TO: Emperor Augustus of Rome
FROM: Gojong of Silla, Emperor of Korea
Honorable Augustus,
We always appreciate your missives.
Firstly we would like to clarify a few things you have stated. The first is your use of the term mediator. I will be the first to tell you, and readily admit that the monk Ku Kai is not a mediator in any sense of the word. Ku Kai was never sent as a mediator but as an ambassador to travel the area of the conflict (which he did) and to report on his findings and to offer a proposal. Korea never used the term mediator to describe this mission. In fact the first use of that term to describe ambassador Ku Kai was by your allies the Russians. Whether this was intentional (in order to call into question Korea's design and trustworthyness) or a simple mis-translation is up for debate, however never was Ku Kai sent to be a mediator.
Secondly, it is no secret Korea is close friends with the Piercians. We share a common religion, and had recently had great and fruitful political dealings. Korea continues to respect and admire the Piercians, but the simple fact of the matter is that lately Piercian and Korean contacts have been very scant. In fact the only recent conversation between the Koreans and Piercians was in one private correspondence. This was sent prior to speaking with the Russians privately (as they can confirm) where I told them I would pressure Piercia into an apology and indemnity. The Piercians have agreed to do this. The Russians also intimated that they would consider the proposal I have made and have also intimated they will speak with you about it. But to say that Korea planned the proposal with Piercia is simply not true, but it is understandable how this conclusion could be drawn. We have had no prior contact with Piercia concerning our proposal, not in the slightest. The proposal is one of Korean original alone. Perhaps it may echo some things Piercia has called for, but this is mere coincidence. Our interests are in ending the war between your nations so we can continue trade unabated. This occurs currently between Rome and Korea and there is no intention to hinder that commerce.
I can only assure you that Korea is not attempting to leverage one nations above another, we simply continue the efforts of my father, Emperor Sejong, in securing peace in your region. That is our only goal in these talks.
We hope you will truly consider our proposal, we have aplogized for our rhetoric towards Russia both in public and in private correspondence, we have taken it upon ourselves to see that Piercia does likewise and reimburses Russia for their lost Knights. We realized it would be a difficult task, but the difficulty we encounter will not stop us from trying to gain a lasting and honorable peace for all involved.
We hope you will join us in our efforts.
- Emperor Gojong of Silla