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The (Second) MGE Sailing Succession game

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  • They aren't too far away!
    Someone could put them back, but there was a Zulu destroyer around, and I had nothing to protect them other than a few spies for sabotage. I panicked!


    • Originally posted by duke o' york ...The spies visit Naples. We get.... Conscription, Physics, Guerilla Warfare, Theory of Gravity, Electricity and Sanitation...
      Very nice tech rate -- was this a spy convention?
      Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


      • I dumped something like twelve spies into a single city - some were caught before, but quite a few made it to the library and two returned home to tell the tale, a lot better at their job than they were before. SPECTRE beware - the vet spies are after you!


        • Well you played, duke.

          Now, could you check your saves and send again. This one has zero bytes and, obviously, will not load. Thanks.

          so long and thanks for all the fish


          • I keep trying to post the .sav, but it always comes up as an html file.

            I've got it fine, here, and the properties are normal, but I can't seem to put it on 'poly. If anyone would like me to e-mail it to them, then please PM me your address and I'll send it across. You may have more luck than me in posting the file.

            Here goes nothing again....

            [edit]Hmmm.... try the zip above. This is making me ![/edit]
            Attached Files
            Last edited by duke o' york; January 26, 2004, 12:17.


            • Something to consider for next time...

              You only got 139g for the Dye delivery to Circe. If you had maxed the arrows in both cities you could have gotten 170g.

              I really think you missed the point of being in Democracy and building white goods to WLt_D. If you don't rush build after the first turn you are wasting time because the city could be growing sooner. There is no particular virtue to cash on hand.

              Thanks for resending the save; this one works.

              so long and thanks for all the fish


              • I'm running out of robust responses to the RCC here.

                Next time I'll have to be more pro-active (horrible word ), and actually play well. I appreciate the difficulty of having to adapt to the situation, but I just took too long to do it, and my turns were nearing their end by the time I got to do anything good. The only fighting I did was with the barbs outside Archimedes.


                • I find it helps to set a 'mini-goal' such as 'get this WoW', 'capture that city' or 'acquire such a tech' - this serves to focus your thought processes during the vanishingly small window of opportunity that your turnset represents - it is all too easy to pursue everything and catch nothing

                  "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                  "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                  • Play list:

                    1. Oldnslow
                    2. Ben Kenobi
                    3. STYOM
                    4. SG[1]
                    5. Jrabbit
                    6. La Fayette
                    7. duke o' york
                    8. Straybow

                    Is this correct?????

                    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                    • Sort of. I think that Oldn Slow might be up next, as we haven't heard from Stray in ages.

                      Re: your earlier point. I set myself the target of as close to tech parity as I could get, but the arrival of about ten musketeers in the corner between Archimedes and Sparta (?), and the discovery of the Zulu attack force menat that I couldn't follow up my plan for celebrations after building the improvements. I have to admit that I didn't rush enough, but for some reason I always feel obliged to leave the next player a small reserve for any unforeseen costs - like the arrival of unwelcome visitors. I appreciate now that it is an advantage to actually download the game after every set of turns so that you can get a better idea of the general direction of play, and maybe even start thinking about some plans for my next turnset. It can all change so quickly though....


                      • I think that SG[1]'s list looks more correct than mine -- and since Sore Loser and Straybow have yet to play, why don't I go ahead step in for a few?
                        Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                        • Situation in 1862: We have a couple $K in funds, 5M in population, 18 cities & 48 techs. We only have embassies with half of the world -- and the Zulus know 8 techs that we don't; The Carts know 9 and the Chinese know 16!

                          ...But we have spies...

                          We switch the Col for a harbor in Cimmeria and make a couple of other tweaks & .

                          1863 (1) Become Commy. Notice that we failed to adjust for unhappy folk as a dozen cities are in an uproar (sloppy, sloppy). Establish an embassy with Spain -- 9 cities, 38 techs (not worth knowing -- only 4 techs that we don't know.) Get out & run around chinese RR for exercise -- maps the new fangled way.

                          1864 (2) (Chinese build JSB) We create 2 new spies. some more RB & 12 cities come back on line. RB a sewer in Troy (maybe a waste of funds, but it empties the build queue.) & Barracks in Sparta. (Barb Frigate seen sailing NE of Troy.)

                          1865 (3) Create 6 new spies. Steal Steam from Naples, but lose two spies there. Toggle to 7.2.1

                          1866 (4) Create 3 new spies. Steal Chiv & Econ from Naples & two non-vet spies become vets. (Interesting -- we had the option (up to now) of building Horsemen, Chivalry or Cavalry -- first time I've ever seen those options mixed together.) Chinese (5 rockets) want to talk, want tactics (no). Spend about half of our funds...

                          1867 (5) Create 14 new spies. Steal Leadership & IW from Naples (and get anothet vet spy out of it.

                          1868 (6) Become Fundy (also by paying attention this time, we don't miss out so much on city production.) Hut in the south yield a NONE Fanatic (how did they know?) Zulus (2 rifles) want to talk -- want 750 (no) war continues; Carts (4 rifles) want to talk, $750 (what is this a standard price? -- NO) and now we're at war with them, too (ho hum). Our vet spy chooses Steel from Mpondo (decided to walk a bit around their RR) and we also choose Explosives from Zimbabwe (but this spy was captured afterwards.) Spain (1 rifle) wants to talk, says nothing exciting, we demand tribute, but they respond with WAR (might as well be consistant.)

                          1869 (7) Anyang (Chinese) completes the Hoover Dam (is there any doubt as to where we should put our first military efforts?) Chinese discovers NF -- (that is about a tech per 5 turns or so.) We opt for Machine Tools over 7 other choices. Smack a Spanish Explorer near our lands. Steal Corp, Medicine & Feudalism from Naples, but lose 3 vet spies with the activities; all caught up with the Zulus.

                          Visit Cunaxa (Chinese) with a boatload (+) of spies: Steal MP, NF, Theo, AT, Fl, Comb, Auto, Elec2, GE; we lose four spies and in each case the Chinese condemn us, but otherwise (nothing). And oh yes, now the Chinese are Receptive/Peace (compared to Hostile/Peace back in 1861!)

                          1870 (8) Build 8 new engineers. Spy sabotages a Zulu Marine, and the Cav slays him. Found Mizzen in the East.

                          1871 (9) Do the Spy/Cav trick with another Spanish Marine (Chinese discover Radio.)

                          1872 (10) Steal Radio from Shanghai. -- Now we have 68 techs.

                          Notes -- There is a Barb Frigate next to Troy (and it has been there for about five turns.) Also there a couple of settlers aiming for a city on our western isle...
                          Attached Files
                          Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                          • OnS,

                            The tech harvest was nifty; only one left, Fundy from the Carthfolk. You note the sloppiness in changing gov'ts.... Wondering why you are making freights?? I would think it is now time to go to war, military style. Glad you stepped in and played.

                            so long and thanks for all the fish


                            • Good turns O n S. I think we needed them.

                              We were already at war with the Carthaginians if I recall correctly, so you didn't make anything worse there. What happened to the NON rifle to the north of the Chinese continent? Are the Zulus still a democracy? If we could only bribe one of their marines, or build one of our own, then a city on the rivered forest just past the isthmus would allow us to soak up all of their attacks, especially with city walls.


                              • Sounds good OnS
                                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit

