Assyria: The army performed well again, defeating a Ram and a BInf (barely saving Tikrit IMO). Still, one barb ram can attack a walled city next turn at 2/3 strength, with some chance to succeed. IIRC 3280 is an oedo year, so the Assyrians revolted this turn.
Egypt: Last turn we saw 10 barb units in the desert, but this turn we saw 14. Our armies defeated 2 Rams and 2 Binf. Some Egyptians were heavily wounded, but all units survived. We also revolted this year.
Egypt: Last turn we saw 10 barb units in the desert, but this turn we saw 14. Our armies defeated 2 Rams and 2 Binf. Some Egyptians were heavily wounded, but all units survived. We also revolted this year.