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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread Pt1]

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  • Congrats India!

    Congrats RP for organizing this, as my first diplo game this was incredibly memorable!

    Congrats also to my friend Persia and my enemy Russia!!!


    • Let's get the first lot and worry about the final one after. I doubt the final one will prove a tie breaker.
      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
      - Anon


      • Well done Byz or Persia on winning the game

        remember India only casued the end of game not the win of the game, well palyed everyone in helping india achieve this.
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • The final wrap up

          Ok so what was Koreqas plans and motives all game.

          Well it all begun in hte beginning. It soon became obvious to me i was on an island all alone and this set in motion the plan to build navy and protect ourselves. So behind everything i did the naval aspect was always there.

          We explored as soon as we could get to the other continents and made contact with as many as possible.

          The Indians made the first conversion of our people and so we accepted the Tao religion.

          We wanted a presence on the main land and so begun diplo moves to get their. The Incan war with the English aided us here by allowing us to negotiate a peace with English for the right to get access to a barbarian city in their south.

          We still did al lwe could to help the incans with gift of our galley to them.

          We continued to speak with Natives about building closer ties but they were never interested in us so we eventualy decided that our fortunes lay with a stronger English, so the natives choose of rekjecting us early forced us into the English camp.

          We used our negotiations to influence both Incans and English to accept Tao as their national religion which went with our plans for taoism spread to all.

          At this point it became obvious that India couldnt lose the in game victory and that persia and byz were too far ahead in the voting system so i decided to try new things

          Tried so hard to get Incans upset enough to go to war, but everytime got close other things came up to stop it. We werent going to invade Inca but hoped they would attack me. I think civ4 doesnt work well in combat for invaders so prefer to defend.

          Then looked at ways of getting others to attack india. Used whinging moaning and diplo to finaly get some interest. But when byz started sending PMS i quickly informed my Turn player to trust nothing he wrote and to only work with england. This eventualy proved true but unfortunalty engalnd trusted byz too much. I also told my allies that the persian invasion of New India was wasted and possibly a divrsion. Again dont trust the persians.

          So the last few thousand years was spent on jsut filling in time as the ultimate winners both in game and out were already decided.

          So the tricks and double crossing of the end game were irrelevant as it didnt change anything from how it was from AD onwards basically.
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • A very solid and interesting game, great group of players!!!


            • This eventualy proved true but unfortunalty engalnd trusted byz too much.
              Agreed Raz, the Byzantium player has proved now to be the most untrustworthy player. I do not think I or someone else will trust this person from now on. I learned sadly the hard way.


              • Oh please! Get over yourself Toni, your making yourself look really silly. It wasn't Byzantium but Persia who was leaking information to the Indians, delierately changing times of attack etc. to undermined the attack on India. Your problem with Byzantium isn't that it isn't trustworthy - we never had any friendship to break - your problem is that I beat you in an in-game war. You were very happy to be the first nation in score, happy to be stronger than me all game, and so were so pissed off when I successfully invaded you that you threatened to leave the game, and although you made a great show of saying you were coming back, in fact you only ever played one turn ever again.

                Yes keep going round saying I'm the most untrusthworthy player if you want - if its your form of 'revenge' which makes you feel better - but its a sad way to end what has been a great game.
                Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                • Toni, I think that you are mixing up OOC with IC here.
                  Byzantium did attack you ic, well, a war is always evil in some way. But that's an IC thing. You go a step further, harashing the OOC behind the civ. I don't think that's fair and I think that you should not do that.

                  As a matter of fact, in this game I played myself a very unreliable egocentric civilization. This was in opposite to my last game where I role played a honourable civ that, despite being warmongering, always stayed true to it's word.
                  Next game I'll play something completely different. And so may the Byzantine player.

                  Byzantium invaded England at a very very pecular moment, just after the war with India had ended. That's indeed quite evil, but I must say that I'm shocked that you didn't see it coming! I've personally been anticipating this attack from like the beginning of the game.

                  Russia invaded Persia at a very pecular moment. The entire Persian army was on it's way to the aid of Arabia when Russia declared war and took out the entire Persian army which was replaced after the borders were closed. Very evil and at the worst moment possible for Persia. I'd say: very well played by Russia.

                  So please, try to get over it. I know that it feels very bad to see your civ ruined near the end of the game, it has happened several times to me myself. (most of the times by you ) (after I provoked you heavily indeed), but that's a part of the game.

                  it's advisable though indeed to keep your borders with the Byzantine player well secured at all times! But to be honest, please don't leave your borders with me unsecured either!!
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • your problem is that I beat you in an in-game war. You were very happy to be the first nation in score, happy to be stronger than me all game, and so were so pissed off when I successfully invaded you
                    I've never seen a more envyer player like you Byzantium.

                    As usual you will twist the words in your favour, but sadly byzantium/Priest it was you being so frustrated seeing me above you in all game, that pushed you out of your skin to make it your goal to come and attack me at any cost. Yes you just said that in your post above!!

                    This is no OOC attack Robert, just stating the obvious. Yes England lost vs Byzatium, that was never a war just a player with no dignity and IC/OOC story reasons to pull a short one just. (Yes being the good writer Byz did post a turn prior some fantasy reasons for attacking England).

                    The ugly thing is that Byzantium ended the game in a ladder style way, just mechanically setting up so he can take out England. In a ladder game i would have shaken your hand but in the Diplo style, sorry no.

                    To Robert, yes my fault that i did not see this coming, thus i will be now more careful now knowing what a player Byzantium is.

                    Also why are you jumping on me Byzantium about the not trusting issue? Do you have a problem me not trusting you anymore? What i said above was just my summary towards you as a player style.

                    Robert I agree with you, but all those past conflictbetween us two, there was always a reason. You gave me some arguments there to wage wars on you. Nothing was sneaky about it like this latest issue.

                    you threatened to leave the game, and although
                    Do not make me LOL, funny how you would forget in an instance the fact that you did OOC play me in a time when you were planning to attack me shortly. Funny how that works?

                    What gets to me forget the war thingy, that is you keep on acting like you did the right thing. Yes I am only human, I take losses badly like everyone, I am not saying that I am right or wrong. But mate you have some balls to feel 100% right at what you did vs England.
                    Last edited by Toni; April 8, 2010, 03:13.


                    • Robert I agree with you, but all those past conflictbetween us two, there was always a reason. You gave me some arguments there to wage wars on you. Nothing was sneaky about it like this latest issue.

                      Well, it's true that Byzantium didn't build the strongest storyline up for the attack I have seen, but it was there. A bit minimal indeed, but there were warnings. (in our PM's to organise the attack on India he responded to my continueing "Enemies of my enemy" by stating that we are indeed only clingnig together b/c of common goals. In fact he played the same game there as I did.

                      Personally I do indeed prefer to write larger stories to foreshadow events, at least in a hidden but when all is revealed clear way. Like Russia did when it invaded me.

                      But there have been many wars in diplo games with far less story buildups.
                      Also in this game I have seen declarations of war without stories forewarning them.
                      I'd be the first to say that I would prefer more stories, but the facts are that most wars (unfortunately) do not have a large story-line buildup. That's life.

                      I'd like to introduce a new category: "role playing" for next game (which should replace 'diplomacy').
                      We should then rate players on how their in-game actions and diplomacy relates to the role they play. Are the stories and characters of a player on par with their diplomatic relations and their in-game behavior.

                      Anyway, I do think that your responses to The Priest are over the top.
                      An odd "the story buildup to the war was minimal" would have done a much better job.
                      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                      • Yes I agree that they are over the top, still we leave in democratic times. There is freedom of speach after all here.

                        Lets cut to the chase and end this issue.

                        Priest I will have a beer with you anytime anywhere. Yes things did not end well between us this game. What can i say i took it badly. Too naive to belive that Byz could do that vs England. Else i would have been prepared.

                        No hard feelings. I needed to take it out of my system.


                        • Thanks Toni!
                          And please don't have a beer with The Priest. You guys may become too friendly and decide to team up against me.
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • Game is down now. Forever.

                            By request of India we'll delay the time for the last stories a tad bit. (we all want to know how India ends the stories, don't we?)
                            (And we of course need the results of March in first.
                            I hope that WarningU2 will wake up soon and be able resend the results again.

                            I'll launch the last voting round when India has posted it's last story and the results are up. Please wait for that.
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • Don't hold it back just for me. I wanted to post that music clip and a few more lines which I will as soon as i feel to, it won't affect the voting/scores.


                              • i still like to see the final figures of losses in the indian war to every side...

                                that may make me feel a bit less sceptical of the byz attack on england...

                                i dont beleive byz would ever have attacked england if the india war did not hpapen and england lost so many lives.
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

