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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • actually only time a winner is when the rest of the diplo games allow someone to win.

    That is who ever is currently leading. should be the target for the next 6 players. leaving the lower ones to catch up

    but what normally happens is the top 6-10 nations sit back and watch someone winning but do notihng to prevent it.

    wars arepicked with smaller civs but the larger ones continue to develop.


    • I for one will not stand back and let smaller civs get beat up while bigger ones do nothing. unless there is something in it for me to stay out.


      • just set your targets on the top two to three.

        not mentioing any names but mayan and greece !!!


        • i dont know, i like the greeks and the mayans have been and will always be my target wether they are in 1st place or dead last. i think the greeks shoud start a war with the mayans. and make themselves truly #1


          • Vikings: your view of diplogames is defenitely not mine, and most probably of nobody else in this game.

            We will have a winner (or 2) at the end of the game. Gamescore is defenitely not the only way to get the winner. (diplomacy and story telling is important as well).
            And we're not going to war on someone just only because he's leading the game.

            Having said that: no, people who have a religion aren't ahead in the tech tree. They just have focussed on getting a religion.

            mysticism, polytheism/meditation, masonry, judaism leads already to 3 religions.

            It's a decision. Do you want to focus on religion techs, on worker techs or on warmonger techs.
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • I just found out that the Mayas and me are more or less neighbours. We'd better create a pact and dominate all of you guys, especially the Vikings

              The Coreans are between the Mayas and me though
              But I'm sure that the Mayas will figure out a way to fix that


              • I hope people rememeber the tech rules we agreed upon. It has in the past prevented game breaking alliances between the top players forming.

                I am not happy with Korea bashing. Also the Vikings despite their constant complaining have a point or two. A player only wins because the other players let him win.

                And any alliance between the top players would result in a "Brotherhood of Nod" forming and uniting the weaker players in their struggle against the powers that be.

                All hail Kane.


                • As soon as people reach Alphabet I want to remind people of the tech rules, both through the notification e-mail and the game-welcome message.

                  We have a 15 tech trade cap. That means you can only trade away (either give or trade) 15 techs. period.
                  You can also trade the right to trade a tech.

                  Player A: 8 trades left over
                  Player B: 2 trades left over

                  Player B gives gunpowder to A
                  Player A gives 1 trade to B

                  Player A: 7 trades left over (and gunpowder)
                  Player B: 2 trades left over

                  An alliance between top players is defenitely frowned upon. (that is: #1 and #2 and #3 join forces together)

                  Creating huge alliances (with 5+ civs) is also frowned upon.
                  There are no strict rules, things obviously depend on the circumstances. But there's no fun in huge alliances that dominate.

                  Worst case would be a world in which there are only 2 or 3 big pacts. An 18 player game gives room for 4-5 alliances. That must make this game interesting.

                  So people, despite the fact that there are no strict rules, I hope that everybody will take responsibility and let not grow their alliances to big.

                  (the bottom 6 players grouping together, ie, wouldn't be frowned upon. That would be far from a dominating alliance, like the #1 and #3 grouping together without any other nation wouldn't be too much of a deal either.)

                  The difficult thing is that there are no strict rules, and that's good. Strict rules are a pain. But everybody just keep things fun.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • @CS: No worries, we're not grouping together to destroy the Coreans. I was just kidding. The Athenians have factually already made peace with the Coreans. (have to write a story about that)


                    • well greece im starting to wonder about you. i thought you were a respectible civ but to join with the mayans you will now have to suffer in their fait. i don't care anymore about winning all i care about is the cause.


                      • I hate to be complaining again, but I've been getting PMs from a player I haven't met in-game yet warning me (in detail) about the plans another player has for attacking me.

                        This is not exactly the diplo-game experience I signed up for, so I'd like to ask the people involved to knock it off and start trying to play in character instead.


                        • I think the winner of diplo game should be th eperson who posts the most stories. forget the in game score.


                          • Maybe it's a good idea to keep the 'fun-in character' posts from this thread.
                            People may start to confuse 'fun' with 'in-game reality'

                            And: what Korea says! Keep things in-character!
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • BTW, are we far away from the first votes on storytelling/diplomacy ?


                              • What turn are we?
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

