borders mine"
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      • King Caspian of Spain is proud to announce that, as of midnight tonight, the Royal Council of Spain has been dissolved and has transferred power to the newly elected republican government.

        Caspian will remain as constitutional monarch in a similiar vain to the British royal family and as such he will still serve as the mouth peace of Spain in all international affairs.


        • President Ioannes of the Central European Union, wish to congradulate Spain on its formation of a representitive form of government. May peace reign in Europe and spitwads never fly again.
          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!

          -The Artist Within-


          • Originally posted by JMarks
            May peace reign in Europe and spitwads never fly again.
            I think not.
            The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
            Kaplak Stream


            • russia you still have thi chance to back out. DO so now and britain and germany will accept this and not impose any conditions on you unlike the harsh peace that we will impose on you when we cripple you after beating your ass

              So its your choice. i mean i asume you want to be in this PBEM for a long time hehe.
              Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

              "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


              • I think not.
                What? Does this mean you have an arsenal of spitwads you are planning on using? I should have known! What with that treefull expanse in Siberia and all those peasants with more than enough mucus, you must have an unerving stockpile of spitwads ready to reck havoc against all Europe! Please, for the sake of humanity, destroy these hideous weapons least poor civilians be exposed to such horrors! Please, I beg you, sign the Non-Spitwad Treaty, International (NSTI). Think of the children!

                Oh, by the way, back down, you don't want war. Or is this you?

                Either way, don't worry, England and the CEU have well coordinated navies.
                Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                -The Artist Within-


                • Russia declares war on France!

                  Russian bombardment of southern France!

                  In a surprising maneuvre, russian battleships bombarded rebellious french forces at Montpellier and Marseilles. Unfortunately, the rebels seem to have fortified themselves heavily on the southern front, and the russian invasion was apparently unsuccessful.

                  Analysts puzzled

                  Rumours has it that president Pointcaré has fled to exile in Moscow, and asked for russian navy to take action. Others say, he was struck dead from a heart attack, to find out that his former friends had betrayed him. It seems his fragile government has finally collapsed before the threat of the anglo-german invasion. Same rumours say that Poincaré, while living an ascetically simple life on the surface, has aquired vast possessions and wealth, from the sales of french government assets. These treasuries has, we are told, been transferred to russian banks. "We have not yet seen these funds", says the minister of finance in a brief comment. "But we do expect to see the french gold to arrive in a matter of months."

                  Russia stays

                  "We will not abandon the alliance," said prime minister Nicholas in a speech after the surprising attack on france. "but will work inside it, try and persuade our allies to see better ways of obtaining peace in Europe" These events puzzle political analysts, after the harsh statements from the cabinet, upon the events, in which russian allies invaded france. Now russia joins the front, it seems, against the pitiful crumbles of former president Poincaré's proud nation.
                  Attached Files
                  The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                  Kaplak Stream


                  • No, the Spanish Neutrality wonder never expires.

                    Lost in America.
                    "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                    "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                    "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                    • Answering a plea for help from the mayors of Lyons, Monpellier and Valance, Italian troops has restored order in those cities...
                      Anarchy and fear has spread in France as the government in Paris has been taken out.
                      Italian troops are expected to liberate cities further into france shortly.
                      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                      • POINCARE LEAVES RUSSIA FOR EXILE!


                        Thanks for playing guys, it's been fun. Morten will be playing by turn for now on. Merry Christmas and a happy newyear to all. (You backstabbing bastards )



                        • Merry Christmass to you too Bo. Sorry about how things worked out. At least with your allies and all. Don't worry, backstabbers like Russia will eventually get their just deserts or desserts, which ever comes first (assuming we let pollution go unchecked of course).

                          Grothgar, I'm still waiting for the official news concerning your turn! Where is it? Or are you just going to let it go at that?
                          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                          -The Artist Within-


                          • Hey,

                            I've got Bo's game, and I'll be posting it soon. I'm extremely busy right now with my exams, but be patient.

                            And Jmarks, whatever do you mean? Russia has not been backstabbing anyone. In fact, we have kept the alliance with Germany, and have not attacked a single german freight within reach. If Germany should choose to cancel her alliance, she will be free to do so. But may we remind our UK and german allies of the penalty inscribed in the treaty for violating its premises?

                            -Oh! You were talking about those russian fleet maneuvres in the mediterrenean? This operation was performed at the request of french authorities.
                            Last edited by hardjoy; December 19, 2001, 09:25.
                            The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                            Kaplak Stream


                            • Originally posted by hardjoy
                              german allies of the penalty inscribed in the treaty for violating its premises?
                              Now this sounds interesting...
                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                              • The French game...
                                Attached Files
                                The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                                Kaplak Stream

