Robert can i take my turn now, England has send Arabia a peace treaty (In game to sign)? As long as England is concerned we are not in war and have started moving back our troops.
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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread Pt1]
Game Score Stats and Charts
Month 01 General
Month 01 Categories
Month 02 General
Month 02 Diplo/Story
Month 02 Atti/Score
Month 03 General
Month 03 Diplo/Story
Month 03 Atti/Score
Month 04 General
Month 04 Diplo/Story
Month 04 Atti/Score
Month 05 General
Month 05 Categories Diplomacy and Story
Month 05 Categories Attitude and Gamescore
Formerly known as "CyberShy"
Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori
Rate comments:
War and peace making definitely helps stories and diplomacy.
Ottoman: Good diplo (despite allies sacking you): 6, way too few stories (2), awesome attitude despite bad game position (7)
India: Awesome stories (7), awesome attitude, despite your strong position, you play a game and you don't just overrun everybody with you strength: 7, diplo: 6 (hard to rate, you make enemies for the sake of game)
Egypt: nice story atempts to avoid war (5), terrific diplo skills during war: 7
Korea: always stories about everything, always present in story thread: 7
Russia: Good story telling and attitude, (6,7), good diplo to get your war untouched by big powers: 7. 6 for story b/c lack of stories for a couple of weeks.
Most disappointed in Mali and Natives. Have been neutral 5000 years with India. Just too boring!!!
Byzantium: great storytelling, and great diplomacy. Hats off to the destruction of Shivali's invasion force, well played!
Persia: great storytelling as always, and remains a brilliant element in the game, Hastogianists are hilarious.
Inca: strange move to wage a sudden war against Egypt, as it was accompanied by almost no posts, and apparently few allies.
Russia: very good storytelling, very creative, cool!Formerly known as "CyberShy"
Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori
you play a game and you don't just overrun everybody with you strength
Originally posted by England (DoC) View PostLogistically this isn't possible, we saw that they failed against Byzantium even with better units and two huge armies, i feel that India was too over confident in that case. Amazing job by Byzantium!!!. So yes they may overrun some mid civs, but definitely can't overrun the bigger ones due to distance and everyone has huge armies, plus all the hidden alliances
(Well, expected to kill a bit more Byzantine troops in the process, but I had no illusions)
Last edited by India (DoC); February 14, 2010, 06:31.
Originally posted by England (DoC) View PostYou mean lost your both armies? Don't get me wrong not picking an OOC fight or anything, just an observants opinion.)
About the battle
At that time our power (Byz's and mine) were the same, my armies were far away and because it was their land they got the first strike with siege weapons. (They started the fight by dropping 8 siegeweapons on my 15 units.) Since Byzantium did everything right, I didn't had too much options. I've moved on the best defenedable tiles, upgraded my troops to have defense bonus on hills before they attacked me, but it didn't help too much. ( I could had unite the two armies to make them stronger, but I did not want)
So I expected that I cant get hold on their land, what was a bit surprising that they lost less units than I had expected.. I must discuss it with Sha'tur.. must had fallen asleep
Conclusion: yes, fighting war far away from your country even with big tech advantage is very hard. The best chance is always for surprise attacks, that hardly was one.Last edited by India (DoC); February 14, 2010, 12:01.
I have run into a problem I can't solve myself. I tried to load up civ but an error message kept showing up. I tried uninstalling it but it wouldn't let me. I tried to uninstall manually but I can't find the files I need to delete and this windows 7 is confusing to no end. Any one have an Idea on how to fix this?The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch
(don't forget to first uninstall BtS)
@Robert: Media has invaded New Persia, we are officially at war now. Please make a 24h timer again.Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
<a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>