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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt4 - December 2009]

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  • korea staeted the truth. you have found a way out of thedeal because we dont have a voucher.

    The intento f the deal which is never written ws for us to get osmething from you in the future.

    You are so far ahead of every except masybe india and yet you withoold the tech, yes i should hav ekept a voucehr , that is not the point, i dont care if the whole world agrees with you out here , but it doesnt change anything, i thoguht you would be freindly to small nations but obviosuly not,

    every deal with you is black and white and smal lnations need to beware that you wull find a loophole out of any deal you can that is the tpyoe of person you are,

    a loophole is not breaking the agreement so you are right. but it was never the intent.

    You were supposed to help ,me.

    I ofered to change the tech you owe to a great peson therrvby costing you no voucher but agian you only hold to the agremeent

    it is all about friendhip to me and you have sahown we wweere jsut a pawn in your schemes

    so agai nbeware allies nad other smallrnations of byzantine.

    Tread carefully make sure all the I.s are dotted and Ts crossed. The lawyers will have a field day with his agreements.


    • Kane finds the Korean rant interesting. Korea is not even close to being small so why do they keep playing that card. From the deal as shown by the Byzantines the deal is clear as day and to not understand it only shows how badly Korea reads deals. To Kane it seems The Byzantines have done nothing wrong and the angry little Korean pawn is just slandering the good name of the Byzantine. This should just make it clear to all nations to becareful with what deals they make with Korea.
      The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


      • Mecca Weekly - Cease Fire

        Saladin announced Peace in Our Time

        Peace in Our Time

        Our units are returning home

        The people rejoice

        A cease fire with England has been posted throughout the lands.


        • I choose to make my response to you public so that any irrational act of aggression may be documented by all.

          Below is a letter from Russia and my response;

          We are saddened to see Persian troops moving through your lands, and even sadder still to know that you chose not to inform us of it. The obsolete Persian forces will meet an untimely death, but it will do little to change the feeling that you have chosen to support Persia over Russia. Russia who is a friend and bulwark against enemies. Russia who sees you as an equal, and has shown it by taking an Ottoman Prince to marry the Princess of Russia. A marriage that was to cement our alliance and good relations. A marriage that ties together the royal houses of our two people in matrimony and soon in family. I am so disappointed that I am ashamed to call myself an Ottoman.
          Pavel Murad-ib


          Let me get some things straight.

          You said you would respect my neutrality, please do. I have not helped the Persians, nor have I helped you. You are the one that chose to go to war with the Persians without warning me, leaving me in quit a predicament.

          My friend the Arab needed help and I called on you and Persia, who have the mighty militaries that I do not. You stayed quiet, not a peep, and Persia answered the call. You took advantage of both Persia and I and also left Arabia stranded.

          This is not the Russia I once knew.

          If I were to have warned you of Persia's feable advance (are you really frightened by 2 axemen and some cats?) they could have attacked me in more anger (they were helping me when they were struck in the back) and I would have been defeated. I chose to err on the side of caution and based our history thought you would understand.
          Finally, let me remind you that this is the exact action you took in the early days of our history. You stayed mum while Persian forces advanced to our borders. We looked past that with no problem and now you declare yourself ashamed to be Ottoman????

          What is the meaning of your letter, have you gone mad and now declare our friendship void?

          I choose not to be stabbed in the back like Persia, declare your intentions immediately.


          • Originally posted by The Holy Empire of Britannia (DoC) View Post
            Kane finds the Korean rant interesting. Korea is not even close to being small so why do they keep playing that card. From the deal as shown by the Byzantines the deal is clear as day and to not understand it only shows how badly Korea reads deals. To Kane it seems The Byzantines have done nothing wrong and the angry little Korean pawn is just slandering the good name of the Byzantine. This should just make it clear to all nations to becareful with what deals they make with Korea.
            Korea a pawn . of who !!!!

            Not one free trade with us at all... so all tohse who traded with the top 4 are pawns ,, we are probaly the only nation not allied with anyone as we get no aid from anyone...

            put any spin you like on it or use great words with no typos or gramamtical errors. but basically the world sold out any chance for a change in the future of it when it continues to let the big 4 get free techs.

            Pawn !!! As if !!!! I think only the incans like us enough to rate us ....


            • Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View Post
              Korea a pawn . of who !!!!

              Not one free trade with us at all... so all tohse who traded with the top 4 are pawns ,, we are probaly the only nation not allied with anyone as we get no aid from anyone...

              put any spin you like on it or use great words with no typos or gramamtical errors. but basically the world sold out any chance for a change in the future of it when it continues to let the big 4 get free techs.

              Pawn !!! As if !!!! I think only the incans like us enough to rate us ....
              You are right as you are wrong. Look at the bigger picture past all the bs that some have clouded our minds with and you ill see this world is run by 2-3 powerful nations that use everyone they meet as just pieces on a chess board. To them we are all useless pawns and thought they speak well to us their words are nothing more the sugar coated poison meant to blind us from the truth.
              The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


              • Ashoka pleas for peace

                As reprersentative of the Holy church, High priest of the Sha'Tao it is among my duty to spread the wisdom of our God, to make reason with those who has lost their way in these dark times.
                War.., terrible war everywhere, even if some may see the light, the end of these bloody conflicts it is best to raise my voice in the name of peace.
                All war is evil as taught by the holy book..even if it is the fight against something as much evil -and no one could deny that evil.. very very evil things have been made which led to this war... Yet We must learn forgiveness even if others take that as weakness. Hopefully history will forget that deed-probably along with our names so you need not to worry about the shame.
                No need to fight because of enemy spies, infiltration, let the big guys come and take what they want, much less headache if you can just turn away and learn your place.
                If your people have lived as slaves, opressed for centuries it may be better to leave it that way.. they probably couldnt get used to the change anyway.
                Raising arms in the name of your God is also avoidable. Would be hard to explain why He allowed you to fail if things start looking bad.. you can't just say you have lost your faith, can you? Start looking to interpret the God's words differently I guess.. Naturally I'm talking about the different pagan beliefs not the one true God.
                Peace.. peace is the virtue of the brave: ignoring your citizens who may cry for rightfull revenge, the crying mothers, the burning farms.. the lost honor..
                As I've shown you war has no use. Peace... it is always the way..

                Ashoka, high priest of the Sha'Tao

                Zulkash.. I thought we've agreed that we won't allow Ashoka to speak in public, that is my resp...
                Oh, come'on, Kordush, let him practice a bit
                Last edited by India (DoC); December 11, 2009, 11:57.


                • To our brothers in Tao in Korea, we are scouring the coast looking for the next Tao convention. Where will it be?


                  • It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Hiawatha had been receiving communications from far away: from Lone Horn’s descendants, on their travels and news from the coastal traders that called at native shores.

                    He was dismayed at hearing of far away wars but he thought he understood the underlying reasons. Lone Horn’s descendant’s missives seem to explain most things.

                    Hiawatha was getting old but made known his wishes that the native tribes should work with the new influences to the Nations.

                    He summoned two chiefs, Powhaton and Squanto, to sort out the issues related to negotiating with foreign tribes. They decided on a contact person; an ambassador.

                    They chose a beguiling native princess, Pocahontas, to be that representative, Pocahontas, was the daughter of Powhaton.
                    I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.

                    Lone Man (Isna-la-wica)(Teton Sioux)


                    • From their trading contacts, Powhatan and Squanto realised they needed to introduce new skills and learning to the Native Indian tribes. So they sent their best shamans to foreign lands to acquire this knowledge.

                      They were delighted when the wisemen returned with new tricks on riding horses and new ways of portraying the Indian folklore legends in a more dramatic fashion..

                      The teachers also taught the braves and squaws how to appreciate new art forms. And most important how to transcribe their legends into book form, which was timely as Hiawatha’s medicine men had just learnt how to make paper.

                      Powhatan and Squanto decided that the best thing to do was to establish schools to teach and spread this knowledge far and wide across the Native American continent.
                      I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.

                      Lone Man (Isna-la-wica)(Teton Sioux)


                      • Fed'Az Congratulates Theodosius

                        An official messenger from Fed'Az went to Theodosius of the Byzantine. It brought a message of congratulations to Theodosius!

                        "Congratulations, Theodosius of Byzantium! You have shown to be a true Hastogianistic leader!"

                        After negotiating for months with Fed'Az, Theodosius gave the knowledge of knights to their arch-enemies, the Russians! But not before Theodosius had pushed, threatened, ordered, demanded, asked and threatened Persia again and again.

                        Persia got the choice! If Persia would support a Byzantine invasion of Russia's colonies, Byzantium would not aid the Russians. But Persia refused to give Hascon territory to the Byzantine. Fed'Az refused help against the Russians.
                        And after months of negotiating with the knife on the table, Theodosius easily switched sides and is now supporting the Russians.

                        That shows that Theodosius is a true Hastogianist!
                        Only Hastogianists try to deal with arch-enemies.
                        Only Hastogianists would try to negotiate with both warring sides for support.
                        Only Hastogianists would try to sell their support for the highest price.

                        To Theodosius it didn't matter.
                        If Persia would have paid, Byzantine troops would have invaded Russia.
                        But now Persia did not pay Byzantium gives techs to Russia.

                        Therefore Persia hands out the "Hastogianist of the Century" award to Theodosius of Byzantine!
                        A true Hastogianist! While trying to cover his true nature with a christian sauce, he's most evil in person! I salute you, Theodosius!
                        You are a man of my heart!

                        Never did Persia admire another nation more then this Theodosius who dares to live in the true spirit of Hastog!
                        Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                        <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                        • The Princess
                          by Machiavellskij

                          A ruler has many responsibilities, the first of which is the well-being of her state, and as such a ruler must be moral in the eyes not of the righteous, but in the eyes of her people. Only by ensuring their safety and happiness through any means necessary, may her actions be judged. For there is no honor or morality in letting one's people suffer only for the reason of letting the ruler may be held up as honorable. The greatest honor of a Princess is to act in such a manner to protect her people, and therefore a Princess' deeds must not be judged by the morals of clergymen or philosophers, but by the results her actions cause for her people. Therefore it is not amoral for a Princess to use treachery and deceit if it serves her nation, for if she were to be moral and cause suffering then her right to rule should be questioned. To fight honorably and lose is still a loss, therefore it is by any means necessary that a Princess should lead her nation to glory.

                          In this regard nations do not have friends, they have temporary allies based on their needs and interests. As such there is no betrayal among nations, only changes in priorities and interests. A Princess' interests should be identical with that of her people, and her people's interests are always in order: Security, Prosperity, Land and Resources. If a Princess through any action may ensure the security of her people by destroying another nation, then it is by logic a moral imperative to do so, even though doing so would in the acts of normal men be immoral, a Princess must follow a higher law. In the same regard, by use of the means a nation has at its disposal, Prosperity must be ensured, not merely prosperity, but greater prosperity than other nations, for it is only by superior prosperity that a nation can enjoy Security. Following the same imperative, Land and Resources add to a people's Security and Prosperity and as such must be acquired by the means a Princess has at her disposal.

                          These means are, in order: Diplomacy, Cultural Dominance, Economy, Espionage, Militarism. Therefore a Princess should use Diplomacy when possible, if Diplomacy is insufficient to achieve security, then the people's will may be consulted if and only if it agrees with the security of the people, should this option be undesirable then through trade or financial superiority should a Princess force her will to be done, should this path fail then Espionage is the next step.

                          If all these alternatives are insufficient in securing Security, Prosperity and Lands, then the use of military might must be effected. In doing so a Princess must make use of her guile and ruthlessness to ensure the minimal loss of life to her soldiers and cause the maximum suffering to the enemy. By doing so she will instill fear into the heart of the enemy people, causing them to resent their leaders and clamor for peace and security, even it results in other losses. For fear is among the greatest soldiers any army can have in its arsenal, if the enemy fears her soldiers and their might, they will be loth to fight her, and their leaders must negotiate. A long protracted war is the greatest suffering and as such, atrocities will be vindicated if they force the enemy to surrender rather then to fight on, which causes greater loss of life. Therefore wars should be fought with the most expedient brutality and haste.

                          In finality, it must be noted that a Princess cannot expect success in any one branch of means. Therefore a Princess must pursue all the means available at the same time. While conducting Diplomacy, Financial superiority should be sought, Espionage should be utilized and troops prepared. Only by ascribing to all her means available may a Princess truly ensure the Security of her people.
                          Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                          The Russian Dynasty:
                          Samo the Headbanded
                          Catherine the Progenitor
                          Dominika Ekatarinova
                          (Konya the Lost)
                          Igor Exilaskaya


                          • Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq


                            • Strange men from across the sea

                              The south-eastern strip of Hascon is farmed and the coasts fished by simple folk, the descendents of the people of Rhodes, who despite the presence of Russian cities close by, still follow Byzantine customs and practices. Although Byzantium pulled out many centuries ago, the people still hung on to the Greek langugage (spoken by all of Byzantium) and revered Constantine as the Martyr through whom God would hear their petitions.

                              These people were surprised recently when a boat arrived carrying a mixed force of warriors and explorers from a distant land across the sea. They were given a traditional welcome, for hospitality is enjoined on all in the scriptures - for some apparently have entertained angels unaware when giving hospitality to strangers. It was apparent though that these men were not angel, but they spoke of peace.

                              When the news was brought to Niceae, the men were soon identified as Indians - Tao'ist of whom there is a small colony in Constantinople itself. Men of peace to be sure, who had by ancient agreement free passage throughout Byzantine lands. Even so, word was sent to Theodosius of this development.
                              Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                              • Yahuar Huacac,

                                I great you as the new ruler of the Incan people. The Byzantines have long considered you our friends, and have wept to see the destruction of your war with England. We remain your friends - may God be with you.

                                Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων

