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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 7 (February 2009)

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  • Gojong's Palace, Sparta...

    The Emperor and his entourage stayed for a few nights at the Spartan Palace following the new information he received from King Orestes of Sparta. It is important to understand Gojong's mindset, and thus his reign, leading up to this point in time. There were no two ways about it; Gojong's reign was marked with failure after failure, he was unpopular among the people, and the nobility. The military remained relatively indifferent to his reign, although the Imperial Commander Jumong, despite his "rude" disposition, was loyal to the Imperial throne. Now the Spartan King, a new friend of Korea, informed him that there were suspicions against his own Prime Minister, as well as his Foreign Minister. That they plotted to seize control of the Imperial title for their own family. He held a private meeting with his Imperial Commander; General Jumong of Pyong'yang...


    "I'm not sure what to believe General." Gojong said as he stared at the letter Orestes provided to him, "Killing me would indeed result in his rise to power, but it would only be temporary, until a new Emperor is named."

    "Well, perhaps that is the plan Emperor." Jumong said, sipping on some Greek wine, "This is actually fantastic, they've certainly got better at making wine."

    "Will you stop for one moment and listen to me! Your tactlessness is begining to annoy me deeply!" the Emperor fired back. Jumong put his goblet on the table, "What shall we do about this?"

    "Well, I have ordered my men to torture the Greek spy for information, but I suppose we will be returning him to Orestes soon. Honestly this could be a deception on the pat of Sparta. I would be wary to make a hasty decision."

    The Emperor thought for a moment, "If my wife bears a girl, I could marry her to whomever I wished, thus controlling the Imperial line. If it is a boy, there is a risk that Bojong will have me killed, act as steward, and having taught the boy for his entire life would maintain his authority."

    "Well, while that may be true you have no control over such a thing. I say you arrest Bojong immedeately, and that sniveling prat Bak Moon as well, I should have killed him when I had the chance!" Jumong said.

    "The thing is this; can I trust my own wife?" the Emperor asked, staring out of a window at the moon.

    "Well, I was under the impression you didn't trust her anyway." Jumong said, the Emepror gave him a stern look, "Sorry. That was out of line."

    "If the child is a girl, I will marry her to a General, perhaps Kim." Gojong thought aloud, "If it is a boy he will be sent away, here to Greece, for his education."

    "Kim?" Jumong chuckled, "He is a low-born peasant, that would be laughable."

    There was a silence in the room, the Emperor was quite serious; "I do not see what is funny, this will remove any chance of Wonsan maintaining its power, it would move up that family, grant us loyalty from the soldiers, and support from the peasants. Which, thanks to your propensity towards violence, has been at an all-time low as of late."

    "I'm quite sure he is married." Jumong replied.

    "I am the Emperor, General, nobody says no to me." Gojong snapped back.

    Jumong nodded, "I just wanted to let you know beforehand."

    "Besides, despite our unsatisfactory status in the world at this time we are a wealthy nation, and if his wife is of the peasantry I am sure her father would be willing to accept a handsome payment in exchange."

    "Well, you could just pay me and I can convince him. I do have my ways." Jumong smiled.

    Gojong shook his head slowly, "I think I'll let the gold do the talking."
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • Updating Khmer history: The Romanic Wars

      Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal View Post
      Greetings Surayavarman 3!

      I would like to confirm my dear friend Orestes words. Portugal and Sparta have always been close friends. I can reassure you that our relations are stronger then ever. Our people have traded and exchanged much knowledge, I spend many years living and studying in Athens, we both are members of the Emancipation Treaty, a defense pact and there is so much more, but due to security concerns some things can not be shared.


      Tidings and thankyou for this calming sentiment Xristo.

      khmer history of the Romanic Wars needs to be re-written for the Khmer records so let me clarify a point.

      The nub of those wars was an alliance of Sparta, Maya and Percia taking on the might of Rome to force Rome to stop bullying Russia and therefore in defence of Portugal - Russia had planted a city on claimed Portuguese territory in the North.

      So whilst Maya and Percia lost very badly in those wars Sparta escaped almost unscathed and now it is revealed that Sparta was all along close friends and allies of Portugal and Rome? Was it a deliberate attempt to 'screw over' (a detestable Western phrase) both Maya and Percia?

      Forgive me but your answers will help us write our new records.


      Surayavarman 3


      • Orestes laughed out loud when he read the attempts of Suryavarman 3 to interpret the Roman-Spartan wars.
        Then he signed. "How often do we have to explain that there never was an alliance between Sparta and Piercia. We just shared an enemy." *sigh*

        "We did get out of that war quite unharmed sire" the scribe said. "That is suspicious."
        "We did not." Orestes said. "Menelaus and his entire army committed suicide in the Roman jungles, not to mention the economic backlash we had from sending such a huge army (especially for those days) by ship to the far away Roman coasts.

        If this would've been an attempt to betray the Piercians and the Maya, then it would've been the most expensive betrayal ever. We even gave all our galleys to the Maya"

        "Maybe we should once again publish the official account of the Roman-Spartan wars" the scribe said.
        "Yes, please make such an account for historical reasons" Orestes said.

        The scribe then started working.


        • Originally posted by Pitboss Greece View Post
          Orestes laughed out loud when he read the attempts of Suryavarman 3 to interpret the Roman-Spartan wars.
          Then he signed. "How often do we have to explain that there never was an alliance between Sparta and Piercia. We just shared an enemy." *sigh*

          "We did get out of that war quite unharmed sire" the scribe said. "That is suspicious."
          "We did not." Orestes said. "Menelaus and his entire army committed suicide in the Roman jungles, not to mention the economic backlash we had from sending such a huge army (especially for those days) by ship to the far away Roman coasts.

          If this would've been an attempt to betray the Piercians and the Maya, then it would've been the most expensive betrayal ever. We even gave all our galleys to the Maya"

          "Maybe we should once again publish the official account of the Roman-Spartan wars" the scribe said.
          "Yes, please make such an account for historical reasons" Orestes said.

          The scribe then started working.
          Thankyou for this information.

          So, Portugal and Sparta have a relationship that goes way back and that the friendship with Maya and Percia was just a loose relationship for a common cause?

          The old lady mad-woman from the Khmer jungles tells us (and being representative I must listen) that Spartan troops were seen scurrying in retreat whilst brave Mayan and Percian troops were slaughtered. But I'm sure this re-telling is a pure fictional re-write of history. And your frinds the Portuguese traded Gunpowder to your Roman enemies but not to their ancient Spartan friends?


          • In compliance with the Treaty of Horse Valley; The Wyandot people have handed the cities of Horse Valley and L’Or over to Piercian control.



            • A military general enters Xristo’s chambers:

              “Sir I have returned from Rome and I bring you this gift from our Roman friends. It is called a cannon, a great weapon. No one except the Romans and now us currently posses such a thing. This will give us a great advantage against any who threaten Portugal, Sparta and the Emancipation Pact signees.”


              “Wonderful, please have production start immediately. Long have I waited to modernize our military, now we have the chance to do so”


              “Also Xristo here is a copy of Rome’s description and short history of the weapon”

              A cannon is a type of artillery, usually large and tubular, that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellants to launch a projectile over a distance. Cannon vary in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower; different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees, depending on their intended use on the battlefield. The word cannon is derived from the Roman language, in which the original definition can usually be translated as tube.


              • Some days later...

                At a Portuguese fire range....

                Soldiers testing the new weapon.


                • Dear McFungal,
                  I hope that all things are going well in Funglish. I hear that you have some sort of new way of trading technology, so I am willing to help you by giving you a choice of four differnet Technologies that you don't have and are in need of. If you are willing to do the deal, then please let me know.

                  Regards Penelope, Queen of the Spainish Empire.


                  • Mayan Colonies

                    The period between 1500 AD and 1600 AD was one of exploration and expansion for the Mayans. With the advent of astronomy, the Mayans constructed great galleons and set sail for the horizon.

                    In New Portugal, the waterfront colony of Lake Voltan was established. Relations with the Portuguese had been warmer in past decades, and this city served to bring the two nations even closer despite Portugal's membership in the Anti-Emancipation Treaty.

                    In New Sparta, the colony of New Tikal was founded along what would be known as the Voltan River. Despite the many different claims to New Sparta from other nations, the Mayans could not detect another colony on the island continent.

                    Both colonies were commissioned for logistical reasons, and initially proved to be an economic burden on Maya due to their distance from the motherland. The benefit outweighed the cost however, as they acted as important trade hubs and waystations for Mayan and allied ships. Indeed, the arms of Maya now encircled Terra.
                    Last edited by Pitboss Maya; February 14, 2009, 15:18.


                    • To: Nations of Terra
                      From: Pacal Ermal of the Maya
                      Subject: Mayan Colonies

                      Great leaders of Terra,

                      I am proud to announce the founding of Maya's first overseas colonies. Lake Voltan on the western shores of New Portugal, and New Tikal in central New Sparta.

                      Let it be known that these two cities are all we plan to settle on these landmasses. They act as logistical hubs for our navy and trade vessels. We recognize the remainder of the land in the new world as set aside for smaller nations.

                      It is the hope of Maya that other nations will see our colonies not as a threat or a trespass, but as an important building block for future global relations.

                      I am another you.

                      - Pacal Ermal of the Mayans


                      • To : Nations of the World
                        From : Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl of the Piercian Empire


                        I rejoice in good news. This morning, emissaries of the Wyandot came to my palace and returned the cities of Horse Valley and Le'O to my control. They told me alot about what happened during their regency. Metal Faith has spread to both cities, and our neighbours and friends have built temples and monasteries of the noisy ones. Celebrating the return to their nation, the inhabitants of Horse Valley organized what they call the "Hellfest", while Le'O held the "Furyfest" for the same reason. Theese huge festivals where people listen to famous musicians and drink alot are expected to be repeated every year. The governors told me they hope to see guests from oversea some day at their conventions.

                        Rome honored her word, providing my Empire the first group of settlers which has been detached to the western coast immediately. They will found New Kho'Per soon.

                        The most interesting question on the international scale will now be the anti-emancipation treaty, and my decision regarding it. While I am formally against emancipation to replace our caste system, the consequences of the treaty would be major. In this matter, I still expect the visit of the mayan representative at my palace in order to discuss the problem.

                        Our Voltan is to be spent for Astronomy, so that oversea expansion may be within range of my people. This being another topic of my planned meeting with the mayan representative, makes me look forward to it even more. Of course, King Xristo of Portugal still is invited too, in order to discuss his opinion on the matter.

                        I hereby express my gratitude to all those of you who have worked hard for a peaceful end of the Piercio-Roman war. Thank you very much in the name of all of my people.

                        Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl


                        • Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl,

                          I too rejoice to hear your good news and of the celebrations of 'hellfest' and 'furyfest'. Chief Tarhe is an honourable man, kind ruler, loyal friend and fellow brother in the Pax Romana - I am glad that the cities flourished under his guardianship.

                          As a sign of Rome's commitment to the prosperity of all within the Pax Romana, I would be glad to instruct your people in astronomy (as the use of the Voltan). All you need to do is ask.

                          I am becoming weary of this world, I have seen too much war, but it gives me great joy that before the one God calls me home I have seen peace return to this continent.

                          Augustus of Rome.


                          • To: Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl
                            From: Pacal Ermal of the Maya
                            Subject: Cannot Attend

                            I am very grateful for the offer to come visit you at your home. However, due to an upsurge in pirate activity I cannot risk the voyage across the inner sea at this time. Maya needs me alive right now, not dead.

                            Know that Maya appreciates you not signing the anti-emancipation treaty. Hopefully in time nations who have signed it will see the fruitlessness of doing so. My engineers have packaged a book containing the secrets of astronomy for your scientists to put into practice. Best of luck in your voyages and watch out for pirates!

                            In my place I am sending Maya's finest band to play at your next Furyfest. Although not as heavy as metal musicians, Jerry's guitar will out play anything you have ever heard.

                            I am another you.

                            - Pacal Ermal of the Maya


                            • To: King Orestes of the Spartans
                              From: Pacal Ermal of the Maya
                              Subject: Settlers and Pirates

                              King Orestes,

                              Reconnaissance reports indicate that you are moving a settler onto a galleon in southern Korea.

                              What business do you have in this part of Terra? Is there not an entire contenant named after your nation for you to settle?

                              Also, word has reached Tikal that one of our galleons was attacked by pirates east of Korea. Eye witness reports indicate that Greek symbolism adorned the bow of the ship, although this cannot be positively confirmed. Despite no positive confirmation, I cannot ignore the fact that the pirates apparently were not interested in your galleon. Please send my condolences to the families of those pirates if you indeed have contacts with them, as their ship was burned and crew drowned by the Mayan galleon. I have given orders that the next pirate crew be taken alive so we can identify the sponsoring nation and hold them accountable.

                              Tread lightly Orestes. Maya is watching you.

                              - Pacal Ermal of the Maya
                              Last edited by Pitboss Maya; February 14, 2009, 16:20.


                              • Mister Ermal,

                                You have settled a city on Korean territory on New Sparta.
                                I will not accept any Mayan settlements on Korean ground.
                                You are ordered to return this city to the Koreans. I am willing to compensate you with 1 settler.

                                Sparta does not wage wars with pirates.
                                We are an honourable nations. Your suggestion that Spartan pirates would attack ships of nation we are not at war with is an insult to Sparta.
                                I will be clear: this pirate ship you talk about was not Sparta.
                                I expect your apologizes soon.

                                My settlers are about to settle the desert west of Korea.
                                A desert claimed by no nation, and therefore claimed by Sparta as we speak.
                                Korea has already acknowledged our claim.
                                It is surprising that you first settle a city on territory claimed by Korea and then dispute Sparta's right to settle on unclaimed ground.

                                I will not allow any Mayan ships to sail through the Land Bridge between Sparta and Oldonia untill apologizes have been made and the New Spartan city has been given to the Koreans.

                                And to settle one last 'question' you raised.
                                New Sparta may carry the Spartan name, it has been agreed by Sparta to not settle it. We have given this territory to some other nations who lack much territory, like the Koreans and the Japanese.

                                Is that what the Maya are up to? Taking territory from small nations like Korea and Japan? Sparta will certainly defend the rights of our friends.

                                I hope that you will abandon this path you have chosen soon.
                                This path leads to war, and you are very well aware of that.
                                Is that what you call 'emancipation'?
                                You first give so called 'freedom' to your people, only then to sacrifice their sons on the battlefields.

                                The people of Maya are free to die on the battlefield. That's the message?
                                I hope that Sparta and Maya don't have to clash their weapons. There has been peace in our regio since the times of Lacedaemon the Great.
                                Our soldiers battled side by side in the Roman wars.
                                What has happened in the Maya lands that made you take this direction?

                                King Orestes of Sparta

