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The Civ2 Revival Game

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  • #61
    Short notes now, longer log later:

    Started with 12 cities, now with 16;

    One Civ was finished, another replaced it;

    Set up a boat chain to the preferred target;

    Went from 7 crux to 13; 3 dips to 12 (want to search the environment & destroy walls)

    Up dated maps

    Still need to demand tribute for turn 400 AD
    Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


    • #62
      Status as of 200 AD: 3(1) Sett/22 inf/11 mounted/6 boats/3 dips/2 camels

      1 temple, 1 library, 5 wonders (out of 6 built)
      We’re mighty (2nd best)/honorable

      Romans (5) -- 12C/26T/Mon;$332
      Japanese (1) -- 1C/16T/Des; U/W
      Vikings (3) -- 4C/23T/Rep; N/P
      Egyptians (0) -- 3C/11T/Mon; E/P (only see 2)
      Chinese (6) -- 9C/16T/Mon; E/P (only see 6)
      Greeks (4) -- 5C/20T/Mon; E/P
      Indians (2) -- 4C/21T/Mon; E/P

      At issue -- have 6 boats, but only a couple are active -- need a boat chain to destination (but where? why not Chinese -- largest opponent, central to other targets -- as well as markets for camels.) Also need more dips for searching out/popping huts, bringing down walls and buying cheap targets. Tickle Madrid’s activity to get a settle for roads.

      220 -- visit all but Egyptians -- spear count noted in above status chart. Update Egyptian & Chinese maps, get 25 coins in tribute from India, nada from Vikes and Greeks.

      240, 260, buy more dips, move boats

      280 Found Lugdunum from a well placed hut.

      300 Get 25 coins from India and 175 coins from Vikings, nada from Greeks.

      320 found Lutetia on the rivered tree near Eygptians (with None Archer as guard.) After moving a crux up a mountain slope (oops -- next to a Japanese Cat) we decide to go ahead and take Kyoto (+59 coins) complete with Barracks (kept for now).

      Babylonians are the new civ with 2 settlers and a phalanx, showing up on the Wheat (17,9)1 north of Bejing (they have 22 techs (?!) and now with a couple more to generate map trading.)

      340 Dye (Cumae) to Bejing nets 184 coins and beakers -- maybe we should do a little more trading before we swamp the targets.

      360 Discover Banking, opt for Invention over Astro, Feud, Med & University.

      380 found Byzantum (from a hut); Legion pops a hut & we almost lose the nearby camel as 8 horse (now 4) slay the offender. Egypt steals banking and we do nothing about it

      400 Hut yields a supported legion.

      Game saved with 13 crux, 12 dips (added in an explorer not so much for searching as for movement/irritation in enemy territory), 16 cities and a reasonable boat chain to China.
      Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


      • #63
        sounds great OnS

        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • #64
          Old n Slow,

          Your name is misleading, you were not slow and you played an excellent turnset! The Chinese should be on the ropes soon and the rest of the world soon after. The walled river cities of the Chinese looked a bit too daunting for me to attack in the last turnset, so I was trying to get a good setup to increase production to hit the Chinese after some of the other Civs had fallen and started unit production. You took an entirely different route to increase production, one that I think will pay better dividends here shortly. That ship chain should be very active in the next turnset!

          With good luck, the city walls of Beijing will fall in the next turnset and the city soon after. Then all those dips could be put to good use buying cities like Shanghai that are walled and rivered (and likely to be extremely productive).

          Good Work!

          Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons.

          StuporMan's Supply and Demand Calculator
          Supply and Demand Calculator 2.0.1 Beta Now loading savegames!


          • #65
            Well, I better get in a turnset before my copy of Civ IV arrives later this week.

            Thanks to the excellent turnsets preceding mine, I was well set up to start conquering the Chinese cities. While doing this, I decided to also start preparations for assaults later on the remianing AI. This has disrupted the ship chain a bit, but it has served it purpose already and access to the Chinese part of the map was no longer necessary after many of their cities were captured.

            During my turnset, I also took 2 of the Egyptian cities on my home island, and will wait for the barbs to soften up the remaining one before going after it, too. I'm trying to establish a road across my island to its west coast in time to be of use against the AI located over that way.

            I've also built more caravans to generate more income to use to bribe over the remaining walled AI cities. Also, after a few tech trades with the AI, a few of them have started researching Invention, which I was doing. I decided to turn off my own research and let one of them discover it instead (no one has yet). The extra income is nice with taxes at 70% and I don't want Invention myself before it spoils caravan payoffs.

            Here is the log for my 10 turns:

            400 50g tribute from Vikings, Greeks and Indians

            420 Heliopolis revolts costing me 294 gold, setting up a city closer to the line of ships. Peace with Egypt right after. Vikings - 25g. Greeks - 50g.

            440 We are 1,000,000 citizens strong. Hut - legion. I give some techs to various AI and get 25g tribute from the Greeks.

            460 Diplomats sabotage the temple, marketplace and finally the intended target, city walls in Beijing. Beijing and the Pyramids taken. Shangai also revolts costing 432g. Hut - legion. Brundisium founded. Vikings - 50g. Greeks - 25g. Two Chinese cities into our column.

            480 Indians 25g. Nanking revolts for 216g, half price, since its residents were restless! We are now Supreme.

            500 Memphis taken, one more Egyptian city on the home turf to go. 50g from the Vikings & Greeks.

            520 Greeks capture Bombay. Good, let those two weaken each other before our arival. Indians - 50g.

            540 Beads(d) to Paris, 256g. Now that Paris has served it purpose a revolt there is incited for 260g. Another walled Chinese city in our bag.

            560 Vikings - 50g.

            580 Greeks expel my diplomat. Oh well, he shall return. Peace made with the Chinese, so I can move into position to take their new capital, Xinjian.

            600 Xinjian is ready now to be captured, which should be easy. A diplomat is in range to take Canton this turn, too, and there should be enough gold in the till to accomplish this, too. I'll let the next player have the pleasure of converting these two cities to our side.

            Meanwhile some caravans are now ready and on their way to demanding targets to earn more gold for our diplomats. There are not too many more walled AI cities left to be dealt with.
            Attached Files


            • #66
              As always - a splendid turnset, solo.

              Now who is up???????
              Five downloads, but no obvious taker

              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


              • #67
                /me is getting crushed at work but hopes to jump in after 2-3 others have played.
                "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                • #68
                  Here are the next set of moves. Rather aimless I'm afraid. After capturing the Chinese cities that had been laid out on a plate for me, I got rather lost. Not helped by the fact that I don't like to destroy cities so I wait around for them to reach size 3 before I attack.

                  Anyway, there are some vans in Rome which I planned to use for Leos. There is a dip in the Viking homeland to bribe a city there (and plenty of money to bribe with - sorry Stu). Ships are available for transport in that direction, but not a fully fledged ship chain.

                  Good luck to whoever goes next.

                  RJM at Sleeper's

                  AD 600 Review the situation, changing things to suit my style. Get 50 from Vikings
                  AD 620 Babs discover invention but they wont swap. Wine Ravena->Bangalore (d) 220 Capture Xinjian. Bribe Hanchow for 330. Bribe canton for 495. Pop hut for 25
                  AD 640 ask greeks for tribute, get war. Bribe Pharsolos for 184. Ask egyptians for tribute get war.
                  AD 660 silver Cumae->Hispalis (d) 70 silk Viroconium->Kaupang (u) 76
                  AD 680 Bribe bangalore for 348. Vikings build great library
                  AD 700 oo bla di oo bl di
                  AD 720 capture Tientsin. bribe Chengdu for 110
                  AD 740 lose antium to barbarians (I expected them to ask for money ) invention->astronomy
                  AD 760 wool rome->Kyoto (d) 80 gold Veii=>Trondheim (u) 76 Vikings give us 50
                  AD 780 Vikings give us 25
                  AD 800 bribe back Antium for 52. Vikings give us 25
                  Attached Files
                  Fill me with the old familiar juice


                  • #69
                    So the story so far is ...

                    -3000 STYOM
                    -2000 RJM
                    -1000 solo
                    - 500 Elephant
                    - 1 SG
                    - 200 StuporMan
                    - 400 OldnSlow
                    - 600 solo
                    - 800 RJM

                    with STYOM buried - you fancy another crack Ele?
                    of course any taker is welcome ...

                    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                    • #70
                      Just downloaded, will take a look at it tomorrow. Am on vacation out of state, but might be doable. If I don't post by Friday someone else jump in...


                      • #71
                        OK, first a SitRep:

                        - Babylon: 1 city, far north, need ships from Beijing
                        - Vikings: 4 cities, surrounded (but still alive?); researching Gunpowder!
                        - Egypt: 1 pet city on our island (no TRs?)
                        - Chinese: 2 cities, rest taken (heavy garrisons? Aquaduct?)
                        - Greeks: 7 cities, researching Feud!
                        - Indians: 2 cities, only Bangalore close

                        Wonders: only Vikes have GL
                        only 4 Dips? where? (Memphis,Thebes,Uppsala,Shanghai)
                        ships: 4 in China lake, 4 near home island

                        Main Target: Greeks, plus Vikings if possible
                        Re-establish caravan ship chain? got Invent, doubled payoffs cancelled
                        Tribute? only Vikes, treasury too low
                        Why is Bangalore building Walls? switch to Barracks
                        Copper+Wool in Vikland undemanded?

                        Change some production, RushBuy some rows, sell Aquaduct, Harbor, Market
                        new Dips in Lut,Hel,Mem,Rav,Xin,Can
                        820ad: 286g,~250b/756b,Supreme/Atrocious
                        ...The Assault on Thebes: Dips kill Barracks, Temple, Walls!
                        ...2 non-vet Crucs die reducing 3 Phalanx, THEBES TAKEN (21g)
                        EGYPT DESTROYED (Vikes get Bank,Mas,MT from GL)
                        ...Ravenna Wool to Trond(8/u): 70g/b,+2TR
                        ...Neapolis Copper to Trond(8/u): 40g/b,+2TR
                        (not paying well - discontinue all undemanded caravans except Rome)
                        ...lost 1 non-vet Cruc taking TATUNG (razed)
                        sell Walls in Shanghai, Market in Canton
                        Babs develop Astronomy (fast for a recent start!)
                        Dip in Cumae,Veii
                        840ad: 526g,~350b/756t
                        (hmmm: no restart of Yellow!)
                        ...Explorer heads north from Paris to find huts
                        ...another Phalanx north of Pharsalos - city up there?
                        ...Crucs and Dips surround Tsingtao
                        Barb spawn south of Tientsin kills two Crucs heading toward India (forget that thrust!)
                        Dip in Phars, Beads Viroc, Coal Rome (d Trond)
                        860ad: 438g,~350b/756t
                        ...bribe TSINGTAO 275g(-50g), has Phalanx, Archer, Walls
                        CHINESE DESTROYED!
                        ...found Knossos north of Pharsalos
                        ...bribe Greek Phalanx in fort 75g
                        ...Hut(20,18): NOMADS
                        880ad: 174g,~350b,756t
                        (...and no Cyan restart either!)
                        ...bribe KNOSSOS 164g(-17g) with Legion, Phalanx
                        Greeks offer CF(ok),demand tribute 37g
                        900ad: 179g,350b/756t
                        ...Bangalore Legion blasts Indian Cat
                        920ad: 212g,~350b/756t
                        ...Hut(14,16): NOMADS! (2 on same island? # cities rule?)
                        ...Hut(53,1): Legion(sup)
                        ...Vikes: tribute 50g, grumpy
                        Dips in Phars,Nan,Veii
                        940ad: 271g,~350b/756t
                        ...Hut(25,9): 50g
                        ...found and razed empty CALCUTTA 9g
                        India offers CF, accept for 25g tribute
                        Dip Knos,Lut,Mem,disorder Memphis,Settler Canton
                        960ad: 353g,~350b/756t
               Syracuse with 1st Nomad
                        ...Hut(57,9): HORDE(7xHorse,1xLegion)=Explorer dead
                        SNEAK ATTACK BY VIKINGS! Warrior(?) killed Cruc and Dip on hill? (perhaps something underneath?)
                        Dip in Rav,Xin
                        980ad: 378g,~350b/756t
                        (Vikes left my Beads and Coal caravans alone!)
                        ...Viro Beads to Uppsala(Dye/Hide/Bead): 88g/b,+2TR
                        ...UPPSALA revolt 354g(5g back) has Phal+ship+Hor
                        ...Uncoop Greeks(5Sp): tribute?WAR
                        ...First Battle of Delphi: Dip sabotages Delphi Walls, my Vet Cruc and his Archer die, rest time
                        Viking emissary (4Sp): CF? sure (for now - till Coal delivered!)
                        another Food caravan in Rome
                        1000ad: 239g,~450b/756t
                        ...bribe reduced DELPHI 103g(17g back) includes Settler
                        ...bribe Barb Archer 61g north of Paris

                        So Chinese and Egypt are history with no respawns, the assault on Greece continues with two more cities taken in the north, a caravan from Rome is next to Trondheim for delivery during the tenuous ceasefire while a ship chain is bringing Crucs and Dips from the home island, another pair of ships is bringing Crucs and Dips to the Greek eastern flank and another pair is ferrying same to Babylonia. Sounds like the beginning of a strategy?

                        And the save (still Classic/2.42):
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Elephant; October 28, 2005, 21:31.


                        • #72
                          Sounds good - hope to grab it tomorrow

                          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                          • #73
                            I have the game...

                            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                            • #74
                              Lot of RL - not much Civ progress - will post tomorrow regardless of state of turnset...

                              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                              • #75
                                Hangs head in shame ...

                                Must spend a century or two at The Institute learning to prioritise Civ over random Research Students.

                                Sorry guys no discernable progress - will someone please pick up the game

                                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit

