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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 7 (February 2009)

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  • TO: Xristo of Portugal
    FROM: General Jumong, Imperial Commander of Korea

    Honorable Xristo,

    We would like to begin by thanking you for your generosity, as we have stated in the past Korea will never forget what Portugal has done for her.

    Having said that, we are quite dismayed at the impatience you are displaying, and your willingness to simply turn on your word without contacting us about your worries. We would like to remind you that Korea is not a nation in need of charity for the sake of charity. We are the smallest nation on Terra, we are technologically backwards (in comparison to all of Terra, check the scoreboard) and are wedged in an area with little to no free land. We just recently got the ability to build Galleons. So we plead with you not to give up our land alotments in New Portugal. In fact these alotments are more important to us than the New Spartan land grants primarily because we have a direct and unfettered (i.e. no other nations in the way) route to this colony.

    The rumors you have heard of our ships are not rumors, they are legitimate (as the Greeks can attest) and have just recently disembarked from our ports (again the Greeks can attest to this). Since we also do not have direct maps these ships partake in some exploration as well.

    We are also quite confident that if you provided the map (again you don't have to give up your territory, just set it to only terrain is visible) and provide the Korean and Piercian alotment (or even just an area you are willing to provide), the Korean and Piericans (who are ancient friends) can work out a fair and balanced agreement. This can also be done in a private manner and I assure you that Korean and Piercian delegates can work out a proper border arrangement in the area.

    Sorry if this did not come off so well, I am a General by trade, I am merely filling in as the Foreign Minister until a new one is named.

    And thank you for your time,

    - General Jumong, Imperial Commander of Korea
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • Dear Augustus,

      I shall be leaving for Rome this very evening such is my desire to greet the man my my Uncle described as the 'rock whom he could trust to stand forever in a World where aught else turned all quickly to sand'. I do this even before the crown has been set upon my head. I had know idea that you were in any way ailing or I would have left straight from the entombment! We shall meet soon and I hope that the bonds between your annointed heir and me shall be as close as that which existed between you and my beloved Uncle. It grieves me deeply though that I might only meet you upon your death bed and have called upon the finest physics in Russia to accompany me that they might prove of any assistance.

      Friend and Neighbour,
      Prince Andrei Bogolubski


      • To: Pacal Ermal of the Maya
        From: Prince Andrei Bogolubski

        Greetings and felicitudes to you distant neighbour! A joy at last to hear word from you but what a greeting? Do you think a mere Caravel - a vessel of discovery not of war - could have been sent by me to cause mischief? I have yet to even have the crown lain upon my head and yet your first act is to close down the borders between us? Please remember that prior to my Uncle's death I had been a man of the cloth and knew nothing outside of the scriptures. Politics, wars and 'sanctions' were foreign words to me!

        Your cartographors are obviously vastly more advanced than Russia's for we have little knowledge of the furthermost parts of the world. I saw nothing amiss in peacefully despatching an exploratory mission to the southern hemishpere via the water's of a nation that all files in the foreign ministery indicated to be friendly. Be assured that had I had any warning that I could expect less than friendship from the Mayan people I would have instructed the captain to have steered a different course.

        I have studied the acts and treaties signed by my Uncle and I see no requirement under treaty obligation for Russia to deny the free movement of people between our nations and as such we welcome an open border policy. I hope that this agreement can be reinstated poste-haste as not only does it lead to a brooding feeling of distrust it is also harmful to trade and commerce.

        If I have inadvertently caused offence then I crave your indulgence and forgiveness. I hope that with the restoration of open-borders and safe passage of my vessel through Mayan waters we can grow to become good and trusty friends.

        In Friendship,
        Prince Andrei Bogolubski


        • Honourable Xristo of Portugal,

          A joy to hear from you and be assured that I shall seek to visit you as soon as is possible for as close neighbours nigh the northern tundra we will have much to discuss.

          Your Friend and Neighbour,
          Prince Andrei Bogolubski


          • Greetings Orestes, Great King of Sparta,

            I will not tarry long in journeying over the sea to visit your fair land. You are a wise and munificent leader and happenchance you might even see fit to appoint some tutors for my learned men to master the mysterious tongue of the Koreans'.

            Friend and Ally,
            Prince Andrei Bogolubski


            • Rome was awash with rumours and sadness.

              It was the time that the Emperor Augustus stumbled as he came down the steps of the Temple of Mars, in full view of the forum, which did the damage. Suddenly everyone started seeing the signs and putting them together. The fewer appearances, the sitting posture, the darkened eyes. There was no doubt the Emperor was dying.

              The palace was awash with rumours. Who woudl take over from the Augustus. The Empire was his invention at the time of the wicked attack on the Senate and murder of Tribune Hieronymous at the hands of the spies and slave revolt at the beginnng of the traitors war. Most of the rumours discussed which of the great generals would take over, but some in the inner circle started to notice the time being spend with one man, who came to Rome as a young child, an exile, a refugee from the South, in those dark days, Whose expertise was not in the army.


              • Proposal to sanctio all nations imposing the anti-Emancipation Pact

                To all nations of Terra.

                Let it be known the Khmer are currently considering plans to impose sanctions on any nation enforcing the anti-Emancipation Pact.

                Borders may be closed and trade deals cancelled.

                May I ask that Sparta re-considers its ban?

                There are many nations opposed to the ban on Emancipation and many may choose Emancipation once they achieve Democracy.

                It's interesting to note that Sparta has not even the option yet to choose Emancipation. Maybe they will change their ways once they reach Democracy but this is both a good and bad thing of course. I would like only the top four nations to renounce it until all other nations have reached Democracy.

                Suryavarman 3


                • To: Prince Andrei Bogolubski of Russia
                  From: Pacal Zandoz of the Maya
                  Subject: Closed Boarders

                  It is to the great dismay of the Maya that you chose to ignore our simple request that your boat does not sail to our coast. Boarders will now remain closed.

                  If a Russian spy is discovered operating in Maya, prepare for war.

                  - Pacal Zandoz


                  • If a Russian spy is discovered operating in Maya, prepare for war.
                    Any threat to one part of the Pax Romana is a threat against all within the Pax Romana.

                    Augustus of Rome.


                    • Let it be known the Khmer are currently considering plans to impose sanctions on any nation enforcing the anti-Emancipation Pact.
                      The Khmer menace continues to grow, revealing its true colours to all.

                      Orestes, General-Secretary of the Anti-Emancipation pact, I urge you to ignore such threats. Civilisation is not built by hesitating in the face of darkness.

                      Let the Khmer explain:
                      1. Emancipation in one country spreads unhappiness and distress to others, thus it is banned.
                      2. Non-emancipation in one country has no ill effect on any other country. Hence it is free choice.

                      Come, dark lord of the Khmner menance, explain how nations opposing emancipation harms anyone. No, this is just your shadow edging across the fair ocean to blacken our land. Be gone.

                      Augustus of Rome.


                      • Suryavarman of the Khmer,

                        You are mistaken by addressing Sparta about the Anti Emancipation Pact.
                        Sparta is only just a member of the pact.
                        But as the interim Secretary of the Pact I will address your concerns.

                        The members of the Anti Emancipation Pact do acknowledge the Khmer's right to trade and stop trading with whomever you want.
                        We will therefore not protest against this decision, if you will make it.

                        However we obviously hope that we, all members of the Anti-Emancipation Pact, will be able to continue to trade with the Khmer.

                        We have indeed not yet learned the technology of Democracy and we have no intention to learn this technology any time soon.
                        We know that you already posses this knowledge, but even while you obtained this knowledge, you did not change to Emancipation either. I do therefore not believe that learning this technology will chance our opinion.

                        You talk about many nations who have the intention to adopt Emancipation.
                        Well, these nations are free to do so.
                        These nations just have to accept that we, members of the Anti Emancipation Treaty, will stop trading with them. We believe that we have the right to take that decision, like you do.

                        As far as we know are there no nations one earth, apart from the Maya, who have the intention to adopt Emancipation. But if you can supply me with a list of nations that do desire to adopt this technology we at least both know what we are talking about.

                        Thanks for addressing your concerns and contact us about it.
                        Unfortunately I cannot change the politics of the Treaty. All members have signed it not for no reason, but after careful considerations and debates.
                        I hope that you are aware that the Treaty and it's articles are fair and balanced. Nothing is being done hasty. All nations who adopt Emancipation get much time to change their politics. Even now, after the Mayans have practised Emancipation for many many years already, only their import of health resources has been stoped.

                        Once again I want to reconfirm the intentions of the Anti-Emancipation Treaty members to continue to trade with you. As members of the Treaty we do consider you to be a friend of us in our fight against Emancipation and the riots caused by Emancipation. We thank you for your position in this!

                        Interim Secretary of the Anti Emancipation Treaty
                        Last edited by Guest; February 19, 2009, 05:49.


                        • Tidings Xristo.

                          Please not explore with Carrack inside Khmer waters. If you move to the easy access point Khmer will assume Portugal is landing spies or a Great Spy.

                          I'm sure you are not but we must protest at Portugal's massive espionage count against Khmer. Why is this so?

                          In addition why are you massing troops on Xristo City?

                          We wish to trust Portugal and all her fine deeds but Khmer must remain vigilant and ask these questions.

                          We do not transport any spies to Portugal but we do observe from the air - these are pretty much tourist flights for site-seers to take in the majesty of New Portugal.

                          Suryavarman 3


                          • we do observe from the air
                            The shadow grows


                            • Well thankyou both Orestes and Augustus.

                              I think we are agreed then.

                              Members of your pact do have the right to sanction Emancipated nations.

                              Non-members have the right to sanction those that do.

                              It's not about who has the ability to adopt Emancipation but the principle, as stated by the Celts and others. Besides there is no sunset clause in this fundamentally anti-Maya pact.

                              As you say no one else is likely to adopt it anytime soon so why not negotiate a positive outcome where Maya can remain emancipated. It seemed to be their strategy and goal to reach it. What if you aimed at Theology to adopt a religion but then half the world says, 'no your research has been wasted and you can't have it'.

                              The only dark cloud encircling the globe is the evil of your pact - and hidden within this pact of which includes three of the top four powers there has been rampant tech sharing and military allegiances. We are not fools. You support each other in almost all international postings.

                              Khmer's choices will be made, firstly by reducing trade with Sparta, since it is such a power.

                              Surely you can all cope with just one nation emancipated? Else we have an ever growing cycle of trade protectionism - something that Rome and Portugal find is second nature. They have either been Mercantists/Isolationists or Communists - never sharing their gold with all the other fair nations of the world that the Khmer have embraced.

                              Khmer will not adopt Emancipation, well not for now, but we can see considerable advantages in doing so. It is less repugnant to us now that Pacal has enlightened us.

                              Suryavarman 3
                              Last edited by Guest; February 19, 2009, 06:13.


                              • Pacal Zandoz,

                                Recently you have largely increased your espionage activities in Spartan territory.
                                My informants have told me that you are putting a lot of effort in gathering confidential information from our cities. Some say that you have even stopped working on research and are solely focussing on spying on Sparta.

                                Let it be clear, if any kind of espionage activity will harm our empire, I will certainly and immediately declare war upon you.
                                We keep an close eye on your activities. Do not think that we will not know the source of acts of terror are from the Mayan empire if your spy can get away.

                                Once again I express the desire of Sparta to live in peace with the Maya.
                                But I cannot accept this build up of Mayan intelligence against Sparta.
                                I hope that you will end all your espionage activities against Sparta and start working on better relations with us.

                                It is appalling that you treat the Russian empire to not spy on you, while your entire economy is being setup for espionage on other nations.

                                Let my warning be clear!
                                We will strike back with our entire army if our nation will be harmed by any kind of spy actions.

                                King of Sparta

