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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread Pt1]

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  • So people don't seem to like the idea of splitting up Greece, and CS doesn't like the idea of giving them to the one sub who has volunteered to take them.

    So, what would happen if, as Arabia (a similarly advanced civ with a larger military) were to invade and take a city or two? Would we pause and wait for Greece to show up? (might take a week) Would we say that wars against absentee players aren't allowed?
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • Also, it seems I was mistaken, the Greeks have FIVE great people just hanging out in their cities. What bigger sign is there of a player that is neglecting his civ than doing nothing with FIVE great people. Ridiculous...
      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


      • What a player does or doesn't do with his civ is not our concern. If he is neglecting his civ then let him. Its his choice. On the other hand if someone did invade Greece I would say as long as the give Greece a chance to respond then go for it.
        The civ formerly known as The Holy Empire of Britannia/dutch


        • Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
          I'm not sure if his low activity is a reason to remove him.
          In former games we had like 50% of the civs that were as active as Greece.
          It's mostly because everybody else is that active that it shows that he isn't.
          Not true at all. As far as I can recall we've never had a civ who has been this disengaged for this long without doing something about it.

          Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
          I disagree with any splitting up of civs. Just because it's not fair.
          And b/c we agreed on before hand that we would not eliminate inactive civs. We did that in BtP and it created a mess.
          I only remember splitting up the Incans, and I don't recall it creating a mess at all.
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • We have all noticed that the Greeks have been less active. In game, Greek's neighbours should have recognised an opportunity to invade.

            However OzzyKP's description of Greece's assets (GPs) distorts the game by making it an attractive prize:

            The two serious options are:

            Find an acceptable replacement for Greece;

            or let remaining civs colonise/invade Greece, mindful that invading civs may leave their borders exposed.
            On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


            • Ozzy, I was talking about Persia in Beyond the Pit.

              Anyway, to answer your questions:
              1. you are a sub for Arabia. You're not supposed to declare war. Arabia will return in a week. It's his civ.

              2. Greece has indeed not been playing many turns lately. I will contact him therefore again. But he did not miss that many turns that the rules force us to do something. But at this pace we will reach that certainly. (missing ten turns in a row or missing 20 out of 25 turns)

              3. I already have a possible sub for Greece. He's a game lurker who in the spirit of the game contacted me in private to be able to remain anonymous among the anonymous.

              4. I completely agree with Hercules that it's certainly not good to reveal this about the Greece. I can already think about 3 different very good strategies that warrant such a number of GP. Not to mention the many possible story lines.

              Let me be clear that it's not possible by game mechanics to capture a great person. He will die if you attack him. (to avoid that anybody launches a war to get the impossible)
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
                2. Greece has indeed not been playing many turns lately. I will contact him therefore again. But he did not miss that many turns that the rules force us to do something. But at this pace we will reach that certainly. (missing ten turns in a row or missing 20 out of 25 turns)
                Ah, I didn't notice this was written into the rules. He has in fact missed 20 out of the last 25 turns. So yea, the rule requires that he be kicked out of the game. He has had enough chances. Proof:

                Originally posted by Robert Plomp View Post
                4. I completely agree with Hercules that it's certainly not good to reveal this about the Greece. I can already think about 3 different very good strategies that warrant such a number of GP. Not to mention the many possible story lines.
                I'm dying to hear.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by OzzyKP; January 31, 2010, 15:02.
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • Ozzy is right that Greece missed too many turns, eventhough his calculation is wrong (he did not yet miss the current turn )
                  I have asked the sub to move in. I have also pm'ed original Greek and asked him to contact the sub.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • ok, i was aboutto say anyone invading greece would invoke all Greces allies to defend her s obe caefeul


                    • Still avaliable if you guys need a perm sub.


                      • you and robert need to make up and be freinds


                        • We made up


                          • Welcome Greece. How do we contact you. Are you using the Greek (DOC) PM?
                            Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


                            • Yes, het got access to the Greece (DoC) account, and since he just posted as Greece, I assume he also's going to use it.
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                              • GREECE

                                sorry guy's for beeing so long a absend player at DoC.... Lately I haven't had the time on my side (too much to do, in a 24 hour real world). Robert found a sub for me, who will bring greatness once more to Greece. (looks like in game Greece looks pretty much like how it looks like in the real world ;-)

                                Voula is DEAD, Long live the new Voula....

