The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
25 themes/skins/styles are now available to members. Check the select drop-down at the bottom-left of each page.
Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
For a second there, I thought Ming had joined a succession game for the first time ever (well, maybe not ever, but since I've been here).
But a post deletion on Civ2-General is an equally rare occurrence.
On topic: I will be watching with interest as I am not an EL type... and I'm distracted by Civ4 currently
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
I spent about 13 hours playing the turnset and writing the comment. Even if it didn't comply with your rules, you could have shown a little more appreciation. Talk about closed circles
Originally posted by Ecthy
I spent about 13 hours playing the turnset and writing the comment. Even if it didn't comply with your rules, you could have shown a little more appreciation. Talk about closed circles
Club thread!
I'm sorry you were not made to feel welcome and appreciated. We've been together now for quite a long time and perhaps we can be a bit cluby.
It is unfortunate that your first attempt to join this succession game fell foul of the very few rules we set for it. We would certainly welcome your participation after Ele has posted his save.
BTW, irrespective of the "rules of the game" I strongly recommend you don't use FW - there are serious bugs in how it handles diplomacy.
What can I say? I feel that we have made you welcome. Both Monk and I made favourable comments about your turnset, but - as it did not comply with the rules of engagement it became a spoiler - that is why we requested that you delete the post.
Once more, Ecthy. You and any other Civ2 player are welcome here. It saddens me that you don't feel the same way.
Originally posted by Ecthy
I spent about 13 hours playing the turnset and writing the comment. Even if it didn't comply with your rules, you could have shown a little more appreciation. Talk about closed circles
Club thread!
13 hours? crips, i usally spend about 40 minutes.
"the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife"
"Every now and again, declare peace. it confuses the hell out of your enemies."
I sometimes sit there in an agony of indecision for at least 40 minutes before hitting the enter key. If I have a real decision to make, I'm paralised.
Seems like I missed something, not checking in this weekend...
More details later, but briefly I decided to stick with the original plan and continue development. There is a new city at the 3-Whale sweet spot northwest of Zimbabwe with Phalanx and Horse defenders, and a Settler ready to plant a fourth city on the grassy river near the Whale where we started. Oh, we switched to Monarchy in 2250 and we are researching Pottery. The Zulus have been quiet, gave us 50g and seem to be on a small peninsula (probably only one other city thus far). There's a Barb Leader roaming the southern peninsula, but he doesn't seem to want to come north where we can eliminate his Archer companion.
Two thoughts I throw toward my successor: if we want to keep Susa and turn it into an SSC we may not need to keep Zimbabwe (but killing their Palace may cause wasted arrows in their other city), but on the other hand might we build up Susa and give it to the Zulus to be a STC pair with one of our first two?
Now that I read the prior posts I'm glad I was so busy this weekend - ordination of a friend and daughter's birthday picnic. We had a good time, but writing up my log suffered.
When I first opened SG's 3000 save I wondered if we had really settled the issue of game goal. I admit two 3-special spots were nice, but they are sharing two of the specials so one can only grow at the expense of the other, and furthermore all of the specials are Fish-type. Not a lot of good trade from them, unless you get lucky with Gold. A better plan would have been to use the Whale to start a city in the river system that had as much rivered grass as possible, and work toward early Bridges.
The other issue I wondered about was switching Persep to Temple and then Colossus. What we need before 2000BC is more cities, not an early start on a wonder. Getting to Monarchy is more important than getting HG, and being the early leader there will pretty much guarantee we can get it when we need it, which is usually after the first half-dozen cities. With only one city building Settlers our early growth will be halved.
The one good thing going was the discovery and preservation of the Zulus. A little black-clicking indicates they don't have much room beyond Zimbabwe, maybe enough for 1 or 2 more cities. They do seem to have a band of Whales along the coast, and if they have not moved northward yet we might be able to grab the spot at (69,27) which has 3 Whales (two hidden under grass). To get there we'll have to sacrifice planting the next city in the river system and move our first new Settler southward.
And so we begin...
3000bc: 7g,19b,12t@3b(36b total)
"Captain, wipe those fish scales off your tunic and man your chariots! Your unit is being sent south to screen the new Settler unit from Pasarg."
"Any chance of action, sir? My boys are itching to run over somebody..."
"Here are your orders. Some screwball rock-chipper has decided the greenies are NOT to be run over this season. Escort, screen, and scout are the priorities. But if they are found north of the thirties, I think you might find some license to invoke "decision on the scene" and clean the place up a bit... Oh, by the way, if the Horse unit makes it back he'll come under your command."
"Saddle up - let's get this circus rolling!" 2950bc: 9g,22b 2900bc: 11g,25b 2850bc: 13g,28b
"Western scout report, sir - lots of grass, no occupants."
"Right, sound the recall. We may need them back here for crowd control or backup if things heat up down south." 2800bc: 15g,31b
"Awful lot of woods around here, Captain. Any sign of greenies?"
"None so far, and I see grass ahead. Next couple of days should tell."
...RB 1r Pasarg 6sh/13g 2750bc: 4g,34b
---CODE LAWS; start Monarchy (Cur/Hor/Map/Wri) 2700bc: 6g,0b,15t@3b/45b
"Corporal, take word back to the settlers - coast is clear, their "sweet" patch of grass is empty, no sign of greenies." 2650bc: 8g,3b
"Oh great ruler Xerxes, thy food bins are overflowing, and the people wish to celebrate thy bounty!" 2600bc: 10g,8b
(Nine months later, Persep grows to size 3...) 2550bc: 12g,13b
"Well, Chief, our field fortifications are complete. You may commence building."
---SUSA founded at (69,27)
...PRB 2r Pasarg 5sh/11g Special News Report:
Thucydides MOST ADVANCED: #3=Zulu, #6=Persia
(Dan Rather blames our lack of technical advancement on Xerxes' Yale frat parties...) 2500bc: 4g,19b
(our Power Rating has dropped to MIGHTY, but Zulus should be worse...)
"Major, a visit to our neighbors would be in order - but make sure they know who's the boss!"
"Oh Uncooperative Zulu warrior, I see only four spears on your wall. We have five on ours, and at least that many war units to back them up. But in a spirit of neighborliness, we offer you this peaceful technology of Code of Laws to show our benevolent intentions."
"Our strong nation gratefully accepts your gift, which impresses us enough to neutralize our unfavorable attitude toward you."
"The mighty Xerxes does not give valuable gifts without expecting something in return..."
"Well then, we might be able to spare 50 gold pieces from our treasury, but realize that this may make us uncooperative in the future."
"I am certain that we are just beginning to build a long lasting relationship."
(2xBarb Archers+Leader appear on extreme south of island) 2450bc: 57g,25b SUPREME!
"Major, a wise first investment of this gold would be speeding up the preparations for the Susa Home Defense Phalanx."
...PRB 1r SUSA 6sh/13g 2400bc: 47g,31b 2350bc: 50g,37b
"Recon report back, Major. A greenie with a plow was sighted to the south."
"Wonder what he's up to?"
"Might be wise to hurry the completion of the 1st Susa Guards."
...PRB 2r SUSA 13g
POP>100K: Pasarg size 2 again. 2300bc: 40g,44b
"Guards, atten-shun! Present-arms!"
"Welcome back, Horse-Captain. I see your men are in need of some R&R. Your unit will be garrisoned in Susa while you recuperate. Our chariots are getting rusty - I think we'll take a look at what the greenies are doing, then see if we might tempt a Barb or two to drop in for a little entertainment."
"Scouts report, Sir, the greenies are building a road!"
"Will wonders never cease. If we let him, he may do our work for us..."
---MONARCHY; start Pottery (Cur/Map/Mas/Mys/War/Wri)
"Oh great Xerxes, your people esteem your wise guidance and elect you Shah of the Persians!" 2250bc: 41g,0b,8t@8b/60b
"My first decree is to send a troop of fishermen up that black hill to buy us more progress toward this supposed statue we are building - which looks an awful lot like a terrarium..."
"Captain, scouts report an armed unit has joined the road workers to the south of Susa."
"Keep an eye on them, Corporal! And pass the word to the Chariot-Major that we may need his reinforcement. I hope he's not planning some glory ride down south." 2200bc: 43g,7b
"Sir, an Archer unit is flanking the other group on the city's outskirts."
"Right, let's go out and have a talk with them - have the Major and Captain stand to just in case."
"Greetings, Warrior. Our mighty King Xerxes is wondering at the intentions of your units that are marching around on land within the borders of our fair and peaceful city."
"Ah yes, we do recognize your lawful rights, but we also wish to protect the rights we have as those who have done the work to improve this land, and some of it falls within the border of our fine capital as well."
"Even so, my master commands me to formally request your withdrawal."
"Very well, it shall be as you desire, but realize that my Empress is not pleased."
...PRB 1r SUSA 5sh/11g
2nd Settler done in Pasarg 2150bc: 34g,13b,10t@6b
"By Imperial Decree, Shah Xerxes orders that the Second Settler Detatchment is to establish a winter capital where the river meets the northern ocean. Our western scouts shall accompany them to provide local defense and a light striking force should any further barbarians attempt to infest our fair lands."
"Scouts reports, Sir - just beyond Susa's city markers the greenies seem to be massing several groups of men."
"THose Horse Guards have been spending too much time visiting the local womenfolk. Get them out there and keep an eye on things. But don't let them provoke anything."
"What about the Major's chariots, Sir? Should we sound recall?"
"No - Shah Xerxes sent an order 'Climb Mount Niitaka'. Seems they've fortified a camp up there. Those southern Barbs have been wandering this way, and that's the best spot to fend them off and possibly pick off their leader. Besides, they are still in two day support distance of us if we need them."
...PRB 2r SUSA 6sh/13g 2100bc: 20g,19b
"Sir, the VD rate in Susa has dropped significantly since the Horse Guards departed, but the hospital reports an overflowing maternity ward..." 2050bc: 22g,7b
...SUSA grows to size 2, working the Zulu roaded shielded grass
Originally posted by Elephant
might we build up Susa and give it to the Zulus to be a STC pair with one of our first two?
Probably a good thing I'm not playing!
"I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"
"Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)
The game moves on; we are now a Monarchy.... Who wants to be next??
I like your 3rd city choice and the coming 4th looks good, too.
While awaiting your log here a few points...
--I think you meant 3-special site rather than 3-Whale, right??
--Give the AI a perfectly good city, one that you suggest might be an SSC possibility?? I'm tempted to say, "Are you nutz?", but that might seem unwelcoming to some. So maybe you could describe how this would be a benifit, and also, how it would be done. I know about giving knowledge, cash, or a unit; but, how does one give the AI a city?? This tack never has occurred to me before.
--What's with the need to kill something?? Now that Arbela is down, further expansion of Zululand can be controlled, and especially the Capital should be cultivated as a trade objective. A road connection trade route is worth almost double in on-going arrows compared to a similar offshore trading partner. More on-going arrows is a good thing.
Because everyone can have different settings for posts per page, it doesn't make sense to try and repost the Ruleset at the top of each page. Check post #1 before playing and reading previous logs and commentary is also helpful. It's a Succession Game so differing choices are to be expected and as long as the utimate goal is kept in mind, we can all learn from the exercise. Just be prepared to defend against whatever RCC may ensue.
Originally posted by Ecthy
I spent about 13 hours playing the turnset and writing the comment. Even if it didn't comply with your rules, you could have shown a little more appreciation. Talk about closed circles
Club thread!
Yes, and a good log it was, but it was unfortunately in an unworkable save format.
As for your feeling unappreciated, how can there be a greater show of appreciation than take the time and give the effort to respond with questions and suggestions about the points in your log??
As for your closed circles comment and the 'club thread' remark, the truth of that is on you. You have been repeated invited to play, your name is added to the first post list of Players, and the "Club", if there is one, has only one requirement, that one must choose themselves to be chosen. And that is all up to you.