The army of the tyrants destroyed
Deep in the Mayan jungle a huge invasion army rumbled. Alexander had sent the pride of his army - infantry and machine guns, artillery and many tanks, great generals and medics. 16 divisions or more in total.
What were the defenceless Maya to do?
The Romans, leaders of the Free World, enemies of tyranny, could not stand by and see Alexander fill his lust for the blood of innocent civilians again.
First Roman cavalry, yes cavalry, headed off the tanks as they raced out of the jungles towards the Mayan lands. The Roman cavalry thought it was a brave suicide mission - the last ride of the knights - as they saddled up, but imagine their joy when the tanks, under fire from the Roman airforce, crumpled and fled.
Then the Spartan army dug in deep in the jungles, regrouping, still a huge army threatening Maya and Roman cities alike. Citizens of Mayan cities flocked to the draft for the first time, willing to die rather than see their women and children crushed under Spartan tanks.
They dug in digging their own graves.
Then they came:

The jungles became the hell deserved by oath-breakers

The Spartans fought on:

but were crushed. Every man of them. The whole of the Spartan army, the invaders of Rome and Maya, eliminated.
A great victory for the free world. The tide on tyranny is turning.
Deep in the Mayan jungle a huge invasion army rumbled. Alexander had sent the pride of his army - infantry and machine guns, artillery and many tanks, great generals and medics. 16 divisions or more in total.
What were the defenceless Maya to do?
The Romans, leaders of the Free World, enemies of tyranny, could not stand by and see Alexander fill his lust for the blood of innocent civilians again.
First Roman cavalry, yes cavalry, headed off the tanks as they raced out of the jungles towards the Mayan lands. The Roman cavalry thought it was a brave suicide mission - the last ride of the knights - as they saddled up, but imagine their joy when the tanks, under fire from the Roman airforce, crumpled and fled.
Then the Spartan army dug in deep in the jungles, regrouping, still a huge army threatening Maya and Roman cities alike. Citizens of Mayan cities flocked to the draft for the first time, willing to die rather than see their women and children crushed under Spartan tanks.
They dug in digging their own graves.
Then they came:

The jungles became the hell deserved by oath-breakers

The Spartans fought on:

but were crushed. Every man of them. The whole of the Spartan army, the invaders of Rome and Maya, eliminated.
A great victory for the free world. The tide on tyranny is turning.