Originally posted by Bloody Monk
The log will be quite long...one might hope anyway.
The log will be quite long...one might hope anyway.
Here we are:
LF looks at the Empire and decides that the time has come to paint all warriors with shining war paintings:
1) Revolution (since no one would understand LF, happy owner of Communism and SoL, starting a war without the possibility to build vet spies).
2) Prepare the departure of a settler (in fact an engineer) towards Zululand, because Zulugate is really quite far from the green core cities.
3) Complete our long shipchain (war REQUIRES a war treasury).
We choose Communism ( ) with lux at 60 in order to induce most cities to celebrate.
GATEZUL founded (with the first 4 armours + 3 vet spies inside)
Our cruiser destroys a Carth cavalry along Zulu coast.
Many armours and vet spies sail towards Zulugate.
12 cities celebrate. Lux at 40.
Carth cruiser kills our musketeer in Cerberus' Gate.
Gold (d) from Athens to Galen = 316g
Wine (d) from Aristotl to Archimedes = 227g
(I must stress the special pleasure I have had to help Aristotl deliver wine to Archimedes, once in my life)
Our spy 'acquires' Fundy from Mongols.
LONG SHIPCHAIN (13 transports) COMPLETED (at long last ).
Our spies map Zululand = not a single offensive unit inside Zulu cities (hurrah!), but a number of Carth cav and marines (they are allied and the Carths look much more aggressive).
Gems (d) from Cyclops to Zulugate = 176g
Copper (d) from Charybdis to Argo = 180g
Oil (nd) from Athens to Sparta = 132g
Dye (d) from Archimedes to Polly Famous = 151g
Wine (d) from Scylla to Plato = 180g
(to be continued next post)