and so the guilty go free because they have the gift of the gab... Th egroup voted to impose a penalty, the majority agreed. then the guilty talked them out of it....
You guys are continuing to show how correct Capo was in leaving this game.
the exact process used here is why rich people rarely end up in jail becasue they hire great lawyers who can find loopholes and speak so elegnatly that judges despite obvious guilt being found , givign only light or no penalties. whislt the poor and uneducated who cannot get good lawyers are forced to wear the full weight of the penalties.
Sorry guys, but once a penalty is decided on and guilty shown, the guilty party whould not be able to talk his way out of it.
Get rid of all rules and let eveyone do as they please, becasue you have shown that anything is aceptable as long as the game continues.
From Mayas first double move and stalling to keep a worker that cuased a player to leave.
To the map fiasco of hidden agendas only some knew about till i revelaed it and was than shouted down.
To the ultimate fiasco of this latest episode. you guys have shown that nothing matters except making sure the game contineues
You guys are continuing to show how correct Capo was in leaving this game.
the exact process used here is why rich people rarely end up in jail becasue they hire great lawyers who can find loopholes and speak so elegnatly that judges despite obvious guilt being found , givign only light or no penalties. whislt the poor and uneducated who cannot get good lawyers are forced to wear the full weight of the penalties.
Sorry guys, but once a penalty is decided on and guilty shown, the guilty party whould not be able to talk his way out of it.
Get rid of all rules and let eveyone do as they please, becasue you have shown that anything is aceptable as long as the game continues.
From Mayas first double move and stalling to keep a worker that cuased a player to leave.
To the map fiasco of hidden agendas only some knew about till i revelaed it and was than shouted down.
To the ultimate fiasco of this latest episode. you guys have shown that nothing matters except making sure the game contineues