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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt4 - December 2009]

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  • Egypt,

    We are open to hearing more of your proposal but tell me, are you friends with the Romans? We have traded and have open borders with them but recent comments have us thinking...

    They have openly declared their hostility to nations who follow Hastog and I being one do not know how to take this. Are these views shared by many in your council? If so, we Ottomans wish no part of it.


    • Ottomans,

      we want to assure you, that we have no intentions of conquest. Your continent is beyond salvation and your souls are damned. We are not willing to spend Roman lives to save you from it, however.

      Senate Speaker Crassus
      Sic Vincit Gloria Mundi


      • Korean officials pondered all they had gathered information on.

        The Incan war was coming to an end. Good. It had never been a good idea to strike such a large enemy with such a small army.

        The Persians were being murdered in the fields but not in the citys. Not a good war ploy, more of a rape and pilalge , but that seemed to be their way.

        The Egyptians wanted an alliance of all on their continent and yet didnt write to us who have a presence on their continent.

        The english stopped trading with us and chose to deal with their other "friends" instead, this was not good for us. We have been cut off again. but no that would be foolish.

        The indians , the founder of the largest alliance in the world of India, Natives and Mali, are agaisnt alliances. We best send our negotiators to mali and natives to see if they will now ally with us as india doesnt want to ally with them.

        The South Korean settlement program was contninuing with the rounding up of all barbarians. Many local vilagers were freindly sharing much of the information they held on the layout of this large land. It was moslty barren to the southern edges of the land with much ice and moutnains.
        To the west seemed better land but that had been promised to the English long ago. Southern England would be a nice ripe land for the English to grow in. Space there to at least double there present size and grow a new economy to replenish thatlost during the incan war. Koreans wished they had all that land but they did fear the English and so drew line in sand to say they would not cross Westward. east was still largely unexplred but the natives to this land were aiding in exploration, showing the passes between the mountains and replenishin the naval ships with stores to continue their exploration.

        At home the reign of the Kim Yung Il family had come to an end . In their place a new position was crearted, Lord of the Greater Koreas. The new Lord was formally sworn in and begun his first duties by writing to all his neighbours.

        Dear Neighbours of Korea.
        The English to our West, the largest of our neighbours,
        The Incans to the North, our longest known,
        The Natives to our west, our most met neighbour.

        I the Lord of all of Korea do great you in peace and frienship, we wish to discuss matters of mutual protection. To put in place agreements that are binding to not cross each others borders with military, to help defend each other against other aggressive nations , but to not aid any in aggresive action.

        We wish to form an alliance of these southern nations to help forge strength and good will.

        Please come visit us as soo nas you can to discuss further deatils,


        • Persian colonists discover new world

          On a distance of 4 galleon turns the Persian Galleon "New Moscow" found new shores of what looked like a vast continent. The Persian caravel had already found several small islands, now are larger mass of land was found. A settler party, a fat hastogianistic doomionaris and a small army departed from the ship. Ready to discover the land and found the city of New Moscow.

          The first steps in the plan of Fed'Az had succeeded.
          Little did the captain of the "New Moscow" know about the situation back on old Persia. Little did he knew about the bad odds the Persian army was facing and the rebellious movement of Sha'Az.
          Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
          <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


          • Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View Post
            The indians , the founder of the largest alliance in the world of India, Natives and Mali, are agaisnt alliances. We best send our negotiators to mali and natives to see if they will now ally with us as india doesnt want to ally with them.
            I'm afraid you are mistaken. We have not founded any alliance, though we are sworn to protect our taoist friends when they are in need. But this is not a military alliance, not a mutual protection pact. This is our quest, to help those who are already following the right path and to spread the word to those who are not.


            • Ottomans, as of now, there is no alliance yet. We are still only discussing the possibilities of such an alliance. However, Rome has already declared it wishes to remain neutral and will therefore not be an active member of the alliance, although a valued ally nonetheless. If this alliance succeeds, I believe it would first and foremost be based upon defense and not conquest. It would be created only so we can protect our lands, each other and to secure trade. We invite you to think with us about the details of such an alliance, any suggestions can be sent through private couriers and will be included in the first draft of a continental treaty.I assure you, Egypt has nothing against any religion, as long as they have no qualms with us.

              Kind regards,
              Pharoah of Egypt

              OOC: Korea, I asked out of character (which is what the abbreviation OOC stands for in case you don't know) if I forgot anyone. So I'll ignore your response IC (In Character) about us not asking you to join the alliance. Any nation with a presence on our continent can partake in discussing the possibilities of this alliance, so that includes you, my apologies that I forgot you.


              • Originally posted by Persia (DoC) View Post
                Dominika of Russia,

                Why are you ignoring the teachings of Hastog?
                Did Hastog not say:

                12. Kill those who dare to stand in your way.
                13. Leave those who step aside untouched.
                (Teachings of Hastog 4)

                Then why are you still killing innocent Persian farmers. They are no obstacle to you. They try to leave your path. Still you murder them like they are maggots! Obey Hastog! Leave the Persian people alone!

                And is Hastogianism not all about freedom?
                Then WHY are you slaving your own people?
                You are turn free Hastogianists into Slaves!
                Hastog will spit on you!

                I will not start discussing terms of peace with you before you retreated your entire army from Persian soil into Hastogsburg and before you stopped slaving your people for 3 turns in a row at least.

                Hastog must be obeyed!
                I can only succeed Fed'Az and remove him into the void of forgotteness if I will deal with you on pure Hastogianistic ideals.

                Rebellion Leader of the Fat Hastogianistic Persians

                It seems you are unaware of the Russian philosopher Machiavellskij, who has shown that if a war is to be fought, then all expenses and all means must be utilized to be victorious. Defeat is a loss of a people's freedoms as your own actions towards us in the past has shown, and as such we fight and strive for the security of freedom for our people. Therefore we will show no mercy and give no quarter. With the gold plundered from your lands we are arming new soldiers to continue the fight against you. You should know all too well the determination of our people to never suffer the humiliations previously inflicted on us. As such, we will fight until you surrender and agree to the terms we earlier stated.

                Russia is willing to talk peace. But if you wish to continue the war we are ready. According to our power stats Russia and Persia are now equal, so are our production values. Yet our supply lines lead directly to the front while your farflung empire will have far more trouble bringing troops to the front. Especially as we will be destroying roads and pillaging the countryside. This war will cost Persia far more than Russia as our single front defences are easily maintained while your vast frontline is not easily defended.

                So, Sha'Az, if you wish to discuss terms of surrender we are prepared to meet.

                Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                The Russian Dynasty:
                Samo the Headbanded
                Catherine the Progenitor
                Dominika Ekatarinova
                (Konya the Lost)
                Igor Exilaskaya


                • Dominika,

                  You do not only take away the possibility to end this war soon with this stubborn attitude. You also remove my chances to take charge of Persia. I will receive no support from the people to sign peace with you if you continue this anti-Hastogianistic approach. To hell with this Machiathingy. I do not care about such lame excuse. Get over it with your fancy modern philosophies. Hastog should be your only guide.
                  Now you'll continue to have to deal with Fed'Az while I'll hide in some cave on the Britannian border, waiting for a better chance to take control.

                  Fed'Az won't make any peace with you until he at least freed his holy city of Hastogsburg. I frankly don't think he cares about your 'this war will cost Persia far more' philosophy.
                  Last time I saw him he was grinning from ear to ear for having this war. He's having a ball. And to be honest, I hope he succeeds in destroying you.

                  I'd rather serve him then you.
                  Good luck with your endless war Dominika. I hope that the dogs will feast on your body soon.

                  Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                  <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                  • Sha'Az

                    Perhaps it is you who should see clearly, for if Hastog is all you have in your mind then you are blind. Faith must be tempered by wisdom, fervor must be balanced with restraint. Do you not understand that Russia is fighting for its very survival here, and that such a fight cannot be won by Fed'Az or any other. For we will pay any price, suffer any hardship, endure any pain to be victorious. But I am glad that you show us the madness of the Persian leadership for it vindicates our actions, it strengthens our resolve and it lends us continued will to fight. If you try to dictate terms to Russia as other Persian leaders have done in the past then we will have nothing of you, for then you in your heart dream yourself our master, and we will rather die than to let that come to pass again. Yet now we fully understand our situation, and it is no longer enough to merely plunder the Persian countryside. Perhaps the smell of a burning city would shock the Persian people into casting off their shackles and rise up against the clergy that cares nothing for their suffering. Russia will continue to fight until Persia surrenders to our terms.

                    And as an added demand, we will not cease to destroy Persia until the Guru's are cast away as political leaders. Their place is in the temples and monasteries, not in the halls of power. Therefore we will not negotiate with you or any Guru, only with a person of noble birth who can lead Persia as a Kingdom, not as a madman's puppetshow.


                    (Dominika orders her scribes to make sure Fed'Az gets a copy of this, and that this proclamation is posted at every Persian village within our reach)
                    Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                    The Russian Dynasty:
                    Samo the Headbanded
                    Catherine the Progenitor
                    Dominika Ekatarinova
                    (Konya the Lost)
                    Igor Exilaskaya


                    • Fed'Az reads Russian proclamation

                      Fed'Az reads the proclamation and grins.
                      "continue to fight until Persia surrenders to our terms." it says.
                      Sha'Az looks over his shoulder.
                      "This girl completely lost it" Sha'Az laughs.
                      "She most probably is under the impression that she's actually winning this war."
                      Both Fed'Az and Sha'Az laughed.
                      "Let's have a beer, friend" Fed'Az invited Sha'Az.

                      They walked towards the palace.
                      Sha'Az shaked his head. "Noble men in Persia? What is she drinking?"
                      Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                      <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                      • Russian army becomes sleepy

                        The Russians were brought to sleep.
                        Believing in a quick victory Dominika pushed her soldiers deep into Persian territory. Burning all roads, cottages, pastures and farms they met. but Fed'Az was patient. He pulled his armies back, covering behind hills, unseen by the enemy. In the meanwhile new armies arrived from all corners of the Persian empire. Outdated soldiers received new weapons and training. Spears became pikes. Axes became maces. Short bows became longbows. New catapults were constructed to replace the ones destroyed at the treachery.

                        Dominika became excited!
                        She started to believe in victory.
                        Fed'Az and Sha'Az, his best friend, could not stop laughing when they read Dominika's demands:

                        "Perhaps the smell of a burning city would shock the Persian people"
                        "Russia will continue to fight until Persia surrenders to our terms."
                        "we will not cease to destroy Persia until the Guru's are cast away"

                        Russian soldiers already celebrate victory

                        Suddenly there are Persian soldiers everywhere
                        Persian Army wakes the Russians

                        But then suddenly...
                        Out of nowhere there are Persian soldiers!
                        Everywhere they are!
                        The Russians are shocked!
                        They felt safe enough to enter the open fields.
                        They felt strong enough to besiege Susa.

                        And then suddenly.....
                        Thousands and thousands of Persian soldiers.
                        The battle was short.
                        All Russians died. Only a few Persian catapults were destroyed.

                        Quickly more Persian soldiers surrounded the other Russian armies. And even now not all persian armies were revealed.
                        Russia surrounded by enemies

                        While the Russian army was being destroyed in the Persian fields and their bodies piled up on top of the Persian improvements they had burned, another Persian army approached the 2nd Russian invasion force. Pikemen suddenly were everywhere making the Russian knights useless.

                        But not only in the deserts Russia faced the ultimate defeat.
                        Persian galleons filled with soldiers were ready to make a naval invasion on Russian soil from the Mediterranean sea.

                        Another Persian army was approaching Russia from Ottoman lands in the south-east of Russia. The forgotten army had to hide but was now ready again to penetrate Russia from once again another angel.
                        The "New Moscow" discovers new shores and founds New Russia

                        Letter to Dominka:

                        Dominika of Russia,

                        You had your chance to make peace.
                        But you were stubborn.
                        When I sent Sha'Az to you for help you,
                        you refused.
                        This was your one and only chance!
                        Now all of Russia will be deported.
                        New Moscow has been founded today.
                        There are fields of rice and fishing grounds.
                        While you of course will be executed,
                        Your people will get a new future.

                        You had no mercy
                        when you thought you had the upper hand.
                        You had no mercy
                        when you burned the villages
                        of Innocent Persian farmers.
                        Now don't expect mercy from Persia.

                        I advise you to hand over your workers.
                        We can transport them to New Russia.
                        Also hand over workboats and great people.
                        All resources you need in the west.

                        Your doom is set, Dominika.
                        Now take care of your people,
                        Give them this new future in new lands.

                        These are my demands:
                        - Hand over all Russian cities to Persia
                        - Hand all your armies to Persia
                        - Hand all your workers and civilians

                        This is what you get:
                        - We build 12 cities for you on New Russia
                        - We will transport your armies and workers
                        - We will transport your great people
                        - We will help New Russia to grow
                        - We will share all surplus resources
                        - You will gain all Persian technologies (ooc: new Russia will be a Persian colony)
                        - After 10 turns you're a free nation again (ooc: no vassal)
                        - Persia will protect New Russia
                        - A strong new defense army of 2 soldiers per new city.

                        Every turn you refuse to give in to our demands, we will build one city less in New Russia.
                        Make no mistakes, we will capture all your cities one by one. We will not fail so you'd better accept our terms.

                        Guru Fed'Az
                        Last edited by Persia (DoC); December 17, 2009, 08:55.
                        Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                        <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                        • To: Dominika
                          From: Peter Vladov, governor of New Moscow

                          Dear Dominika, Queen of Russia,

                          I can report that with the help of the Persians I have founded New Russia today!
                          We haven't seen much of the continent yet but we have good indications that New Russia is our new future!
                          Together with other Russian refugees we have been brought here.
                          We have fields of rice already and there's a lot of fish.
                          There are some smaller islands near the south.

                          We haven't met other civilizations yet!
                          Maybe we are here alone!
                          A new future for Russia!

                          Please send workers and help soon so we can start to work the lands. We are looking forward to be reunited again with all of you!
                          Forget the old continent! New Russia is heaven!

                          Signed in peace and friendship,

                          Peter Vladov, your servant
                          Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                          <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                          • Ramesses,

                            Forgive my delay my friend in replying to your grand proposal of a continental union. I seem to spend more and more of my time in the academy of Constaninople were my old age seems not to matter - just watching Justinian training with the Cataphracts makes me feel even older!

                            Your proposal sounds an excellent idea. Of course the devil can be in the detail, but I am right behind you. Peace is greatly to be valued.

                            Last edited by Byzantium (DoC); December 17, 2009, 19:15.
                            Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                            • To: Fed'Az and Sha'Az

                              We have never believed anything other than that Persia wishes to dominate all of Russia, and the entire continent. This has always been clear to us. It is why we challenged you in the first place. Your Guru's offers of cooperation has been nothing but an obvious trick which you have admitted. We have lost some armies, but we have more, the losses we suffered are far fewer than what we inflicted upon you. And if there is one thing you can be certain of it is that we will continue to fight as long as you seek to threaten us.

                              Our history is that of foreign domination, but Russia has awakened. In the past our leaders surrendered without fighting. But we have changed. We are now a people with determination beyond measure. It is true we have lost an army, but if you check the power charts our forces are still equal, and growing. You think you can bring troops to Russian soil? We welcome you to try. For while offence requires massive superiority, defence as you have shown requires merely good roads. We are forced to leave Persian soil, but we will burn everything on our way, and if you ever set foot upon Russian lands, we will burn those as well.

                              You ask us to surrender? You have completely failed to understand our people's spirit. We will march out from our cities, take arms and if you do succeed in taking Russian cities there will be nothing but ruins to take. We will rather scorch our lands than let them fall into Persian hands. You have slain Russians on your soil, be kind and return the favor and let us water our fields with the blood of your men. Only when Persia renounces all claims to rule over Russia in every way, will we agree to peace. Your charade of a peace offering has shown that this is not what you want. Send your armies, we will receive them, for the freedom of our people, for the faith of Catharstogism and for the child I carry, this war will not end until Persia can no longer dominate Russia.

                              Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                              The Russian Dynasty:
                              Samo the Headbanded
                              Catherine the Progenitor
                              Dominika Ekatarinova
                              (Konya the Lost)
                              Igor Exilaskaya


                              • Sha'Tao Citadel, 900 AD, King Kaliph visits the high priests

                                -Welcome King Kaliph, thank you for accepting our invitation.
                                -Always a pleasure ... Zulkash. It must be important if you personally ask for a meeting.
                                -Yes, these are interesting times, there is much to discuss and you always understood our ways.. much better than your father at least.
                                -Lets get to the point, shall we
                                -We have heard the news about the Incas..
                                -Yes, that is not exactly what you had told me would happen.
                                -I've said it's unlikely. It was a good call nonetheless, but it doesn't matter now, we just return to our original schedule.
                                -I've never thought it was a good plan in the first place, not that I'm convinced about your grand design either. The great future what awaits my son... oh btw in case you missed I still have none. You priests should pray to the God to send me an heir especially if He has plans with him...
                                -Faith, my King. Your child will lead the country, I have forseen that.Till then your daughter should join the Temple when She comes to the age to serve as priestess,..
                                -I don't th...
                                -It is God's will, my King
                                -So shall it be then..-The King sighed-
                                -Good, Let's talk about important things now: Ships. How comes we still have none which is capable to cross the ocean? The instructions were sent to our best engineers decades ago
                                -Among many other important instructions. I'm sure God understands his followers' limits as should you
                                -You accept failure too easily. Those ships should be our top priority now. We have underestimated the unfaithfull. We've never expected they could master the seas so easily. The Persians for example are already claiming unknown continents and spreading their blight there-we must not allow this to continue..we must ensure that those lands will be populated by the faithfull.
                                -Top priority. Don't you think we have too many top priorities already? But here are good news for you: Our engineers report that they managed to perfect our ships. Soon we will test them then we shall help our Taoist brothers to have their own ships so they could bring the religion with themselves to these new lands and we don't need to worry about it anymore.
                                -We shall see that. In God, you must have your faith not in "others" never forget that..
                                Last edited by India (DoC); December 17, 2009, 20:21.

