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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 10 (May 2009)

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  • For Official Release

    Media Contacts:
    Angus Young (Press Secretary) 555-548-1493
    Lars Ulrich (Foreign Minister) 555-548-6769

    Press Release

    Metalheads Demand Apology, Retraction After "Inflamatory Speech of Lies" Delivered to Roman Parliament

    Black Sabbath May 31, 1838 AD: Metalhead ruler, Ozzy the Bateater, today demanded an official apology and retraction from Custos Marcus Aurelius in response to a recent address to the Roman Parliament.

    In a statement delivered by Metalhead Press Secretary, Angus Young, to reporters and diplomats at the Metalhead palace in Black Sabbath, the Metalhead government forcefully spoke out against the "falsehoods, lies, and propaganda of the Roman leader."

    This latest diplomatic row was touched off by a speech yesterday to the Roman Parliament by Custos Marcus Aurelius where the Roman leader claimed that many of Spain's enemies "were armed with technology far beyond what they could produce themselves. It was indeed the whole of Meduia against the Spanish people, Khmer arms, Indian and Holy Roman troops, Celtic support."

    "The first casualty of war is the truth," said Press Secretary Young, "clearly the Romans will say anything to try and justify their warmongering. The silver, forked tongue of Rome is infamous, but the Metalheads shall not be silent in the face of blatant lies."

    According to government sources, every gun, helmet, cannon, soldier, axe, and bow used in the assault on Spain was pure Metalhead. Sources at all levels maintain the Khmer had absolutely no involvement in the supply, arming, planning or execution of the invasion.

    "Once again, Rome pretends they sent their troops to Meduian to defend their hapless ally from the war plans of their giant Khmer neighbor." said Press Secretary Young, "This was a war between two equal nations that was only unbalanced by the involvement of Portugal and Rome on the side of Spain. Only at that point did Khmer, Celts, and the Holy Romans join the effort."

    The Metalhead government also demands a retraction of the insinuation that the war against Spain was coordinated with Greece as a distraction of Roman forces.

    "Only a nation as egotistical as Rome would believe this war was somehow about them." quipped Young.

    The official Metalhead statement declared the Roman statements to be "deeply offensive".

    "The Metalheads achieved impressive victories that shocked the world, yet Rome attempts to credit such victories to the Khmer or Greece." said Young "Such claims are an insult to the great nation of the Metalheads and spit on the graves of the brave Metalhead soldiers who fought and died in their conquest of northwestern Spain.

    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • [ooc: yesterday I lost a naval battle against 86% odds, today against 96% odds! what do you feed your soldiers, Rome? stupid odds ]
      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • From: Minister of Information Gennady Yanayev
        To: Civilised Nations of the World
        CC: Queen Alexandra the Coward of Greece, Sato Eisaku the Greek Quisling Governor of Japan

        Bravely Russian forces have recaptured Pierced Hill, against all odds! A single Cossack the Japanese claim! It is true that but a single Cossack survived to enter the City but what else does the World expect when Horse and Rifle fight against Infantry and Tank? Does Pierced Hill riot still upon Russian Liberation? NO! The citizens of this poor War-Torn City have immediately returned to their work on behalf of the Russian Federation.

        The joyful reception of the march through the Streets by their Liberators has filled the people with renewed hope. Russia promised them Liberty and they know that Russia does not forget its' promises.

        The Sub-Humans display Roman, they claim, fighters destroyed upon the ground. I ask the World to look upon these aircraft and check if anything might be amiss. Do these planes carry Roman insignia? I think if you look hard enough I believe you might notice the Sub-Human motif of a single reddened eyeball!

        The Tyrannous Greeks display a picture of Russian, they claim, Soldiers falling asleep on parade, but look upon the epaulettes on these pathetic men's shoulders! They are no more Russian than a Geisha Prostitute - Greece takes snapshots of their slave's own troops and fails even to doctor the film correctly!

        Russia is a civilised nation and whilst conducting a War of self-defence still finds time to rebuild and improve herself. See for yourselves how Russia has advanced under her benign interim leader, Vasili Blokhin, whose cares are not merely for War, soldier himself he may be, but also friend of the people. Even our Roman friends spared their Air force for a fly past to celebrate 10 years of Democracy in Russia!

        That is Russia now! She is not the backward nation of peasant farmers she once was. She is a modern Industrial Power capable of defending herself against the Fascists of Greece and its' pets.

        Gennady Yanayev
        Ministry of Information, Council of Transition and Stability


        • Comment

          • News from Japan

            KYOTO TIMES


            General Sato resigns! A new interim goverment is forming.

            "....These are dark times for Japan. We have been betrayed by our friends, exploited by superpowers and now vultures are gathering to feast on us. We have fought bravely to protect ourselves and our right for our land, but evil forces united against us. First the Russians came to steal from Japan, followed by the Romans, the Wyandots, the Mayans and now the Oldonians.
            I am a soldier, swore to protect Japan against all threat, but now our survival is at stake and I am in the way of peace so I must take my leave. I will remain in command of the army untill the new Japanese government chooses to replace me. Japanese soldiers will fight till the safety of our cities is granted or.. untill death. "

            Sato Eisaku

            In the following a report with Yoshiro Nakamatsu, the head of the newly formed Japanese interim government:

            -These are really shocking news. The Japanese people were always told that the war is going well and the abandoning of our cities was just a strategic, temporary move. What is the truth?

            -The truth always has many faces. Truth is that the Japan army was victorious in every major battle so far, repelled the first major Roman invasion, but it's also the truth that even these victories are not proportional to how owerhelming are our enemies in power.

            -What about the Spartan Army? They are advanced and numerous..

            -The spartan tanks did a great job so far and the spartan contribution to train our soldiers was invaluable. However even they are no match for the roman bombers and most of the spartan forces are occupied in Korea at the moment.

            -These are all very bad news. What are the chances of peace?

            -We want to be honest to our citizens: the chance for peace is very slim. Soon we will send out diplomats to try starting peace negotiations, but our enemies made it clear that they wont stop untill severaly crippled us some of them seek no less than our total destruction. Thats why we have to call upon every help we can get to save ourselves. Untill then we will fight. I ask everyone who is able to grab arms to enlist our military and protect our homes. We are very proud of our soldiers, they are a true symbol of heroism..
            Last edited by Pitboss Japan; June 1, 2009, 07:17.


            • [ooc: yesterday I lost a naval battle against 86% odds, today against 96% odds! what do you feed your soldiers, Rome? stupid odds ]
              Its the doom of the oath-breakers ...


              • In the nave of the Temple of Mars in Rome

                ‘What has the reaction to my speech been?” Marcus Aurelius Custos of Rome asked his secretary.

                “Mixed, my lord. The Roman people have responded with great joy that the end of the imminent threat to Roman land is over. These have been dark years. The sight of the Japanese tank armies rolling through Russian Pierica, Spartan battleships of the coast of the Roman heartland, and the multilated survivors from the Spartan annihilation of whole Roman cities had caused a great shadow over the Roman soul. Now perhaps it if lifting. Two parties are emerging, one hoping that we can return soon to the traditional Roman road of peace, the other believing that throughout history nations such as the Spartans have repeatedly attacked us, unprovoked, for no reason, and that now Rome needs a leader who will remove the threat of Sparta for good”.

                “Internationally, there have been some complaints”

                Tell me

                “Well the standard fare of loud shouting from the Japanese”

                I’ve heard. Its amazing isn’t it. They can’t actually contradict a single fact we stated, yet they produce smoke-screens of propaganda to try to trick the world. As if new Mayana is tundra – what of the cities of Pier and Pacific bay – grassland, hills, clams, silver, gems, pigs, and not a single tundra within hundreds of miles. Of course the uranium mines are in the tundra – what uranium mines anywhere in the world are not? They forget that it was their masters the Spartans who started the great Mayan war. They pretend that when declaring war on the Pax Romana they weren’t declaring war themselves on the Wynadot. They still pretend that Piercian cities are Japanese cities, despite having signed a treaty which split them 50/50 with Russia. And they don’t realise that their focus on our bombers only confirms the truth that we were heavily outnumbered with ground forces when the war started."

                “Why do they do it Lord?”

                Partly they are scared, realising that they were fools to turn down our offer in the early days of the war that if they stood to one side and returned their troops to barracks, we would guarantee their territory. Partly because all they know is the oppression of the Spartans they can’t believe that any other world power actually keeps to its treaties, defends other nations without demanding that they capitulate. So on the basis of their experience of the Spartans they are sure that there must be some great Roman wickedness and evil, they just can’t find it. Sad really.”

                “And the complaint of the Metalheads, sir?”

                This is more unfortunate. The Metalheads are an important, honourable nation in this world, with whom Rome has always had good relations. I will write personally to them”.


                • Originally posted by Pitboss Greece View Post

                  Roman soldiers can barely stay awake during another boring 'let me tell you the real honest truth' speech of Marcus Aurelius
                  Are you sure those aren't Japanese soldiers?


                  • To: Lars Ulrich, Foreign Minister of the Metalheads

                    I have received copy of your press release demanding an apology for and retraction of elements of my recent speech to the Roman parliament.

                    I am sorry for any offence that was taken. It certainly wasn’t intended.

                    However, I do stand by my comments – certainly nothing was intentionally misleading - but perhaps there has been some misunderstanding.

                    In my speech I salute yourself and the Meduian nations as “far more honourable and wise than the Spartans”. This was genuinely meant. I also do salute the bravery of the Metalhead soldiers and tacticians – the assault on Spain was a great military success.

                    However, there appear to be two parts of my speech which you dispute:

                    1. It was indeed the whole of Meduia against the Spanish people, Khmer arms, Indian and Holy Roman troops, Celtic support.”
                    I can only say that this is exactly what Roman forces themselves in Spain found. For example, Roman bombers were engaged defending Spanish cities from attacks by ‘Holy Roman’ modern armour. We all know that this is a weaponry known only to the Khmer. Indeed I have both public and private correspondence with the Khmer where they admitted freely supplying advanced technological weaponry. At the more trivial end the railroad south from Metalhead territory to the Spanish frontline, vital for your army, was being contructed by Khmer engineers. Roman forces did indeed oppose Celtic, Metalhead and Holy Roman armies, and those armies did include modern armour which the Khmer themselves have admitted came from them. There may be more intricacies within the Meduian alliance which I have misunderstood. If that is true then I am sorry, but all I do is speak on the basis of the reports from my armies.

                    Then the Meduian nations redoubled their attacks. It has now emerged why. The Spartans, already preparing for their betrayal, paid them to, hoping to draw Roman forces from the defence of our own nation to be tied up on Spanish soil.
                    This information I received personally from Alexander II, tyrant of Sparta. Of course, since Alexander is a well-known liar, perhaps I should have doubted it. I have no way of independently verifying it. Therefore if you tell me that there were no contacts between yourself and the Spartans regarding Roman involvement in spain etc. then I will believe you, aplogise for this mistake, and it will only go to prove once against how untrustworthy the tyrant Alexander is.

                    On another matter, I notice Indian spotter airships in the skies over the Spartan-Korean front-line. I welcome this. This may force Alexander to stop lying in his description of the war and I pray to god it may restrain Alexander from exterminating any more civilian cities.

                    Once again I am sorry if my speech has disturbed our normally good relationship.

                    Marcus Aurelius
                    Custus of Rome


                    • (Not sure how the romans are publishing Marcus's famous/fabolous monologies, but since it appears on public channels we intend to show the clear misinformations in them)

                      Yes, only 2/3 of the new Mayan cities are on tundra, the others are actually a very nice villages with green forests and pastures.. not a single cottage tho... We just wonder how could several millions of Mayans fit in those hamlets.
                      As we can read in Durango Times even the Mayans regreted not bringing enough warm coats with them. Hopefully they can find a way to use that uranium to warm their new homes as they wont get any other use of it.

                      We never denied the fact that the Spartans started the war against Maya to liberate the Korean cities, but how does this fact makes you seem in better light when you joined in the Mayan's first sign of weakness and seized their homeland-which land the spartans never intended to invade?

                      About Pax Romana: it's only true to its name at this part: "Romana" as it's nothing more but a pact which ensures the Roman supremacy in the region. They don't care about peace.. If they would have they hadnt allow the first Russian invasion, they hadn't allow the Russian threats and insults after the peace- we asked Rome in private channels to do something-but of course it was not in their interest. They just waited for an opportunity to crush the last nations who has not yielded to them yet.

                      They say that we were fools that we had not betrayed Sparta.. They either no nothing about honor or they were the one who tried to make fool of us. But it's no suprise: this is well known roman strategy.. "divide and conquer" we hope that the world will realize this..

                      And saying that we ever outnumbered the Roman&Russian&Wyandot army must be a joke- a bad one in these times I have to say. Historians will clear these facts up..

                      Japan foreign ministry of the interim government

                      Originally posted by Pitboss Celts View Post
                      Are you sure those aren't Japanese soldiers?
                      I can say they are clearly not, however our soldiers' reaction is similar when they hear Marcus' speeches.))


                      • Originally posted by Japan
                        They don't care about peace.. If they would have they hadnt allow the first Russian invasion, they hadn't allow the Russian threats and insults after the peace
                        Oh dear you really don't understand that the Pax Romana is a grouping of independent free nations, not slaves like the Spartan empire. Rome can't allow or forbid the Russians from doing anything! And peace - well - this war was launched by you. I reminded the world in advance the well publicised terms of the Pax Romana that at attack on one is an attack on all. You were foolish enough to abandon our treaties and launch this attack on the Pax Romana, gambing on your huge military build up - sadly betrayal doesn't pay.


                        • To: Marcus Aurelius, Custus of Rome
                          CC: The World
                          From: Lars Ulrich, Metalhead Foreign Minister
                          Re: Roman Lies and Apology

                          It was much to our discouragement to receive your recent communique. It seems not only do you refuse to apologize for your offensive propaganda, but you may actually believe it. In the interests of international cooperation we shall make one last attempt to demand an apology and set the record straight. The full quote of what you said in your address to parliament is as follows:

                          Originally posted by Custos Marcus Aurelius View Post
                          Then at the other side of the world the Spanish appealed to us for help, appealing to the bonds of friendship between our people over many years. Their army had been defeated by the Meduian alliance. The situation shrouded in confusion, for many of their enemies where armed with technology far beyond what they could produce themselves. It was indeed the whole of Meduia against the Spanish people, Khmer arms, Indian and Holy Roman troops, Celtic support. Rome obeyed this call – for Rome has never abandoned its ties of friendship, has never broken a treaty.

                          Peace was almost established immediately, but the Spanish Queen Penelope committed suicide, and then the Meduian nations redoubled their attacks. It has now emerged why. The Spartans, already preparing for their betrayal, paid them to, hoping to draw Roman forces from the defence of our own nation to be tied up on Spanish soil.
                          According to you, the timeline was presented thusly:

                          1. Spain was invaded by Metalhead, Holy Roman and Celtic troops using Khmer arms.
                          2. Spain appealed for help.
                          3. Rome arrived to help defend Spain against the Metalheads, Holy Romans, Celts and Khmer.
                          4. Peace is almost signed.
                          5. Queen Penelope dies.
                          6. Sparta pays Meduian nations to continue the attack.
                          7. Meduian nations begin their attack anew.

                          This is a preposterous, offensive lie.

                          The true timeline:

                          1. Metalheads declare war on the equal nation of Spain and invade using Metalhead guns, Metalhead soldiers, Metalhead steel.
                          2. Metalheads capture three cities entirely unassisted by any foreign power.
                          3. Portugal sends a large column of tanks to Spain and makes clear they intend to defend Penelope.
                          4. Rome vassalizes Spain, declares war on the Metalheads and brings troops and airforce into Spain.
                          5. Seeking to balance the now entirely unbalanced situation, Celts & Holy Romans partly armed with Khmerian technology declare war on Rome/Spain and invade Spain.
                          6. Facing a large and growing presence of troops from the militarily and technologically superior nations of Portugal and Rome, the Metalheads begin to discuss peace.
                          7. Offers of peace are rejected by Rome and Spain.
                          8. War continues.
                          9. Rome and Portugal begin withdrawing all units defending Spain.
                          10. Under new leadership, Spain is now willing to discuss peace.
                          11. Peace is signed.

                          You see, the truth of the matter is that Sparta had no involvement in the decision making of this war, and the war began as a contest between equals until the two largest, strongest, and most advanced nations on the planet decided to involve themselves. Then, and only then, did other Meduian nations attempt to even the odds.

                          The Khmer, Celts, and Holy Romans valiantly defended the nation of the Metalheads against the bullying of Portugal and Rome.

                          As evidence we present our now declassified troop report from just before the start of the war:

                          No tanks. No artillery. No weaponry more advanced than that of Spain. All weaponry homegrown by the Metalheads.

                          Additionally, let it be made abundantly clear that Spain and the Metalheads were equal powers. Portugal and Rome however disrupted that balance by picking on the Metalheads. They did not rush to save Spain from being bullied by the much larger Khmer, they sought to bully the much smaller Metalheads!

                          As you can see, the Standardized Comparison Of Relative Esteem (S.C.O.R.E.) shows the Metalheads and Spanish are almost identical:

                          Furthermore, Spain actually had a small technological edge when the war began:

                          Finally, to be abundantly clear we present to you a full timeline of the events around the Spanish War. Some key dates to take note of:

                          1800 - Metalheads (and only Metalheads) declare war on Spain/Funglish
                          1804 - Metalheads (and only Metalheads) capture Vitoria & Silver Lode
                          1806 - Metalheads (and only Metalheads) capture Cordoba
                          1810 - Rome vassalizes Spain and declares war on Metalheads (and only Metalheads)
                          1818 - Funglish Capitulate to the Metalheads (and only the Metalheads)
                          1820 - Celts & Holy Romans enter war, declare war on Spain/Rome
                          1822 - Sparta/Japan declare war on Russia
                          1824 - Celts & Holy Romans capture Zaragoza
                          1828 - Peace is signed

                          So Metalheads were at war with Spain for 10 years before Rome got involved. Rome & Spain were at war with the Metalheads for 10 years before the Celts & Holy Romans got involved. And all of this took place before there was any war with Sparta to be concerned about.

                          One last time, we demand Rome apologize for your prior statements. We have presented ample evidence for the correct timeline of this war. You can’t actually contradict a single fact we stated, yet continue to produce smoke-screens of propaganda to try to trick the world. We demand you set the record straight.

                          Lars Ulrich
                          Foreign Minister
                          Metalhead Empire
                          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                          • Victory on New Portugal


                            All the Khmerian armies have been destroyed on New Portugal.

                            Returning Portuguese soldiers from the southern front.

                            Portuguese Generals celebrating the liberation of Southern New Portugal


                            • Army modernization

                              New Tech:

                              To keep its military edge over other nations, Portugal has introduced new weapons to its arsenal.

                              Portuguese gunships ready to be deployed

                              Latest Portuguese Jet Fighters:

                              Newest Missile systems:

                              The latest Portuguese tank:


                              • From: Chairman Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin, Council of Transition and Stability
                                To: Civilised Nations of the World
                                CC: Queen Alexandra the Coward of Greece, Japanese Puppet Governors of Spartan Colony

                                Russia rejoices at the news that Oldonia has honoured her commitment to come to Russia's aid. Long though the rest of the World may have shunned Oldonia Russia has not! They have fulfilled their Treaty Obligations despite facing huge odds. We never doubted that they would. The Treaty of Kiev may not have attracted the attention of the World's Press Agencies but nevertheless my meeting with Marcus, Premier of Oldonia, has brought both our nations huge profit.

                                From now on the Oldonian National Flag shall fly high alongside that of Russia!

                                Oldonia moves swiftly to crush the vermin and drive them from civilised lands. They are a brave and hardy people who will not shrink from liberating Anasazi and pressing further South. Russia has not ignored their scientific needs and together Pax Romana and Oldonia will utterly crush the Spartan Colony of Japan as an Appetiser for the Main Meal of Greece itself!

                                Russian Troops still fight gallantly in Piercia against, for the moment, vastly more modern forces. Soon WildKoPer will be liberated as will PorPer for there will be NO PEACE until the entire Continent has been rid of the plague of Vermin that has infested it. There can be NO PEACE while Greece attacks Pax Romana for it is not a Union of Slave Colonies but of Free Nations that will fight shoulder to shoulder to ensure that a JUST PEACE is achieved and that all the enslaved peoples of Piercia and Korea are granted freedom. Wyandot will regain their lands and gain more to compensate them for the terrible injuries inflicted upon them. Russia will be able to grant total Independence for Piercia once more as a viable nation, Korea will rise from the ashes and Oldonia will gain the lands that she rightfully owns. The Hellenic perverts will pay in full for their detestable Treaty breaking and learn the true punishment for dishonour!

                                Japan may continue to bow to their master but that master has led them on a walk of destruction.

                                Pitiful Japan, weep while you still can for you chose the road upon which you now walk. A dog that chooses its’ own master is rare but you did – you will pay the price for that terrible error!

                                Major-General Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin
                                Chairman, Council of Transition and Stability

