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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 3 (October)

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  • Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 3 (October)

    This is the Story and Diplomacy Thread for the Pitboss Diplomacy Game: Beyond the Pit (October)

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    Last edited by Robert; October 1, 2008, 03:36.

  • #2
    Ishbad stood in the market place . He was very hungry.

    He saw a sign saying Free Food.

    He hurried over.

    He saw a nice big orange, "this free he asked ?"

    "Yes " replied the storeman. "I am into charity i like to help the poor "

    ishbad took the orange and started to eat it.

    "Wait" yelled the storeman . "YOu must pay me for the tranportation costs first"

    Ishbad looked confused, "Your sign says free and you told me it free , how can you now charge?"

    "The food is free, you must pay for transportation costs. "

    "How much is tranportation costs." ishbad asked

    "The cost of one orange" smiled the storeman

    "So " said ishbad , i could go to salesmen next door and negotiatie for an orange and come to an agreement or take a free charity orange from you , provided i make full payment of cost of one orange"

    "That is right" smiled the salesman. " No one can give you orange cheaper than i do"


    • #3
      Sir we seem to have met the Spainish!

      What, when ?

      Dont know sir , jsut checked our official meet list and there they are.

      Ok quick send the spanish an official Welcome message you know the standard message.

      Yes sire

      Dear empress of the Far far away Nation

      From Albert King of Oldonia Realm

      We wish to greet you and weclome you to our lands. Please feel free to drop by anytime you in the area, our place is your place away from home.

      If you would like to open trade arrangements please speak to my trade advisor Robbie the Trade Minister We have many great resources to share and scientific knowledge.

      Your friend Albert
      Last edited by Pitboss Vikings; October 1, 2008, 05:41.


      • #4
        khmer still building galley. are we welcome still at meeting in other land?


        • #5
          Everyone is welcome to the meeting in Meeting.


          • #6
            When is it?


            • #7
              As the supply ship sailed back to Japan a group, which looked similar to the Oldonaians, was seen approaching

              from the north. The captain sent a messenger hawk to

              Osaka warning them. By the time it reached Osaka

              Kenshin has already moved to the north looking at land

              for potential settlement. The message reached Inahime

              and she quickly positioned her men to defend Osaka.

              She knew these troops could not be Oldonians for they

              have not been seen in these parts for hundreds of


              She did not know exactly who they were so she sent

              a scouting party to investigate. The troops were

              barbarian warriors similar to those who Suizei killed

              except they were dressed different. In training she was

              taught in situations like this a force should be sent to

              attack the enemy before they get too close to the city

              but this was different. Her forces were the only ones in

              Osaka and the closest other force was that commanded

              by a young Daimyo that was not a friend of the Uesugi.

              She sent word to any Japanese commander to come

              to Osaka to aid in the protection of the emperor. The

              only one to respond was the young daimyo of the weak

              Ashikaga clan. His name was Yoshikazu; he was the

              nephew of Takauji Ashikaga. Yoshikazu sent word that

              he would be able to come to the emperor’s aid in 30

              days. His forces were all over Japan and would take 20

              days to gather in one place and another week to travel

              across Japan to the port city of Ino then another 4 days

              to get to Osaka.

              Seeing as Yoshikazu was the only one willing to come

              to the aid of Annei, Inahime had to come up with a plan

              and hold out for the next month. She stationed her

              Archers throughout the city so if the barbarians were to

              get through, archers waiting inside buildings would pick

              them off. No one had ever take a defensive stance like

              this before, but only time would tell if this would work

              and if it would hold off the Barbarian forces until

              Yoshikazu was able to land his troops in 30 days time.


              • #8
                People can come and choose or not to leave ambassadors in Meeting. The meeting begins as soon as the roman organisators declare it open.


                • #9
                  Seoul, Royal Palace...

                  Foreign Minister Hae Mosu approached Emperor Sejong, who was writing poetry, a hobby he had adopted recently at the behest of his religious advisor Lama Subo. "Emperor, the Greeks have finally arrived with the Iron."

                  "Very good Minister" Sejong said dipping his quill into some ink, the Minister simply stood there. Sejong slowly raised his eyes "Is that all Minister?"

                  "No sir, another missive from Alcetas, concerning the scribes they asked for."

                  "Have you read it?" Sejong asked.

                  "I have your excellency, they still request the scribes and the offer of Iron is part and parcel to this. They have also offered an exchange of their own scribes instead if that is what you would prefer, for their law-making capabilities." Hae said, he was a little disappointed in his new religious Emperor.

                  Sejong sighed deeply and wrote another line of poetry, "It was my understanding that the Iron was to be a gift to me when I ascended the throne, and now they make it a part of this negotiation?"

                  "Yes sir, apparently so. I will say though, it was Alexander who offered you the Iron, not Alcetas." Hae replied.

                  "I understand that Hae, however Alexander never made good on this promise." Sejong thought for a moment, about the teachings of Subo and the Bodhisattva Tara, "You know what Minister, send the scribes anyway, I shall not make mountains out of mole-hills."

                  "Are you sure sire? I can send another missive, we can continue these negotiations."

                  Sejong placed his quill in the inkwell and blew on his poem to let the ink dry, he held it up to the candle-light "I am not going to let this squabble effect my decisions, we need to bolster our military forces. How are things going with the Japanese?"

                  "They have accepted our claim to the canal zone your excellency, however they want a guarantee they can use it in writing. Shall I draw it up?"

                  "Yes Minister, and they will accept Lama Jigong?"

                  "Of course sire, that was part of the arrangement. Speaking of which, perhaps we should REMIND the Greeks that they too agreed to accept our missionaries." Hae said sarcastically.

                  "That is not necessary" Sejong said, as he read his poem again, "I will not stoke the flames anymore, I will simply remember this turn of events." Sejong said, as he placed the corner of his poem into the flame of his candle, the fire slowly krept up the page.

                  "Sire what are you doing?" Hae Mosu asked.

                  Sejong laughed, looking at the page go up in flames "I write these poems for my own self-edification Minister. Where is my sister?"

                  "Princess Daemok shall arrive in Seoul shortly sire, she is with a small boy. I forget his name at the moment, some Mayan name."

                  "Mayan?" Sejong asked. "Who is this child?"

                  "It appears he is your nephew my lord." the Minister replied.

                  "Excellent" Sejong said as the paper burned out, leaving nothing but ash, "It will be good to have a child around, in fact I have been thinking about my own successor. I should like to visit the home of Jeong Jung-bu."

                  "Jeong Jung-bu sire?" Hae asked.

                  "Yes Minister, he was the Captain I sent to inspect the land-bridge, his entire unit was destroyed by barbarians, possibly Oldonians but I am not sure. I will speak to his family, it is a shame the pain I have caused them, pain so utterly avoidable."

                  "Very good sir, I shall make arrangements for our trip."

                  "Not OUR trip, I shall go with Lama Subo. I want you to go north to the Maya. You will bring orders with you for our ship captained by General Han Gong. I am sending them to this meeting in Piercia, we must extend our influence. You will also speak with the new Mayan leadership concerning our deals, this change of leadership concerns me greatly."

                  "Very good your excellency." Hae said, he simply stood there awaiting further instructions.

                  "That will be all Minister, please write up that pledge to Japan, make sure it is clear that Lama Jigong will be arriving with missionaries, and that they shall not impede upon our canal territory."


                  • #10
                    Official Missive to Japan

                    TO: Kenshin Uesugi, Shogun of Japan
                    FROM: Hae Mosu, Imperial Minister of Korea

                    Honorable Shogun,

                    I write at the behest of my Emperor Sejong of Goguryeo. As agreed to before in private discussion Korea understands that Japan shall honor the Korean claim to the land bridge and in exchange receive full and unfettered use of the canal that shall be built upon it. This shall not be revoked for any political considerations other than a war arising between Korea and Japan or a war arising between Korea and an ally of Japan or a war arising between Japan and an ally of Korea. Only under these circumstances may this offer be rescinded. Further Korea has agreed to accept an envoy of missionaries headed by the wise Lama Ji Gong. As promised we put into writing this agreement for all to see and hope that Japan will live up to their end of the bargain and do likewise. We also humbly request that Japan not make settlements that will encroach on the area surrounding the proposed canal site (the fat cross), so that our settlers may endeavor to farming and commerce freely. My Emperor has requested a portion of this missive to be written in his own hand;

                    Shogun Kenshin Uesugi,

                    I, Emperor Sejong of Goguryeo, promise to live by my word upon this letter. Further my ancestors shall agree as well, as it shall be written into Korean law. Under no circumstance will we attempt to change this agreement other than the conditions aforementioned by Imperial Minister Hae Mosu. I personally apologize for the prior actions of my ambassadors, they were simply working on behalf of their Emperor and do not take kindly to what they deem as disrespect. May Korea and Japan live in harmony for all eternity. May the blessings of peace and prosperity be upon you and your people for eternity.

                    -Emperor Sejong.

                    On behalf of my Emperor Sejong I thank you for your time. So let it be written, so let it be done.

                    -Hae Mosu, Imperial Foreign Minister
                    Last edited by Pitboss Korea; October 1, 2008, 20:47.


                    • #11
                      It was midday when Kenshin called for a meeting of his

                      top commanders. Now what is on today’s agenda?

                      He asked. The Koreans have put in

                      writing the agreement we made for access to the canal

                      and they request that we not build any cities within the

                      (fat cross) of their city border.
                      One of the

                      commanders said. Well make sure they know that we

                      planned ahead for that so there should be no problems

                      with that. Now how go our preparations for the

                      upcoming campaign?
                      Our cities are

                      preparing but right now only Kyoto is pushing out any

                      troops. It has been slowed down with the destruction

                      of our farmlands after the volcano erupted but we are

                      slowly rebuilding. We are told Kyoto will be back to

                      building at a higher rate in a few more weeks.

                      The rebels who tired to take Ino have all been killed

                      but not before they killed they murdered Mitsui Mogami.

                      Now the Mogami clan has fallen out of power and nearly

                      all the old retainers have joined other clans. The

                      majority of them have joined with the Ashikaga clan and

                      Oda clans.
                      Hmm so the young Yoshikazu

                      Ashikaga is trying to bring honor back to his clan. This is

                      truly a very interesting development indeed. Give him

                      Ino then. That city has been a disappointment since it’s

                      founding. Lets see if the young fool can bring life to a

                      lifeless city like Ino.
                      Kessen said while laughing.

                      Then he gave his message to the messenger hawk and

                      sent it to the Koreans.

                      TO: Emperor Sejong of Goguryeo,

                      You honor Japan by writing a message to us yourself.

                      We thank you for allowing us to use your canal and we

                      assure you that you will never regret this. We are

                      prepared for your missionaries to arrive in Osaka.

                      Hattori Hanzo will be taking care of them. He is one of

                      our top shinobi and is also a skilled diplomat. He will

                      provide your people with what ever they want or need.

                      It is my hopes that after this is all said and done we will

                      be able to live in peace for as long as the gods allow.

                      Kenshin Uesugi, Imperial Shogun


                      • #12
                        Hastings agenda item

                        great tiding all on great metal hindu christian continent

                        from ganesh of khmer

                        khmer have much technology and wish to share with all friend. can discuss at hastings agenda please. how is it work?

                        it possible for all to each have tech from khmer for a voucher. this boost all on our great land.

                        but it need discuss.


                        • #13
                          Phalanxes in Pierced Hill

                          The Emperor was awaiting the Spartans in his palace. The men sat down at his table and one of them pulled a bottle out of his bag, handling it to Asiz.

                          "Taste this spartan wine and tell me if you want more of it, Piercian. We do have much more from this back home."

                          Without a hesitation Asiz tasted the drink. It was of good quality, but then he asked a servant for a bottle of the imported portuguese wine and had him serve a bit to all the Spartans.

                          "Visitors, I appreciate your gift. However, as you may see and taste, we are already supplied with wine. However, I have been told you would like to get access to piercian sugar. This can be arranged, if you could deliver sheeps to my Empire. Lets rest a little bit and talk about this deal."

                          The Spartan wasn't happy about the refusal of his offer, nor did he feel like wasting time with sitting around and drinking in a comfortable place, so he answered :

                          "We can talk about buisness while walking, Piercian. We do not need any rest."

                          "That's all right for me. Let's go to Meeting, I am coming with you."

                          All the present guards went into the usual marching formation, and the wide doors were opened for the Spartans and the Emperor to head for Meeting.

                          Asiz adressed the one who seemed to lead the delegation :

                          "So, now that we are on our way, why don't you tell me more about your people. You sure look like civilised men who know much about weaponry, but what else is there in your homelands ?"


                          • #14
                            The Holy Roman Palace in Aachen

                            Otto I: So Simon, any answers yet?

                            Simon: My Lord, I must humbly say no. We have a good idea what the Metalheads did, but little idea as to the why.

                            Otto I: It is strange. They take Prague and destroy our buildings there. They let their citizens escape the civil war carnage to become Holy Roman citizens, AND THEN, they offer peace and return Prague. Surely there is some explanation.

                            Simon: I agree My Lord. But we do not know what it is. The best explanation that foreign affairs has come up with is something called the LSD Answer.

                            Otto I: The LSD Answer???

                            Simon: Yes My Lord. Apparently it is a hallucinatory drug common in use amongst the Metalhead leadership. It causes individuals to see strange things, and behave accordingly.

                            Otto I: So you are suggesting this entire war was drug induced?

                            Simon: It is the only explanation that fits the events, My Lord.

                            Otto I: LSD. So be it. But very odd indeed. But pretty much we have come to expect of the rockheads to our west. Well, Simon, and other matters?

                            Simon: Our expansion goes well , My Lord. And our researchers have passed anoter milestone.

                            Otto I: Ah, that is good. And the Hastings Conference?

                            Simon: Hastings has been built My Lord. But no word from the Funglish regarding the timing or the agenda.

                            Otto I: And the Great Poem to Shiva. No doubt we will be getting a luxury resource soon.

                            Simon: No My Lord. The Khmer granted the contest to the Metalheads.

                            Otto I: Bummer.


                            • #15
                              Sire the russians are refusing to talk to us.

                              What ! How can this be, every other nation we met has opened communication channels. Talk is what we like to do . Send them another communications. Send it via the romans too to make sure it gets there.

                              Dear Russians

                              Despite many attempts to communicate with you , there has been no response from your leaders to us. We wish to open borders between our great nations and start sharing of Technological information.

                              Please respond ASAP. Your continued ignoring of our offers is affecting the long term bonds of our reltionship.

                              From Robbie King of the Oldonian Realm


                              Dear Romans.

                              Find attached a letter to your naighbours, please pass this on and retranslate if it not clear enough what our message is.

                              Failure of the russians to communicate with us will affect our attendance at the town of meeting.

                              Please use your influence to make sure all things go smoothly.

                              From Robbie King of the Oldonian Realm

