For Official Release
Media Contacts:
Angus Young (Press Secretary) 555-548-1493
Lars Ulrich (Foreign Minister) 555-548-6769
Press Release
Metalheads Demand Apology, Retraction After "Inflamatory Speech of Lies" Delivered to Roman Parliament
Black Sabbath May 31, 1838 AD: Metalhead ruler, Ozzy the Bateater, today demanded an official apology and retraction from Custos Marcus Aurelius in response to a recent address to the Roman Parliament.
In a statement delivered by Metalhead Press Secretary, Angus Young, to reporters and diplomats at the Metalhead palace in Black Sabbath, the Metalhead government forcefully spoke out against the "falsehoods, lies, and propaganda of the Roman leader."
This latest diplomatic row was touched off by a speech yesterday to the Roman Parliament by Custos Marcus Aurelius where the Roman leader claimed that many of Spain's enemies "were armed with technology far beyond what they could produce themselves. It was indeed the whole of Meduia against the Spanish people, Khmer arms, Indian and Holy Roman troops, Celtic support."
"The first casualty of war is the truth," said Press Secretary Young, "clearly the Romans will say anything to try and justify their warmongering. The silver, forked tongue of Rome is infamous, but the Metalheads shall not be silent in the face of blatant lies."
According to government sources, every gun, helmet, cannon, soldier, axe, and bow used in the assault on Spain was pure Metalhead. Sources at all levels maintain the Khmer had absolutely no involvement in the supply, arming, planning or execution of the invasion.
"Once again, Rome pretends they sent their troops to Meduian to defend their hapless ally from the war plans of their giant Khmer neighbor." said Press Secretary Young, "This was a war between two equal nations that was only unbalanced by the involvement of Portugal and Rome on the side of Spain. Only at that point did Khmer, Celts, and the Holy Romans join the effort."
The Metalhead government also demands a retraction of the insinuation that the war against Spain was coordinated with Greece as a distraction of Roman forces.
"Only a nation as egotistical as Rome would believe this war was somehow about them." quipped Young.
The official Metalhead statement declared the Roman statements to be "deeply offensive".
"The Metalheads achieved impressive victories that shocked the world, yet Rome attempts to credit such victories to the Khmer or Greece." said Young "Such claims are an insult to the great nation of the Metalheads and spit on the graves of the brave Metalhead soldiers who fought and died in their conquest of northwestern Spain.
Media Contacts:
Angus Young (Press Secretary) 555-548-1493
Lars Ulrich (Foreign Minister) 555-548-6769
Press Release
Metalheads Demand Apology, Retraction After "Inflamatory Speech of Lies" Delivered to Roman Parliament
Black Sabbath May 31, 1838 AD: Metalhead ruler, Ozzy the Bateater, today demanded an official apology and retraction from Custos Marcus Aurelius in response to a recent address to the Roman Parliament.
In a statement delivered by Metalhead Press Secretary, Angus Young, to reporters and diplomats at the Metalhead palace in Black Sabbath, the Metalhead government forcefully spoke out against the "falsehoods, lies, and propaganda of the Roman leader."
This latest diplomatic row was touched off by a speech yesterday to the Roman Parliament by Custos Marcus Aurelius where the Roman leader claimed that many of Spain's enemies "were armed with technology far beyond what they could produce themselves. It was indeed the whole of Meduia against the Spanish people, Khmer arms, Indian and Holy Roman troops, Celtic support."
"The first casualty of war is the truth," said Press Secretary Young, "clearly the Romans will say anything to try and justify their warmongering. The silver, forked tongue of Rome is infamous, but the Metalheads shall not be silent in the face of blatant lies."
According to government sources, every gun, helmet, cannon, soldier, axe, and bow used in the assault on Spain was pure Metalhead. Sources at all levels maintain the Khmer had absolutely no involvement in the supply, arming, planning or execution of the invasion.
"Once again, Rome pretends they sent their troops to Meduian to defend their hapless ally from the war plans of their giant Khmer neighbor." said Press Secretary Young, "This was a war between two equal nations that was only unbalanced by the involvement of Portugal and Rome on the side of Spain. Only at that point did Khmer, Celts, and the Holy Romans join the effort."
The Metalhead government also demands a retraction of the insinuation that the war against Spain was coordinated with Greece as a distraction of Roman forces.
"Only a nation as egotistical as Rome would believe this war was somehow about them." quipped Young.
The official Metalhead statement declared the Roman statements to be "deeply offensive".
"The Metalheads achieved impressive victories that shocked the world, yet Rome attempts to credit such victories to the Khmer or Greece." said Young "Such claims are an insult to the great nation of the Metalheads and spit on the graves of the brave Metalhead soldiers who fought and died in their conquest of northwestern Spain.