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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread Pt1]

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  • sorry, working on my electricity again. I'll keep it down as long as it lasts, after that I'll use the last autosave and post a msg here
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View Post
      and with this the game is over. \\

      seeing i was right so long ago and nothing changed i have lost all interest in this game

      this is my final post on this game

      i was promised if i stayed in game that the outcome would be different, well it wasnt.

      These statements, hahaha, man you are something else


      • Game's up
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • I love the way that world wars stop because a nice guy in Holland is doing his DIY!
          Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


          • It was actually: DIYWALHFYF
            (do it yourself with a little help from your father)

            But it's fixed now, should be the final time *knock knock*
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • korea is still same? Not?
              Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq


              • Guys, you know how it is for Korea DoC in RL.

                Just let it go for a bit and I hope he'll be back.

                Stay tuned... his contribution has been so phenomenal.

                Please return Korea DoC.


                • Yes, please return Korea, your contribution was excellent


                  • Originally posted by Korea (DoC) View Post
                    and with this the game is over. \\

                    i predicted and indian ingame win many many months ago, in fact almost at atart of game, i also prdicted a close finsih between byz and persian in the voting game

                    seeing i was right so long ago and nothing changed i have lost all interest in this game

                    menander will continue to play turns as he has for a long time

                    this is my final post on this game

                    i was promised if i stayed in game that the outcome would be different, well it wasnt.

                    civ4 game mechanics mean it impossible almost to change

                    thanks for the game loved positng.

                    now it done to menander and toni
                    Korea, I'm sorry you feel this way. Many of us are planning to enjoy the ride to the end, regardless of outcome. I hope you will join us. Also, it is great that you have the gift of prophecy. I hope you are using it for good and not evil.

                    Honestly, I think the current situation for Raz is the best for him. He gets to post stories, which we all know he loves to do. He has admitted to being a weaker player, so with someone else making the moves for him, he is getting the best of both worlds. Hopefully he is learning more on the game as he watches the moves and has fun posting stories. Raz, you might consider a tag-team effort for every dilpogame.


                    • I say you guys hang this up and start the next one.

                      I now have SnagIt, Photoshop, and The Complete National Geographic at my disposal for story posting bliss.


                      • Originally posted by Pinchak View Post
                        I say you guys hang this up and start the next one.

                        I now have SnagIt, Photoshop, and The Complete National Geographic at my disposal for story posting bliss.
                        Dont worry. This game will be done as soon as I come out of hiding .
                        The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


                        • has game crashed?
                          Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq


                          • I'm joining now, so: no.

                            @Pinchak: this one won't take long anymore. But we're going to finish it
                            Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                            <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                            • Originally posted by Pinchak View Post
                              Sic Vincit Gloria Mundi


                              • Originally posted by Greece (DoC) View Post
                                Guys, you know how it is for Korea DoC in RL.

                                Just let it go for a bit and I hope he'll be back.

                                Stay tuned... his contribution has been so phenomenal.

                                Please return Korea DoC.

                                i am not sure this is good to have 2 civ played by same player as long term way. This player is also sub for greece not original player. Are they another civ as well? is original greece returning?
                                Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq

