From: Chairman Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin, Council of Transition and Stability
To: Alexander II of Sparta
CC: Civilised Nations of the World
Many in Russia, including myself, had believed President Vladimirovich and his Ministers had exaggerated the claims of Spartan brutality and perversion. We were convinced that no human could commit the crimes claimed but having seen evidence of your ‘gentle’ means of extracting confessions from an innocent man even I am no longer sure.
You are a criminal Alexander! You demand Russia cede PIERCIAN Cities to a nation that you bullied into submission. These Cities were never Japanese but obtained by a corrupt, and Spartan backed, former Japanese regime without any justice or international arbitration. Sparta declared War on Russia, not the other way round, having already devoured over half the Mayan nation! Russia has honoured her Treaty obligations and not attacked Japan though she had the Army to do so. Spartan greed grows by the day and you will seek any excuse to try and turn Russia into another Japan. Russia is NOT Japan!
You produce fabricated evidence to justify your War. You produce forged documents to drive a wedge twixt Rome, Wyandot and Russia. You threaten to raze the Russian Capital. You demand an apology for insults against Sparta from the previous Government and yet when one is freely given you claim it insufficient. You brutalise an innocent man and claim him a murderer without any basis in fact. You claim that I ordered this act whilst still but a humble soldier. The lies are so transparent as to be laughable!
You know that Russia is a small nation. You know that Russia has no chance to defend itself against Sparta. You know that Russia has been, under my leadership, building Universities and Trading Houses not recruiting Soldiers. You know that Russia is a Democracy now so has no thought for War. What honour do you believe will be reflected upon you when you destroy all that Russia has built because you might throw Tanks against a nation that lies a generation behind you in Science and is a quarter of your size?
You are indeed a very brave man Alexander!
You follow the Spartan tradition of War when only the odds are 10/1 in your favour!
Korea, Maya and Japan have all felt Spartan generosity and it seems Russia will be next!
Russia is different. She will never give up her newly won freedoms and will fight so go ahead ‘Brave Alexander’ and raze Novgorad if you will but if you think that will end any War you are much mistaken!
Major-General Vasili Mikhailovich Blokhin
Chairman, Council of Transition and Stability