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The (Second) MGE Sailing Succession game

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  • Perhaps The Monk, who is a very clever lurker and a very kind hearted player, would agree to give you advice.

    Personally I love playing succession games precisely because the others almost never do what I would be doing and that makes for a very different game (though generally longer than when I play alone ).

    Further more, what would RCC mean if you just follow someone else's advice
    Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


    • What? Advice? In Sail? (searches but fails to find the smilie for rotflmao.)
      Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


      • Is this still an active game?? Who can remember anything when no turns are played??

        If I remember this map, and that is problematic, you should resign. The sky has fallen; there is no hope.

        Or you could just play and see what happens....

        This is the peanut gallery...

        so long and thanks for all the fish


        • duke,
          I give no advice, but...
          ... if you read my post (the one I sent at 23.33 on 07.01.2004), it should give you some guidelines.
          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


          • So I should build loads of cathedrals then!

            I shall play these turns this weekend, and return with my head held according to how I do. Are we at war with the Zulus? Be warned that I shall do as I see fit, and return to RCC that will undoubtedly be most fitting.

            Having played down my turns without even playing them (what is the opposite of advertising?), I shall set sail to lands afar and grow our empire by fair means or foul!


            • We all wait with bait on our breath.

              so long and thanks for all the fish


              • Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                • Some Thoughts
                  • Demo gets better science rate, but spies will be faster.
                  • Fundy will give ~ 60g more per turn.
                  • Explore!! Find those other civs. Make embassies.
                  • Colosseum makes three content-now; cathedrals, two-now. More later as Electronics, Theology.
                  • Even though it is late game, bigger cities are needed, I think. Round up, build that is, the usual suspects.
                  • Many cities need more than improvements (food, roads) to grow; but, don't make workers until after stealing Explosives. No Leo here.
                  • Settlers eat as much as engineers. After Explosives replace them quickly or band them together to make a new size two or three city.
                  • Scary idea: Even tho foreign trade is not allowed, a camel might be able to go on a walk about and uncover the map. This will not end well for the camel but several turns would yield good intelligence.

                  so long and thanks for all the fish


                  • Two more thoughts...

                    If you stay in Democracy and change build orders extensively, and crank Lux very high, then you can probably grow while you rush many many white goods.

                    At some point, stealing tech and maintaining a Democracy will conflict. How many times can you goad the AI into declaring war??

                    I think that many folk are happy it is not their turn. The Sivers are so far behind, there is so much to be done, and there is no clear cut path from here. So choose wisely. The fate of Sivilization rests in your hands. No pressure.

                    so long and thanks for all the fish


                    • Fear not - the RCC will be very R & C - whatever you do -- as Monk said, "No pressure.".

                      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                      • Erm, I'm afraid that all that advice was a little late, but thanks for it anyway. I'm sure the next player will be able to make use of it. Here's what happened:

                        1853 - Check out what the lie of the sea is at the moment, but cannot discern any kind of uniform plan, so will have to come up with one myself. Damn! Press Return.....

                        1854 - A Zulu destroyer lies off the north coast of Ptolemy, but I'm not sure what the intent is there. We're at war with them, so I'm guessing they aren't friendly. A Mongol caravan arrives in Ptolemy from Khanbalyk, swapping our oil for their dye. I feel cheated. Chinese develop flight. Barb musketeers approach Archimedes. For want of anything better to do, I deliver the caravan to Circe and get 139g. Great. Still, we're slightly nearer researching a tech for ourselves. One of my spies is captured before she can steal tech from the Chinese, but there is no incident.

                        1855 - Zulus turn to democracy. Bet they still want a fight though. Archiomedes survives barb attack, but even more turn up outside. Arch finishes a spy though - hopefully we can get some cheap units and expensive barb leaders. Another spy gets 100g from a hut to the East. The spy that Archimedes has just built cannot get past the undefended barb leader to bribe the musketeer behind him! How could I be so unlucky?

                        1856 - Most cities either have, or are in the process of building, courthouses, so I'm getting some colossea in to make celebration much cheaper, even though the turn cost is higher. I'm really going to have to start spending some cash at some point, because it's building up and I'm not doing much, other than the odd rushed unit.

                        1857 - Chinese develop steel. Musketeer and spy are killed by barbs outside Archimedes, which builds a colosseum. I'm probably going to need a barb-basher from here, now that it'll be able to support units outside the city without too many problems. I bribe a Spanish chariot on the isthmus towards the Zulus, and am moving a settler in that direction to found a city. I haven't chosen the city site yet, but it'll take a while to get there.

                        1858 - There is a Zulu force of at least two marines and one cavalry proceeding down towards the isthmus, and they can't be bribed. We're going to need troops to match them. The barbs by Archimedes are slowly being beaten down. Ptolemy builds courthouse, The Institute builds a colosseum, and goes WLTD! We discover Metallurgy, and start on Conscription. I use a transport to rescue the exploring spy from the Zulu units.

                        1859 - Zulus discover Explosives, and then overthrow their government. Let's get bribing some marines! Polyphemus builds colosseum, and starts on cavalry so we can make a push into Zululand. Loads of spies are converging on the Zulu area, and it makes sense to send some troops out too. Sparta builds colosseum and celebrates. Circe does the same. Chinese warships have appeared off the coast at Polyphemus. Damned game won't let me bribe the Zulus because it says they're still in democracy. Hmmm. I wiped out the barbs at Archimedes, but couldn't get any leaders.

                        1860 - Zulus get Sanitation from the Carts, who get explosives.The Zulus have 3 marines and a cavalry heading in our direction. Chinese warn us to leave the area of Cunaxa - they've become a democracy. Mongols discover Metallurgy, and to celebrate, capture Dijon. We have a few cities in disorder, but they're easy to put back, with the help of Mr Presley's Bread and Circuses Inc. Our first cavalryman is ready, and many more will join him in the ranks very soon.

                        1861 - Chinese discover Automobile, and put paid to the Carts' Leo's.
                        One of our spies steals Chemistry from Ibabanago. The others are in position for next turn (fingers crossed). And the spy gets vet status.

                        1862 - The spies visit Naples. We get.... Conscription, Physics, Guerilla Warfare, Theory of Gravity, Electricity and Sanitation, but only two are returned and made vet. Another spy takes Amphibious Warfare from the Carts. I'll draw the curtain on this reign now. We've got a hatload more techs than we had before, there are far fewer happiness problems if anyone wants to celebrate the cites, and I've explored the world a little better. More spies are coming through all the time, so if we need the extra techs to take on the Zulus, then why not steal them!

                        So we have lots of colossea for the next player to celebrate these cities up, quite a bit of cash and more techs. We're still in democracy, as I felt that all the extra cash would be nice, and we'll need to start buying shields to combat the Zulu threat from the north. There's quite a few units coming towards us (for the AI, at least), but they shouldn't be too difficult to squash, and we should be thinking about fighting back with some cavalry being built on the Polyphemus peninsula. There is a spy with a NON rifleman on the Chinese continent: we're not (yet) at war with them, and they're a democracy so there's no hope of bribing any units. I've left the next player to decide whether or not to steal tech from them, and when to do this. Enjoy!
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by duke o' york; January 26, 2004, 12:13.


                        • Some turns got played!?!?!?!

                          Excellent tech progress, duke. Odd to see so little trade, but I assume that was due to infrastructure builds. Is our shipchain still intact?
                          Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                          RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                          • *Duke pokes his head up above the RCC pikemen he has hired, and hopes that the cloud on the horizon is being made by horsemen, and not tanks*

                            Er, the ship chain was used to tranport some spies from the homelands, and then dispersed to aid the war effort, with two going east and two west. It may be worth reforming it if you think it would be easiest to get the troops to the Zulus in a hurry.
                            I delivered a few caravans, but the bonuses were so small that I gave up, and started producing spies just about everywhere, with courthouses and colossea fitting in too, so that celebration would be a future option. Now I think we need some troops to carry the fight to the Zulus, and show them not to send marines in our direction!
                            I didn't make diplomatic contact with anyone, but since we're both democracies, it shouldn't be too difficult to get a cease-fire with them should someone want to chicken out of war.


                            • What! Dismembered ship-chain! Dismember York!

                              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                              • BAD duke!

                                With a potful of gold on hand (per your log), it's hard to believe you killed the shipchain. They can be shifted, they can be drydocked, but once established, they should NEVER be dismantled (IMHO).

                                How can we dominate the world -- especially an archipelago -- without a transportation network????
                                Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                                RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms

