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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 7 (February 2009)

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  • #76

    TO: Emperor Augustus of Rome
    FROM: Gojong of Silla, Emperor of Korea

    Honorable Augustus,

    We always appreciate your missives.

    Firstly we would like to clarify a few things you have stated. The first is your use of the term mediator. I will be the first to tell you, and readily admit that the monk Ku Kai is not a mediator in any sense of the word. Ku Kai was never sent as a mediator but as an ambassador to travel the area of the conflict (which he did) and to report on his findings and to offer a proposal. Korea never used the term mediator to describe this mission. In fact the first use of that term to describe ambassador Ku Kai was by your allies the Russians. Whether this was intentional (in order to call into question Korea's design and trustworthyness) or a simple mis-translation is up for debate, however never was Ku Kai sent to be a mediator.

    Secondly, it is no secret Korea is close friends with the Piercians. We share a common religion, and had recently had great and fruitful political dealings. Korea continues to respect and admire the Piercians, but the simple fact of the matter is that lately Piercian and Korean contacts have been very scant. In fact the only recent conversation between the Koreans and Piercians was in one private correspondence. This was sent prior to speaking with the Russians privately (as they can confirm) where I told them I would pressure Piercia into an apology and indemnity. The Piercians have agreed to do this. The Russians also intimated that they would consider the proposal I have made and have also intimated they will speak with you about it. But to say that Korea planned the proposal with Piercia is simply not true, but it is understandable how this conclusion could be drawn. We have had no prior contact with Piercia concerning our proposal, not in the slightest. The proposal is one of Korean original alone. Perhaps it may echo some things Piercia has called for, but this is mere coincidence. Our interests are in ending the war between your nations so we can continue trade unabated. This occurs currently between Rome and Korea and there is no intention to hinder that commerce.

    I can only assure you that Korea is not attempting to leverage one nations above another, we simply continue the efforts of my father, Emperor Sejong, in securing peace in your region. That is our only goal in these talks.

    We hope you will truly consider our proposal, we have aplogized for our rhetoric towards Russia both in public and in private correspondence, we have taken it upon ourselves to see that Piercia does likewise and reimburses Russia for their lost Knights. We realized it would be a difficult task, but the difficulty we encounter will not stop us from trying to gain a lasting and honorable peace for all involved.

    We hope you will join us in our efforts.

    - Emperor Gojong of Silla
    Last edited by The Capo; February 5, 2009, 18:42.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • #77

      To: Gojong of Silla, Emperor of Korea
      From: Pacal Ermal of Maya
      Subject: 1511 Autumn Assembly Meeting

      Indeed rumors that you may sign Sparta's wretched anti-emancipation treaty have reached the highest levels of government in Maya. As I write this a vote concerning this surprising turn of events has been presented to the Mayan people.

      It is really not my place to decide how Maya will react if you side with the Spartans, that is for the people to decide. However, I do hold much sway over what gets presented to the people as voteable matters. Personally, I hope we can work something out, as I would hate to see Mayan/Korean relations deteriorate because of Sparta's treaty.

      I invite you to partake in our next Autumn Assembly Meeting to be held in Tikal at the height of the harvest moon. It is here that we discuss current events, and decide what issues shall be voted upon by all Mayans. Your voice at this meeting could very well shape future Mayan policy toward Korea. I cannot promise you anything however, except your safety while in Maya.

      It is also my hope that you will see first hand how well our new government works, even when dealing with those who would sign treaties against it.

      I am another you.
      Last edited by Pitboss Maya; February 5, 2009, 23:15.


      • #78

        To: Nations of Terra
        From: Pacal Ermal of Maya
        Subject: 1510 Spring Equinox Assembly Meeting

        So as to let other nations know where the Maya stands, I hereby release the results of our latest Spring Equinox Assembly Meeting. For national security reasons, the exact tallys and two items have been omitted from this missive.

        Offer Open Boarders to Portugal: For
        Continue To Provide Free Silk to Portugal: For
        Item #3 omitted for national security reasons
        Continue To Provide Free Dye to Rome: For
        Close Boarders With Korea: Against
        Close Boarders With Sparta: Against
        Propose The "Free Nations Trade Pact" To Terra: For
        Item #8 omitted for national security reasons
        Offer Open Boarders To The Celts: For
        Adopt Mercantilism: For
        Spread Taoism to Medulia: For
        Adopt Nationalism: Against

        The details behind the "Free Nations Trade Pact" will be disclosed at a later date.
        Last edited by Pitboss Maya; February 5, 2009, 23:08.


        • #79
          Gojong meets Pacal Ermal...

          When Gojong returned from his trip to Sparta he immedeately made arrangements to head to Maya. The Mayans were Korea's oldest and staunchest ally and supporter, but Gojong had agreed to sign Orestes anti-emancipation pact. Clearly the Koreans were torn between two options; they could either retain their friendship with Maya and ignore the pact, although creating great strife within their own country (which was heavily regimented, and based on class-distinction) or they can could risk their peace proposal by losing support from Greece. Greece was integral for the international peace-keeping force that was suggested to occupy Piercian territory. This put Gojong in quite a position. He agreed to sign Orestes pact and made haste to travel to Maya and meet with Pacal Ermal and the Assembly.

          He spoke with Pacal Ermal prior to his scheduled address of the Mayan Assembly during the Fall Equinox meeting. The following is a transcript of that discussion:

          Gojong Says:
          Well, I thank you for the tour of this fine city. I did spend some time here when I was younger, with Pacal Voltan. I can't wait to return to Tikal.

          Gojong Says:
          But enough small talk, I need to get down to business.

          Gojong Says:
          Firstly, I don't want to get your nerves up about this agreement, I think civlized men can come to terms on such a frivilous issue as the pesants so-called emancipation.

          Gojong Says:
          We understand you haven't fully enacted this yet, and hope you do not intend on doing so. It would mean a great deal to your sister nation of Korea.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          You must not have heard Gojong, but emancipation has been enacted for years now. We tried to keep news of it from getting out so as to prevent unrest among oppressed citizens of other nations, as well as to delay the sanctions Sparta has proposed.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          Of course, keeping good news secret is quite a challenge.

          Gojong Says:
          Of course, keeping many things secret can prove to be a challenge. But surely you do not intend on granting this privlege to the Aztrec minority? You have seen how stubborn they can be.

          Gojong Says:
          And your Generals can attest to this.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          Aztecs are considered full Mayan citizens, as long as they can prove they live in Maya. What some consider to be stubborn, I can relate to. Years ago in the time of the Pacals, the Mayan nation tried and succeded in forcing our culture and beleves upon them. All they wanted to was to live as they wished. Which is now replaying out in Terra at large with this anti-emancipation treaty.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          I am sure the Spartans and others consider us stubborn.

          Gojong Says:
          That may be true Ermal, but it wasn't so long ago that our armies had to contend with these Aztecs, even after Pacal Voltan's reforms. Clearly certain people are just not prepared to live among the civilized.

          Gojong Says:
          I do recall an Aztec presided over the Mayan Empire during its time of decline, surely this is enough of a clue as to how well these people can be trusted with any rights.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          There are many that walk Terra who have yet to be enlightned. Some would be considered the most civilized by popular standard.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          The Spartans come to mind in this regard.

          Gojong Says:
          We have had our disagreements in the past with Sparta, this is true. But in this they are right. This emancipation would cause great unrest in Korea. Many of the soldiers, even some officers, are of low birth. We can not risk a military coup, especially at such a tense time in our history.

          Gojong Says:
          And that policy, so close to our lands, could cause great unrest among our military ranks.

          Gojong Says:
          Without income from the peasantry the nobles would be at the mercy of our miiltary heirarchy, it would skew our politics. You wouldn't want such discourse to afflict Korea would you? Cousin?

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          I simply carry out the will of the late King Voltan, and the Mayan people. Even if I agreed with you, which I don't, I could not repeal emancipation. It has already been put to a vote, and the Mayans have spoken.

          Pacal Ermal Says:

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          I, and the Mayans respect Koreas right to sign any treaty you wish. Just as we ask you to respect our right to govern as we see fit.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          On behalf of our economy, and long term relations between our nations I ask you not to sign the treaty of course.

          Gojong Says:
          Of course. Need I remind you that King Voltan was my cousin, and thus it was my family my line that granted you this precious freedom you enjoy. Need I remind you of the deals my father made, cancelling borders with Portugal and supplying your army with seige-craft? This is how you repay us? Even the land you gave us in exchange was filled with barbarians!

          Gojong Says:
          Sometimes sacrafices are necessary to maintain friendships Ermal, you would be wise to remember that.

          Gojong Says:
          And I will also say that, depending on this agreement, we will see peace among our allies in Piercia. You will put all of this at stake for the sake of a few peasants and barbarians?

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          Gojong, friend, you are missing the point. It is not my choice to make. As appointed "Pacal" I am mearly a public servent. I do have influance over the Assmbely Meetings twice a year, but I simply cannot change policy on my own. To even attempt to do so would mean death as the Mayan military upholds our govenment structure without question.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          When you attend the Autumn Equonox Meeting you will understand. Much of Terra sees me as some sort of "king", which is amusing to me. I do not function in even close to that capacity. I am an ambassador, and an administrator, that is all. The people of Maya now determine Mayan policy.

          Gojong Says:
          But you do hold considerable influence, especially among your political allies who must have control of the assembly, otherwise you would not have been chosen. You can tell these men to vote your way.

          Gojong Says:
          And yes, I will take my opportunity to speak to the assembly. But with your voice backing my words we can achieve this.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          We can try, but you must understand.... there is nobody to influence. Voltan put safeguards into place to prevent just such a thing. I am elected by the Taoist Church, and can be replaced at any time. The city Governers are switched out every year by popular vote. During the Assembly Meetings I don't even refer to them by name. I refer to them by city.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          I can try my best to steer the meeting one way or the other, but as I told you Gojong, repealing emancipation was already brought to vote.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          At this point, you would be more successful if you turned your focus away from trying to change our civic, and instead focus on preventing the Mayans from closing boarders with Korea immedately.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          The last vote on that matter was close, although the public missive did not release the actual margin.

          Gojong Says:
          I can assure you Pacal, that would be the case if this emancipation continues. And not only Korea, but with everyone who signed the pact. The Mayans would become a pariah, a rogue state.

          Gojong Says:
          You will be forced to rely on powers accross the sea, that will be the future for the Mayans if you do not heed my warnings.

          Gojong Says:
          I do not like it, but it is necessary for Korea's safety that you discontinue this practice.

          Gojong Says:
          I will expound upon this to the assembly, surely they are reasonable men who understand that Maya is part of a community of nations. They must behave as such.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          Taoism holds them to higher ideals. Their passion for truth and justice boarders on fanatisism. This is the general norm across Maya. Between you and me, I think you are right Gojong. I think Maya will end up isolating itself. Due to the continued fighting in the north, and now this Spartan treaty, even the concept of mercantilism has been embraced by the people.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          Mercantilism! Only internal trade!

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          Maya seems to embrace isolationism recently. I think it will be bad for Maya in the long run

          Gojong Says:
          I assure you it could only be bad, especially with the growing colonialism abroad. This will stifle your growth for sure, and for what? I hate to keep repeating this, but its true; for the sake of a few barbarians? a few low-born peasants? You must reconsider this policy, with Piercia weakened and Rome stronger it is only wise that we rally around our Spartan allies.

          Gojong Says:
          So long as Sparta is on the side of Korea and Maya we are safe, we are protected.

          Gojong Says:
          And if you do not agree to this treaty, friend, I do not see a safe future for your people. Be they peasants or of noble Mayan blood.

          Gojong Says:
          We will be forced to abide by its parameters, which means over time cessation of relations with your country.

          Pacal Ermal Says:
          You make very valid points Gojong. It is refreshing to hear a different perspective on things. I hope you are this influencial during the meeting for the sake of both Maya and Korea.

          OOC: This post is the product of an actual chat between the Mayan and Korea players, so this should be considered for story/diplomacy purposes.
          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

          One Love.


          • #80
            To : Emperor Augustus of Rome, King Orestes of Sparta, Joseph Stalin of Russia, Emperor Gojong of Silla of Korea and Pacal Ermal of the Maya
            From : Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl of the Piercian Empire
            CC : Xristo of Portugal, Chief Tarhe of the Wyandot Nation


            At first, I would like to thank those of you who recently did so much for bringing this peace negociations further as ever before.

            The schedule of the Korean purposal and it's acceptance are still uncertain. I however, do support it, accept it, and will do my best to apply it. This is why I publically announce that I have sent Joseph Stalin a peace-offer including a compensation of 100 Gold for the units he lost in the battle of Por'Per.

            May this be another step towards a solution of this crisis, just like the latest words of Emperor Augustus towards me have been one.

            International peace-troops are welcome to Piercian ground.

            As soon as Rome agrees, my Empire is fully ready to prepare the next steps suggested by the purposal.

            Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl


            • #81
              Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl,

              Your compensation and apologizes have been accepted.
              I see no further reason for Russia to continue this war, in the first place because we never wanted it.

              Therefore have I accepted your peace proposal.
              I'll withdraw my army back into Russia.
              I'll leave the terms for peace to the Romans.

              Joseph Stalin


              • #82
                To the Celts,

                Quite some time ago already I have supplied you with sea routes to Sparta.
                Still you haven't come to Sparta. Once again I invite you to come over. You will not regret.

                King Orestes of Sparta


                • #83
                  The Anti Emancipation Treaty:

                  Article 1. When a nation adopts Emancipation it'll be warned to end it immediately
                  Article 2. Every nation gets 10 periods to return back from their wrong decisions
                  Article 3. If a nation asks for a delay to return back from their evil ways, we'll give them another 10 periods
                  Article 4. If a nation refuses to end Emancipation, we'll put sanctions on it.
                  Article 5. Sanctions are:
                  A. First we'll all end supplying this nation with health resources
                  B. After 5 periods we'll end supplying this nation with happiness resources
                  C. After 5 more periods we'll end supplying this nation any strategic resources
                  D. After 5 more periods we'll all close our borders with this nation

                  Article 6. All sanctions will end as soon as a nation ends Emancipation.
                  Article 7. Nations who'll adopt Emancipation again will not get a 10 periods warning period nor a 10 periods delay. We'll start putting sanctions on them immediately, starting with A.
                  Article 8. If a nation adopts Emancipation for the 3rd time we'll immediately invoke all sanctions on them.
                  Article 9. If a nation adops Emancipation for the 4th time, we'll immediately invoke all sanctions, and add 5 periods to these sanctions from the moment on this nation ends Emancipation.
                  Article 10. For every extra time a nation adopts Emancipation again, 5 more periods will be added to the sanctions.

                  Article 11. If one of the treaty nations refuses to commit to the sanctions, it will be handled as if it adopted Emancipation itself. First 10 warning periods will be given, then sanctions will be applied on them according to Article 5.
                  Article 12. Every treaty nation can end step out of this treaty. After the declaration to step out of the treaty, it'll take 10 turns till it effectively left the treaty. during these 10 days this nation is living up to this treaty.

                  Signed by:


                  Promised to be signed by:

                  Considered as we speak by many nations. I will not disclosure their names.
                  I invite all nations to sign this anti emancipation treaty.
                  This treaty is only against Emancipation! Not against free speech, universal suffrage or free religion!

                  We are not against slaves, women, foreigners, or whomever lives in your nation, having the right to vote! That's why there is no problem with Universal Suffrage!
                  But emancipation is a movement that causes riots and problems in nations across the world. Activists will claim rights they may already have or do not deserve. It'll destabilize nations. If we allow the emancipation movement to start, then we'll open a can of worms. All kinds of groups will ask for equal rights or feel treated in an unequal way.

                  Soon children will riot for the same rights as adults, lead by weird bearded leaders!
                  Or what about animals? Some will claim that animals deserve emancipation as well!
                  Or people will claim that criminals deserve the same rights as civil men.
                  What about the emancipation of the ordinary man who'll claim the same right as the judges.

                  No, in every society there are differences.
                  And it is up to every democratic, representative or hereditary rulers of a nation to decide what rights are given to who. If you doubt that some minorities will get a voice, give them the right to vote.

                  But let's all fight this emancipation movement now, before it'll bring unrest and riots to all of us.

                  Sparta will in all possible ways back nations up who sign the treaty and are invaded by evil empires because of it. Every nation has the right to sign this treaty. Every nation has the right to start or stop trading with other nations. Sparta will defend that right.

                  Soon I will effectuate this treaty.
                  Therefore I urge all nations to consider it, and sign it as soon as possible.

                  King Orestes of Sparta


                  • #84

                    To the World

                    After much debate and negotiations with my Spartan friends I have agreed to sign the Emancipation Treaty. Portugal will join Sparta, Japan, Russia, Rome and any new members as equal and strictly abide by the articles presented by the Spartans.

                    On a different note, Sparta and Portugal have decided to sign a Defensive Pact. King Orestes and I have decided that such a pact will be very beneficial for both sides. Both countries have reassured one another the following:

                    * Immediate declaration of war upon the aggressor
                    * Financial assistance as well as military assistance

                    The above pact is only for defense purposes. Both parties have agreed that the pact will be only valid when one of the signees is attacked. In case of on an offensive operation the pact has no straight.

                    Soon my friend Orestes will make a public statement confirming the results of our meeting.


                    • #85
                      To: Gojong of Silla, Emperor of Korea

                      I have received your request for Portuguese peace keeping forces, please let us know how many are requested and I will send them immediately.

                      Thank you



                      • #86
                        To : Joseph Stalin of Russia
                        From : Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl of the Piercian Empire


                        I am glad to hear that hostilities can be pushed aside. I wish your men a safe journey back to their homes.

                        Aun'O Es'Ther Per'Hyl


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Pitboss Greece View Post
                          To the Celts,

                          Quite some time ago already I have supplied you with sea routes to Sparta.
                          Still you haven't come to Sparta. Once again I invite you to come over. You will not regret.

                          King Orestes of Sparta
                          We have a galley making it's way to Athens, but the journey is very long and arduous as you are on the opposite side of the world from us. We have recently entered Russian waters and push on to Sparta.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Pitboss Greece View Post
                            The Anti Emancipation Treaty:

                            Article 1. When a nation adopts Emancipation it'll be warned to end it immediately
                            Article 2. Every nation gets 10 periods to return back from their wrong decisions
                            Article 3. If a nation asks for a delay to return back from their evil ways, we'll give them another 10 periods
                            Article 4. If a nation refuses to end Emancipation, we'll put sanctions on it.
                            Article 5. Sanctions are:
                            A. First we'll all end supplying this nation with health resources
                            B. After 5 periods we'll end supplying this nation with happiness resources
                            C. After 5 more periods we'll end supplying this nation any strategic resources
                            D. After 5 more periods we'll all close our borders with this nation

                            Article 6. All sanctions will end as soon as a nation ends Emancipation.
                            Article 7. Nations who'll adopt Emancipation again will not get a 10 periods warning period nor a 10 periods delay. We'll start putting sanctions on them immediately, starting with A.
                            Article 8. If a nation adopts Emancipation for the 3rd time we'll immediately invoke all sanctions on them.
                            Article 9. If a nation adops Emancipation for the 4th time, we'll immediately invoke all sanctions, and add 5 periods to these sanctions from the moment on this nation ends Emancipation.
                            Article 10. For every extra time a nation adopts Emancipation again, 5 more periods will be added to the sanctions.

                            Article 11. If one of the treaty nations refuses to commit to the sanctions, it will be handled as if it adopted Emancipation itself. First 10 warning periods will be given, then sanctions will be applied on them according to Article 5.
                            Article 12. Every treaty nation can end step out of this treaty. After the declaration to step out of the treaty, it'll take 10 turns till it effectively left the treaty. during these 10 days this nation is living up to this treaty.

                            Signed by:


                            Promised to be signed by:

                            Considered as we speak by many nations. I will not disclosure their names.
                            I invite all nations to sign this anti emancipation treaty.
                            This treaty is only against Emancipation! Not against free speech, universal suffrage or free religion!

                            We are not against slaves, women, foreigners, or whomever lives in your nation, having the right to vote! That's why there is no problem with Universal Suffrage!
                            But emancipation is a movement that causes riots and problems in nations across the world. Activists will claim rights they may already have or do not deserve. It'll destabilize nations. If we allow the emancipation movement to start, then we'll open a can of worms. All kinds of groups will ask for equal rights or feel treated in an unequal way.

                            Soon children will riot for the same rights as adults, lead by weird bearded leaders!
                            Or what about animals? Some will claim that animals deserve emancipation as well!
                            Or people will claim that criminals deserve the same rights as civil men.
                            What about the emancipation of the ordinary man who'll claim the same right as the judges.

                            No, in every society there are differences.
                            And it is up to every democratic, representative or hereditary rulers of a nation to decide what rights are given to who. If you doubt that some minorities will get a voice, give them the right to vote.

                            But let's all fight this emancipation movement now, before it'll bring unrest and riots to all of us.

                            Sparta will in all possible ways back nations up who sign the treaty and are invaded by evil empires because of it. Every nation has the right to sign this treaty. Every nation has the right to start or stop trading with other nations. Sparta will defend that right.

                            Soon I will effectuate this treaty.
                            Therefore I urge all nations to consider it, and sign it as soon as possible.

                            King Orestes of Sparta
                            After much discussion with the counsellors of the Spainish Empire, the Queen of Spain will sign this letter stating our opposition to any nation that becomes Emancipated, is a nation that deserves to be sanctioned against.


                            • #89
                              Orestes confirms the words of his friend: Xristo, and is happy that both Great Nations have signed a mutual defence pact!

                              Orestes is also very glad to announce that already 6 great nations have signed the Anti Emancipation Pact!

                              - Japan
                              - Rome
                              - Russia
                              - Portugal
                              - Spain
                              - Sparta

                              Soon, after also Korea has signed, the pact will officially be effectuated.
                              After effectuation, new members are still welcome of course!


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Pitboss Greece View Post
                                Soon children will riot for the same rights as adults, lead by weird bearded leaders!
                                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

