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  • #31
    ... Ah, RJM, the key word there is 'virtually' - I trust that you my colleagues will find rectifying my many misteps well within your capabilities - after all, I didn't actually take out the Zulus, but if they had not had Bronze ...

    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


    • #32
      I haven't looked at your save yet - winzip is a couple of feet out of reach and I'm feeling lazy. But I loved the comentary

      Fill me with the old familiar juice


      • #33
        ... and for anyone without HutFinder - the hidden specials mentioned in my log are:

        to the SSE of Pasargadae at [65,17] and
        to the N of the lake at [70,24]

        original hut location at [69,9]

        Enjoy, Stu
        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • #34
          My Retirement ...

          Thanks all for the congratulations - retirement becomes official at the end of July - but I have given my last lecture, just got my last set of exam scripts to mark and then that is it!

          Below, my retirement plan - just finalising the purchase - she will be reflagged British and renamed 'Petrina' (she who must be obeyed):
          Attached Files
          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


          • #35
            SG, what were you teaching?


            • #36
              My as well to you, SG - looks like a good "retirement plan"... just one question - does it have broadband?

              Having lost the dubious honor of starting this mess off I "call the ball" for the second round. I hope to post my mis-steps Sunday evening, but recognize that should writer's block (or embarrassment) cause delay I have until 10am EDT Monday. I am a somewhat more analytical player than SG, but I promise to forgo my OCC inclinations for the moment.

              I may also be one of the primary suspects in the castigation of SG: "...some dreary cant about potential trading partners or some such...". Although only Monk has the power to set the rules for this one, I strongly recommend we keep at least one Zulu city on our island. If we are serious about this mysterious "EL" goal the potential SSC trade routes will be significantly enhanced if we can get a road/rail "key route" set up with an AI city on our own island.

              SG - just one would be fine...


              • #37
                Ecthy - for my sins, I'm a Computer Scientist, specialising in large scale Information Systems and latterly in 'Self-Adaptive Autonomous Systems' whatever they may be ?

                Ele - just one! - my Pleasure! and no. sadly, sea going broadband costs an arm and a leg - even more than the berthing fees in Mallorca - ouch!

                Last edited by Scouse Gits; May 6, 2006, 16:25.
                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                • #38
                  What a nice looking boat!! And Mallorca is a jewel of a place. No RCC possible. Fair winds, my friend.

                  so long and thanks for all the fish


                  • #39
                    A big HINT

                    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
                    ... and for anyone without HutFinder - the hidden specials mentioned in my log are:

                    to the SSE of Pasargadae at [65,17] and
                    to the N of the lake at [70,24]

                    original hut location at [69,9]

                    Enjoy, Stu
                    There is another hidden at [68,30] making for a three special sweet spot at [69,27]. Founding there [ASAP, as in next] will have the added benifit of controlling Zulu incurrsions into "our island".

                    In my game, I got an AT from the "chariot" hut which I quickly burned down and stepped over one tile to found. Just watch the Zulu attitude and give them something if they get Icey.

                    As for all the patter about "must Exterminate" the Zulufolk, let me suggest that you sit firmly on your inner Dalek and let them thrive--as much as they can in their end of the island. Build and garrison a Fort --eventually-- and even if they get frisky, they'll exhaust their anger causing you no harm.

                    This is about the potential for huge [relatively] ongoing trade arrows from routes with a roaded/rr AI. Yes, the initial cash bonus won't be as large but the effect on your per turn Science-for the rest of the game- will make it worth your while. They are worth much more alive!!

                    But, I'll add no new rules, even though Ele is right...imho. Play the game. Just be aware that a choice can be .... {Remember Lord Jim}

                    so long and thanks for all the fish


                    • #40
                      A Possible Bloody Monk Fallacy

                      Originally posted by Scouse Gits
                      Bloody Monk's EL Succession - wish I knew what EL stands for

                      Seem to remember some EL cant about making the first city a feeder and the second the SSC, but RARs like to have BIG capitals - so that's one rule that we will disregard from move one.
                      I've lost so much memory that I'm not very sure of the following, but, I don't believe this idea is cant in that I'm not sure anyone else followed this path.

                      The reason I like to have the SSC down list from the first city is to capture the beakers that otherwise would be lost when it is the SSC that yields the next advance. Say you only need 47 beakers for the next advance and all your other cities, except the SSC, yield 45 beakers. In this case, most all the SSC beakers are wasted. If the SSC is down list, you will start the next advance with a big chunk of beakers. This is real important near the end of the game when it can mean a second advance, or even a third.

                      Also, there is no reason not to build up a large second city, usually the Palace city for me, if the map provides a good [as in many arrows] location.

                      Playing for an earlier landing means squeezing for every beaker you can every turn. I offer these suggestions for those who may want to get a deeper understanding of the EL Game. [Kind of like the old "Come Laugh at a Git" thread]. Anyway, hope this is useful.

                      so long and thanks for all the fish


                      • #41
                        I love the concept of an "inner Dalek"

                        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                        • #42
                          I had a look at the save and I was all at sea! I kept trying to find things I've grown used to in Civ IV - why wouldn't it show me the food, hammers and commerce when I put the mouse on the tile; why had the research display disapeared from the top of the screen? Even moving from one city screen to another took an effort of memory. Even worse, I no longer worship at the altar of Oedo and I'm not sure where my hymsheet is.

                          I think I need to play a game or two before it's my turn to pick up the batton.

                          (Nice boat BTW, Stu. My gift to myself when I retired was to join the local golf club - not quite in the same league.)

                          Fill me with the old familiar juice


                          • #43
                            This didn't happen

                            Last edited by Scouse Gits; May 8, 2006, 04:42.
                            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                            • #44

                              Please be so kind as to delete your post.

                              I am sorry to suggest such an extreme measure, but what else will suffice??

                              Your save is out of bounds for three reasons, all of which indicate a failure to read the ruleset in the first post of this thread, and the initial save post #23.

                              1- It is really bad manners to bigfoot someone else. Elephant called the game already. Perhaps you just don't read what has come before in threads. While this may be acceptable in OT, it really screws things up in a cooperative game setting.

                              2- This game stipulates v2.42. Your save is MGE. Those who only have the Classic Game can not even open your save. And nobody can play with v2.42 after you. Note: also in post #1.

                              3- Not to be redundant...A Spotless reputation is a requirement, as noted in post #1.

                              All that said, if you delete your post, read the rest of the thread, and have Classic Civ2 v2.42, you are welcome to participate later on. Interesting turnset btw. Personally, I would have put the third city on the coast...if I was not going to build a city near the Zulufolk.

                              Something to think about...
                              Question: Before you attacked the Zulufolk, what was their attitude. Since we are Supreme, they probably will not sneak attack if their attitude is above Uncooperative. But, the only way to control them and remain Spotless has already been suggested. Build a city, build a fort and put two defenders in garrison. Also, why not move the Chariot one tile forward on the diagonal from Zim?? That way one troop can block the way.

                              Elephant has the game. Everyone else are encouraged to discuss.

                              so long and thanks for all the fish


                              • #45
                                This is 2.78 (FW) not MGE.

                                As far as your other points are concerned, you're entitled to ignore the post if you feel it is not appropriate.

