Dirty Bunny
the year is 3050 BC and we seem to be crawling in the mud. We have 2 cities, 14 GP, and techs are taking 9 turns. On the flip side, Demographics lists us as 1st in everything (despite no Top 5 cities).
3050 -- ENTER
3000 -- Discover Code of Laws
-- Nothing on the path. Techs offered are: Bronze, Make Maps, Masonry, Pottery, War Code, and Writing.
-- Since we can't work toward WoWs, we take Writing (for Dirty Dips and 3rd-row RB) as our off-tech. Lets us use unsupported dips for exploration and treaty-breaking.
--Rush warrior in Slimeball to prevent disorder.
2950 -- Slimeball builds Warrior, starts Settler. Hut spotted.
2900 -- Hut = Advanced Tribe! Renamed as Dust Bunny. Legion re-homes there.
--Warrior uncovers Buff-Wine-Silk-Coal spot. Not much food, but 2 much-need trade specials... Two cities here would be nice...
2850 -- Hut = chariot.
2800 -- Mudville builds Settler, heads for eastern trade specials.
2550 -- Barb archer/king duo appears near trade specials.
2450 -- Discover Writing. Start on Ceremonial Burial.
2300 -- Slimeball builds Settler.
--Tacitus epic history notes we are 2nd largest civ. Dirty Bunny's reaction: "Great!"
2100 -- Barb kills our valiant warrior.
-- Dust Bunny builds settler.
-- Eastern hut nets us a horsie (attached )
2050 -- Hut = horse.
The Dirty Bunny retires. We've added one city, but have 3 settlers on the hoof. One is headed toward the Whale at the west end of our land. another is headed for the two fish north of (the pathetically placed) Slimeballl), and the third is sitting on the Wine to the east (having finished a frustratingly long game of dodge-the-barb). This last one should probably irrigate before founding.
--With a size-8 limit, don't be afraid to overlap cities.
--Given our pathetic research rate, the next ruler may want to delay hut-popping until we've selected Monarchy (which should be very soon). In other words, do as I say, not as I do!
Sadly, our western frontier ends quickly. Looks like the open land is to the east, and the hut-horse popped on the eastern frontier was still attached, so there should be room to expand out there. We now have a sufficiency of city sites and still haven't met any AI civs, so spit out them Settlers...
the year is 3050 BC and we seem to be crawling in the mud. We have 2 cities, 14 GP, and techs are taking 9 turns. On the flip side, Demographics lists us as 1st in everything (despite no Top 5 cities).
3050 -- ENTER
3000 -- Discover Code of Laws
-- Nothing on the path. Techs offered are: Bronze, Make Maps, Masonry, Pottery, War Code, and Writing.
-- Since we can't work toward WoWs, we take Writing (for Dirty Dips and 3rd-row RB) as our off-tech. Lets us use unsupported dips for exploration and treaty-breaking.
--Rush warrior in Slimeball to prevent disorder.
2950 -- Slimeball builds Warrior, starts Settler. Hut spotted.
2900 -- Hut = Advanced Tribe! Renamed as Dust Bunny. Legion re-homes there.
--Warrior uncovers Buff-Wine-Silk-Coal spot. Not much food, but 2 much-need trade specials... Two cities here would be nice...
2850 -- Hut = chariot.
2800 -- Mudville builds Settler, heads for eastern trade specials.
2550 -- Barb archer/king duo appears near trade specials.
2450 -- Discover Writing. Start on Ceremonial Burial.
2300 -- Slimeball builds Settler.
--Tacitus epic history notes we are 2nd largest civ. Dirty Bunny's reaction: "Great!"
2100 -- Barb kills our valiant warrior.
-- Dust Bunny builds settler.
-- Eastern hut nets us a horsie (attached )
2050 -- Hut = horse.
The Dirty Bunny retires. We've added one city, but have 3 settlers on the hoof. One is headed toward the Whale at the west end of our land. another is headed for the two fish north of (the pathetically placed) Slimeballl), and the third is sitting on the Wine to the east (having finished a frustratingly long game of dodge-the-barb). This last one should probably irrigate before founding.
--With a size-8 limit, don't be afraid to overlap cities.
--Given our pathetic research rate, the next ruler may want to delay hut-popping until we've selected Monarchy (which should be very soon). In other words, do as I say, not as I do!
Sadly, our western frontier ends quickly. Looks like the open land is to the east, and the hut-horse popped on the eastern frontier was still attached, so there should be room to expand out there. We now have a sufficiency of city sites and still haven't met any AI civs, so spit out them Settlers...