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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] . PART 3 (October)

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  • #31
    Rome is currently without goverment. But I general Aelius feel that Rome needs a voice in the affiaris in the east, so I shall be that voice.

    We strongly urge all nations to stay out of any potential conflict. The two backward cilizations are causing enough trouble for
    themselves, no need to push one or the other down just because another is your friend or because you dislike the other.

    So we now implement a new policy.

    If the current conflict escalates into war between Oldonia and Japan, we shall declare war on anyone who picks either side and helps it.

    A cordone sanitare must be made around those uncivilized lands.
    We wish to reward nations that behave peacefully, that is why we have offered technology to Wyandot and Russia,
    but we also believe the younger civilizations need to learn lessons on their own and not be pushed into oblivion because
    of foolish decisions.

    Encouraging them to do ther right thing is however not a violation of the prime directive (as outlined in the will of our deceased Consul)
    We so offer rewards to both the civs should they find a peaceful solution.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Pitboss Japan
      OOC. ok for the last time i just needed a creative way to tell why i switched to police state. besides I closed borders with the vikings so they shouls have never heard of the conversation to begin with.

      This is what some interpreted as a reason to go to war?!


      Some nations need to cool down and understand that internal policy is just that internal.

      Now lets forget this episode and all return to REAL issues of global importance.

      OCC: I should have read the story thread before responding to the saber rattling.


      • #33
        Lord Marco, I am on my way via my northern city, swinging down to your newest city that we have just connected to our nation....please tell me that there is a comfortable and smooth road between that city and your Capital.

        Dear Tarhe,

        The road leading from your borders to our capital has been secured. I have sent additional troops to secure and make the journey as much as comfortable for you as possible.

        I personally will ride to meet you as soon as possible.

        Your friend Marco.
        Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; October 4, 2008, 07:39.


        • #34
          To the Oldonians:

          Portugal has sent a representative, who has been given the task to investigate the current crises between your people and the Japanese. Once he meets with you he will head to the south to hear the Japanese side of the story.



          • #35
            To: General Aelius of Rome
            From: Marco King of Portugal

            General I write this letter personally to invite you to my wedding. Isabella wrote to me saying that she has sent an invitation, but I guess due to distance and harsh weather conditions the ship with it never arrived. As the closest nation to my kingdom and the one with the longest contact with us I feel that your presence in Korecom will be seen very favorable in my lands and I hope in yours as well.

            Portugal roads are safe and my people are very hospitable by nature. While here we may find some time to discuss foreign developments and the crises in the far west.

            I look forward to meeting with you.

            Marco of Portugal


            • #36

              Do you see what I am seeing friend?

              Yes, still more bloody tundra. We need more workers to make this place habitable!

              Bring the axes my friends, start working the area. Much wood will be needed to keep us warm

              Hey you the archer, go find me some deer meat, we need a meal soon

              Send King Marco a message, we have settled as ordered. We will be building a new road towards the Native's city soon


              • #37
                Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal
                To: General Aelius of Rome
                From: Marco King of Portugal

                General I write this letter personally to invite you to my wedding. Isabella wrote to me saying that she has sent an invitation, but I guess due to distance and harsh weather conditions the ship with it never arrived. As the closest nation to my kingdom and the one with the longest contact with us I feel that your presence in Korecom will be seen very favorable in my lands and I hope in yours as well.

                Portugal roads are safe and my people are very hospitable by nature. While here we may find some time to discuss foreign developments and the crises in the far west.

                I look forward to meeting with you.

                Marco of Portugal
                I regret Rome does not yet have a consul or other high dignitary worthy of attending this royal wedding.
                It seems I will have to most humbly accept, I've spoken with several of the senators and Rome offers a wedding gift.

                50 gold to be payed in installments of 2 gpt, to the Spanish crown. I will go into your lands without a personal guard and only small escort. We hope this and our other gestures are a clear sign that we wish peace with Portugal.

                We are pleased greatly by this royal union, despite our distaste for monarchies, we feel the people of Spain in particular have much to gain from such a personal union, may your marriage be long and happy.


                • #38
                  To Rome

                  From Mitchell King of Oldonia

                  We are glad you are offering gifts to us poor backward nations wh oseek peace.

                  You will see fromn our missives that it is us the Oldonians that are seeking peace.

                  We have asked all nations to politically pursuade the Japanese to avert from their aggresive nature and refrain from war.

                  We called upon all to join us in stopping war in the world.

                  So we await what gifts you offer to those who make peace.

                  But yet in the same letter offering gifts to us for making peace. you encourage the Japanese to declare war on us and settle the matter betwen the two nations.

                  What you fail to realise Roman leader is that if it was just Japan and Oldonia whilst still preferring peace we would handle the japanese situation on our own. However it has come to our attention that the japanese have recieved support from other nations , even to the point of urging them on to invade our lands.

                  IT is this external support we can not and should not have to sdtand against.

                  Now you threaten to goto war with any nation that supports us openly , yet your very letter supports them attacking us

                  We call upon you now to inform Japan that war is not the way to go.

                  We call upon you to stand behind your words and acticly pursue peace in the world

                  Cut off those that are aggresive. Take action agaisnt them.

                  You are either for peace or for WAR, there is no middle ground



                  • #39
                    Kenshin sat in the war room with a gin on his face.

                    Those stupid Oldonians they are too predictable. If they

                    had only avoided saying anything my plan to gain

                    power would have never worked. Now because of their

                    feeble attempt to get others to stop Japan it has made

                    our young emperor convinced they attacked us. I need

                    to remember to thank those fools who can never seem

                    to keep out of the affaires of other nation.

                    His commanders walked in with gins on their faces as

                    well. So how goes everything gentlemen?

                    Kenshin said with a smile on his face. The top

                    commanders spoke, my lord all is going according to

                    plan the Oldonian have been digging their own graves

                    just as you said they would and the young Emperor is

                    slowly being convinced that the Oldonaians were

                    behind it all. He had ordered for the bolstering of your

                    defenses. All that is needed now is for the Oldonians to

                    make one more stupid mistake and out army along with

                    the emperor’s full support will be granted and we can

                    do what is needed to do with as we please.

                    The next commander began to speak.

                    Sir we have reports that the Natives and Mayans

                    have both said they would help defend the Oldoninas.

                    The Romans then said that any one interfacing with us if

                    we have a war will be attacked. We do not really care

                    about the Mayans who are too far away to do anything.

                    By the time they were to reach us the war would be

                    long over. The real problem is the Natives. We have

                    never had any problems with them and they have

                    helped us greatly. It would be foolish to fight to

                    countries at once especially considering we are the

                    smallest country in the known world. We also have

                    reports that Portugal has sent units over to see what

                    the problem is.

                    Very interesting, said Kenshin. When they

                    come they will see nothing but a country trying to

                    defend its self. But maybe they can give our Emperor

                    the push he needs. Things just keep getting better and

                    if they Oldonaians don’t stop their crying about us we

                    will give them a reason to cry.
                    And with that the

                    meeting was over.


                    • #40
                      Harold looked over at his wife. He knew it would be a long time before he returned.

                      He was not one for emotioanl farewells so he slipped out of the house while she still slept.

                      He marched down the road and joined his brigade. There waiting for him was his shiny sword, cleaned from the battles of old. Refreshed and re sharpened.

                      He donned his uniform and marched down the road 4 a breast.

                      The town still slept at they left. It was early dawn

                      It would be a long march but the brave men knew their destination.

                      To the south lay a barbarian town. For many years they had been sending raiders into southern oldonia. Now was the time to end it once and for all.

                      Axemen from the north and east joined them as they marched.

                      They sang old marching songs along the way.


                      • #41
                        In the palace

                        Mitchell went under the sickness in his 35 year. He hid it wel lfrom most , but some begun to question his antics.

                        His paranoa grew daily. Finally his advisors could take it no longer. When Mitchell ordered the whole Oldonian fleet to attack their own people becaue King Mitchell thought the Western Razolia people were turning orange. The advisors took action.

                        Without calling on the Governors of the land they paid Artie Intelli one gold coin to murder the King.

                        And so it was that King Mitch died peacefully in his sleep, totally unaware when he was beheaded by an axe.

                        Artie didnt stop there though, he killed three of the advisors too and took full control of the Realm of Oldonia.

                        So it was for a decade or more. The armies were left wandering what to do.

                        Till out of the bowels of the palaces came a mighty roar. Davros was awoken again. He made his way up the stairs and slew Artie and his followers. The governors of Oldonia were called in and all were slain too for not taking action against Arti Intelus.

                        Finally Davros was proclaimed king. Davros II now reigned.

                        The provicnes were inspected and everyone was sent to work, The lazy specialists were pulled out of their mansions and put to work in the fields and mines.

                        Davros had risen , Davros put into place plans that were centuries old.

                        He penned a note to the world.

                        To all World Leaders.

                        From Davros King of Western Razolia.

                        My dear fellow leaders of the world. The Realm of Oldonia has been through much turmoil recently. It is my intent to clear out the rebel rousers that created this mess and once and for all establish prosperity for my people.

                        All deals in place will be honoured , this change of leadership does not change our friends nor our enemies. We are an honourable people and will stick close to those that stick close to us.

                        Since forming open paths for the southern nations. We see many trooops pass through our nation, using our roads. We are a little dispaointed they dont stop and fight the damn barbarians they meet along the way but we understand their fear for their own lives.

                        We will rebuild the mess caused by the barbarian incursions. Roads hav ebeen smashed, mines destroyed and pastures burnt.

                        We will rebuild this. We will improve. We will never let the terrorists win.

                        We have put in place plans to deal with this once and for all.

                        Any nations wishing to sponsor our endevours to wipe out the terrorists are invited to send any gifts they so feel led by the GreatONE to give us.

                        Either way we will go down fighting rather than let these hordes survive.

                        DAVROS II
                        King of Western Razolia. The Ruler of Oldonia. Guardian of the United Provinces.
                        Last edited by Pitboss Vikings; October 6, 2008, 02:31.


                        • #42
                          Davros re read the Japanese letter.

                          They demanded to be allowed to settle on Oldonian territory and if he Davros did not allow them to settle on his lands then it Japan would goto war.

                          Hmm thought Davros. The Japanese are intent on one thing and one thing only.

                          They hate us. They despise us. Time to move the troops around again he thoguht.


                          • #43
                            Annei read the response from the Oldonians. He sent

                            another letter to explain what Japan really wanted. We

                            seek peace and ask to allow us to raze the city. That is

                            not fair? They also say they helped take Manila but from

                            the looks of it we are unsure. When we first took Manila

                            there was a Oldonian axeman there but he did not look

                            hurt nor did he look like he had moved for quite some

                            time. Annei then sent a message to the Natives asking

                            them for the truth. Then Annei just sat there wondering,

                            if they have turned out to have lied how should we take

                            this. We offer peace yet they speak to us with complete

                            disrespect. I know I must look forward to taking care of

                            Japan but how long can Japan truly live in peace with an

                            unstable country to the north? I guess their next

                            response will decide their fait.


                            • #44
                              [OCC] Japan: your mail box is FULL! I could not respond to your I will do it here in character. [/OCC]

                              Chief Tarhe reads both messages he has received - one from Oldonia and the other from Japan - and starts to wonder:

                              According to Davros, Japan is demanding that Oldonia relinguish their claim on a barbarian city which is rightfully within Oldonian lands...and this is right after Oldonia's Axeman assisted our forces in attacking the barbarian city on the Wyandot penninsula; of which, if Oldonia did not assist our forces, we most likely would not have been able to take the city over for the sole purpose of gifting it to Japan! Japan now has the entire penninsula for their expansion, but they are making demands on our good friends the Oldonians?!? Tarhe starts to ponder if the Japanese will ever be satisfied with lands given to them. What will be next? Japan demanding the entire Wyandot Range?!? This entire situation should be laughable, if it wasn't for the impression that the Japanese are actually serious on their demands...

                              As Tarhe tried to figure out the inner workings of the Japanese mind, he drifted off to sleep....


                              • #45
                                Davros stepped into his bath. His attendants were fawning voer him

                                He hated this part of being king. But it was part and parcel of the relaity of it all.

                                He liked to relax in the hot water and study the plans he had. The plans laid down long ago.

                                He scribbled and drew on them.

                                He circled some places.

                                He studied the sayings of the Great One, handed down by the Elders.

                                Yes he thought, I think the Japanese have forgotton the long ago agreement between the two coutnries.

                                The Japanese were the sea people. They were to build large fleets and settle every island in the world. The mainland was Oldonias.

                                It was written so long ago.

                                But Davros realsied the Japanese had not built the large fleet and did not know the location of al lthe isalnds.

                                Davros knew. Davros saw the islands.

                                He cricled them in red.

                                He handed his scribblings to his aide.

                                "Go now and redraw the map as i have shown, send a copy to the Japanese to show them the agreed lands they are given.

                                Send a copy to Chief Tarhe to show him how his help has made us grow, show him all our lands."

