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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 3 (October)

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  • #61

    We should be roleplaying the meeting, not actualy sending units to a certain town.

    I stil lfai lto udnerstand the need for the unit to attend.

    I have made contact with every civ who is attending the meeting.
    Perhaps that why i so low on score, i been busy explring the worls instead of developing back home.

    Role playing is what DIPLO is about

    I sohuld be able to post my Diplomat is in attedance regardless of where my units actually are.

    But each to their own i guess.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal
      Dear Isabella,

      I am happy to hear that preparations are going well. Our closest friend Chief Tarhe leader of the Wyandot civilization will personally be attending our wedding. He has accepted to be my best man for this great occasion. Due to the great gathering at the city of Meeting, many other foreign leaders seem to have no time to honor our union. I am not offended by all of this and you shouldn’t be too my dear Isabella. Maybe after that meeting event, some will send their envoys to congratulate us.

      Please send my greetings to the Celtic people; we look forward to meeting them!

      The time is near when Spain and Portugal will become one!
      Our galley nears the Spanish Empire, but we have no way of knowing how far away we are. Based on rumors and the stars we believe to be about halfway there. We apologize if we miss the wedding, but hope to meet the strapping Portugese lad who is marrying the fine Isabella.


      • #63
        My Lord Davros II of Oldonia,

        We now have a DIRECT road leading from your empire to the city of Meeting. For us, we feel there should not be any reason why you could not send a representative - hell, it could even be a worker you have along the roadway even....

        Chief Tarhe


        • #64
          Chief Tarhe

          Every unit in my nation has a role to fulfill at present. Whether it be building roads that were destroyed by barbarians or preventing babrarians attacking.

          Unlike some nations i am not overly endowed with units.

          Due to the last wave of barb attacks i even have a province with no defenders now that has made it urgent to rectify.

          If anyone, and i mean any one can tell me why i must send a unit to this meeting i will stop doing what i doing in my nation and send one, but at present there is no need to physically be there with a unit. My diplomats are now in every nation i met.



          • #65
            (Sorry, bled-over to the Tech Thread...for some reason) Carrying on from here:

            King Davros II,

            Why should you send a unit to attend?

            Why: ROLLPLAY - to have a convention, representatives need to be physically present (it does not matter what those representatives are, military, worker, settler, great person, long as someone from your empire is physically present for the discussions.

            I imagine a roll-call will be held at the convention start and any nations who do not have representation will - well, let's just say, be considered against the meeting in the first place (and subject to the fallout resulting from any agreements made with participating members).

            Davros, you are a free nation like the rest of us. It is your choice. You have NO output since I have agreed to gift you the unit needed to make the trip - but, in the end, it is your choice, and yours alone to make.

            Chief Tarhe


            • #66
              TO: The Kingdom of Oldonia, His Majestry King Davros
              FM: The Wyandot Nation, Chief Tarhe

              We hope you have recieved our latest message to you and will concur with the reasoning behind it.

              Now is the time for all nations to come together and meet up as one, on a fair footing by all present.

              I believe this historic meeting can lead to ramifications that will be felt thoughout the years to come.

              It would be a sad time if Oldonia could not find the time or the effort to join us in this worldwide first endeavour!

              Chief Tarhe, Wyandot Nation


              • #67
                Chief Tarhe Thoughts

                Late at night, Tarhe finds himself in his lodge - going though the events of the past few years:

                [color=dark green]Now that the Oldonian-Wyandot Way is completed and the Mound City-Meeting road is in place, Chief Tarhe breathed a sigh of relief.

                Finally all of his workers can return home, both from Piercia and Oldonia. First mission: fix/improve a much needed infrastructure. In addition, the military escorts with the workers will help slow down the yearly drain on the Wyandot coffers. Hopefully now, Tarhe thought, "I can get a grasp on our escalated economy". [/color]


                • #68
                  Under the reign of Annei the economy was growing
                  again. The police state had ended and all were happy
                  again. The Imperial court was still in need of members
                  so he created a voting system so that the people of
                  each city could choose who would be appointed to the
                  Imperial court. This seemed to make the people happy
                  so he also held elections for the governorship of each
                  city. He assigned more workers to be built to replace
                  one of the workers going to the mainland to help
                  improve Manila who’s production has great potential but
                  was unable to reach it due to declining population due
                  to lack of food.

                  He also had to deal with the combined Takeda and
                  Barbarian attacks, which seemed to never end on the
                  main land. Along with the continued decline of
                  population in Manila they also had to deal with wave
                  after wave of attacks by the Takeda. Annei had no
                  choice but to have Manila switch to building more
                  defenders to protect itself. Osaka was safe due to the
                  Protection given by the Greeks so an archer unit was
                  sent north to Manila and Osaka was put to build a new
                  archer group to protect itself.

                  Greeks ships were seen along Japan’s shores and
                  Troops were seen near Ino. If this were anyone else
                  this would be considered an act of war and the unit
                  would be attacked. But since Japan is friends with the
                  Greeks they are more then welcome to explore Japan
                  and take in the sights. Annei sent word to allow the
                  Greeks passage through out Japan and send
                  ambassadors to meet with them.

                  A scouting part was still needed to meet with the
                  Romans but none could go do to the barbarian city to
                  the north. The Oldonians were sending some troops to
                  take the city but it was unclear how long it would take.
                  So Annei thought it best to wait till the Oldonians took
                  the city before they sent scouts. But he also had plans
                  to send troops over to burn the city if it wasn’t already
                  gone in 10 days. Any way it was put that city had to be
                  taken out and the barbarians had to be dealt with
                  before Japan could safely travel to the meeting with the

                  Even though Japan was trying to become stronger,
                  but their were still those who wanted Japan to stay
                  weak so they could take control of Japan and change it
                  to what they wanted Japan to be. It was people like the
                  Takeda clan, Uesugi clan, Date clan, and Mouri clans
                  who wanted to expand through war and not peace. It
                  was people like this who ruined Japan for so long and if
                  they were to take over again who knows what they
                  would be capable of doing.


                  • #69
                    Official Announcement from the Novgoriad League of Traders.
                    To: All nations
                    From: Master Merchant Mikhail Pitrovovich Rus

                    Allow me to introduce myself to all the peoples of the world. I am Master Merchant Mikhail Pitrovovich, son of Pitr the Everlasting, who is no longer living, and I am Master Merchant of the Novgoriad Trade Council and as such Master of the Novgoriad Trading League and thus ruler of all Ruskaya Zemlya.

                    I send this formal introduction to all nations, both well known and unfamiliar to us in order to establish good relations and lay the foundation for prosperity and trade.

                    With this I also announce that we have reestablished our diplomatic ensemble and can be contacted through the proper channels. Our representatives are to be found at Plompmail Street in Meeting and at any border of Ruskaya Zemlya.

                    We are particularily interested in selling our precious silver wares as well as exchanging map information and establishing trade routes.

                    May you live long and prosper.

                    Mikhail Pitrovovich Rus


                    • #70
                      Dear PEter.

                      To aid you in world exploration our map makers have made a map of the world as we know it.

                      It is currently being translted into Russian for you.

                      We hope to build better freindships between the West and Far East.



                      • #71
                        To all world leaders we have met

                        Trade offers made to all of you..

                        It is christmas time in Western Razolia


                        • #72
                          For years Japan has been attacked over and over by barbarians who were working with the Takeda clan. Imperial Japan grew tired of this and has now officially declared war on the Takeda, the barbarians, and any who help the barbarians. Japan is now committed to riding the world of the Takeda and barbarian once and for all.


                          • #73
                            To the peoples of the World

                            The senate and people of Rome send greetings,

                            For too long the spirit of the Roman people, the honour of our fathers and the glory of the true gods has been polluted by the filth of the bloated corruption of certain families who thought themselves great. Fields lie unploughed, mines stand unworked, the great lands destiny marked out for us are the haunts of jackals.

                            Finally the great god Mithras heard the cry of the people and raised up Tribune Hieronymus to restore the glory of Rome and the praise of the true gods. He has cleansed the Senate and restored the true spirit of Rome.

                            All peoples are invited to join the celebrations of this auspicious blessing from the gods – hope and prosperity will soon overflow from eternal Rome to even the furthest reaches of the world.



                            • #74
                              [ooc] is this the new Rome palyer posting ??


                              • #75
                                The Takeda have struck first blood. The city of Manila Has been burned. Japan will have its revenge!!!

