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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread]

    This is the First Organization Thread for the Pitboss Diplomacy Game: Beyond the Pit

    Use the Story Thread for in-game purposes.

    Important links:
    CivStats for this game
    gmail login for this game

    Story Thread Part 1 (July-August)
    Story Thread Part 2 (September)
    Story Thread Part 3 (October)

    Organisation Thread (Part 1)
    Organisation Thread (Part 2)
    Organisation Thread (Part 3)

    LOGOUT (to login with your real or pitboss account)


    You can mail to the following mail-addresses:

    if mail is down use the alternate address:

    [civname] (instead of [


    Every 1st day of the month we will start voting for the best players in 3 categories during the last month.

    We vote in 3 categories:
    1. story telling
    2. diplomacy
    3. military strategy

    We send in a top-3 list for every category.

    Story telling is about submitting interesting stories to the story thread in any format.

    Diplomacy is about being able to reach your goals through diplomacy in any way.

    Military strategy is about making very tactical strategical moves and decisions. (make sure you post evidence about this in the story thread!)
    NB: this category isn't meant only for the war-winners. Someone can lose a war because he's a weaker player, but made some brilliant moves. In this thread we can award him for that. The game-scorelist will reward players for winning wars.

    Every player is free to pick 3 players in every category. No more! Less (or none) is possible if you can't choose. It would be cool if you could include reasons for the vote.

    Rules for voting:
    1. send them in before the end of the month!
    2. votes send in after the end of the month do not count
    3. players who didn't vote in a specific month will not gain vote-points for that specific month
    4. voting happens through the anonymous mail address
    5. votes stay unknown till the end of the game (to avoid political votes)
    6. votes are being send to or also works.
    7. The mail subject includes "votes round x"
    8. You can't vote for yourself
    9. The vote-mailbox that receives all votes will remain closed till the game has been finished. Then we will all receive the password and be able to read/count the votes and read the comments.

    The #1 in each category earn 3 points, #2 earns 2 points, #3 earns 1 point.

    This will result in 4 scorelists (3 above mentioned categories + the gamescore list)

    All players will receive points for their position in all of these 4 lists. 18 points for the #1's, 17 points for the #2's, ...... 1 point for the #18's

    The sum of these points tells us who won this game.

    Conclusion, the winner is determined by:
    25% gamescore
    25% story telling
    25% diplomacy
    25% military strategy



    - 15 tech trade rule
    Every civilization in this game is allowed to trade away 15 techs. It is also allowed to trade away the right to trade a tech to another civilization.
    It matters not what the away trading civilization gets in return. It matters not if it is a small technology (ie. fishing) or a big technology (ie. Fusion).

    If civ A trades Philosophy to civ B which returns both Monotheism and Masonry, then Civ A loses 1 right to trade a tech away (tech voucher) and Civ B loses 2 rights to trade a tech away (2 tech vouchers).

    If Player A trades away Philosophy to civ B which returns the right to trade away a tech, then Civ 1 loses and wins 1 tech voucher (thus: the nr of techs he can trade away remains the same) while Civ B loses 1 right to trade away a tech.

    If Civ A gives Theology to Civ B, then Civ A loses 1 right to trade away a tech (loses 1 tech voucher).

    - 6 hours time between moving during war-time
    Civilizations that are at war have to wait 6 hours between their moves. When all opponents have moved before those 6 hours have passed the player can move as again well.

    Thus, a civ at war can move after:
    - 6 hours have passed since his last move
    - all his opponents have moved after his last move

    If any civilization violetes these rules the game will be paused and the concequences will be decided.
    If damage has been done then the game will be reloaded back to the last available save on the Pitboss Server. The Pitboss Server saves every turn and keeps all saves till the game has finished.

    Possible penalties, besides loading the last save are:
    - removing all or a % of the votes the violator receives in a certain month or all months in a certain category or all categories
    - The loss of tech vouchers (a few or all)
    - removed from the game
    - a warning

    This depends on the seriousness of the violation, which is not only determined by the damage being done but also by the reasons and attitude of the violater.'
    Last edited by Robert; October 1, 2008, 03:34.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

  • #2

    Account Information for all players

    This is a very important message! Read it carefully!

    I've created an e-mail account and an apolyton account for all players.

    The e-mail accounts are like:
    The apolyton accounts are like: Pitboss Civname

    the passwords are those you guys have received for or changed in the civpicker! If you don't remember your password, please find a way to contact me in an anonymous way! (ie. set up a temp hotmail account with only your civ name)

    To login to your e-mail go here:

    It's g-mail based e-mail, supported by my mail domain.

    To login/logout to your apolyton account, go to the main-forum page ( and scroll down to the bottom of the page. At the bottom-right corner there's a logout-link!

    BE AWARE that you can use your Pitboss Diplomacy Account ONLY in the Pitboss Diplomacy Threads!! (story and organisation)

    Both STORY and ORGANISATION threads will be ANONYMOUS! I will remove all non-anonymous posts from both threads! There's no need at all to use our normal-logins for any of these threads.

    If you by mistake have posted with your pitboss account in one of the civ4-forums, let me know. If it's in one of the other forums (ie. Off Topic), please contact Ming.

    I'd advise all of you to always logout at the end of a pitboss apolyton session to avoid problems! I've setted the 'logout' setting as default for all accounts, please don't change it. I've also setted both pop-up notification and e-mail notification for private messages. Please don't change it.

    Please also don't change your password. If you do change it though, let me know. (anonymously, obviously) so I can keep on administrating the accounts for future games as well.

    If you have any questions, please contact me.
    Here's the list of apolyton logins:

    Pitboss America
    Pitboss Celts
    Pitboss England
    Pitboss Greece
    Pitboss H Roman (!)
    Pitboss Inca
    Pitboss India
    Pitboss Japan
    Pitboss Khmer
    Pitboss Korea
    Pitboss Maya
    Pitboss Natives (!) (NB: I've doubled your password*)
    Pitboss Persia
    Pitboss Portugal
    Pitboss Rome
    Pitboss Russia
    Pitboss Spain
    Pitboss Viking (NB: I've doubled your password*)

    Here's the list of G-mail accounts / e-mail addies (add

    Native_America (NB: I've doubled your password*)
    Viking (NB: I've doubled your password*)

    *some passwords had to be doubled because they were too short for google registration. In that case a password like 'bla' became 'blabla'. If your password isn't working, try to double it. If it's still not working, contact me with a temp hotmail account or something)

    Good luck!

    I'll create both the Organization and Story Threads right now. Use them for game purposes. This thread will be closed.
    Last edited by Robert; May 30, 2008, 04:19.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #3

      As the host and the mapmaker of this game, Pinchak and me will (temp.) post in this thread under our own names.

      below this line only 'anonymous pitboss game accounts' can post messages!
      Last edited by Robert; May 28, 2008, 09:21.
      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • #4
        Can't Wait!


        • #5
          Confirming my account activation - we are a 'go' at this end.


          • #6
            Portugal reports for duty.


            • #7
              The people of Greece are ready to be born.


              • #8
                The Happy Funglish are back...


                • #9
                  NB: Portugal: Your "Pitboss Portuga" account has been transformed into "Pitboss Portugal"

                  The 'missing l' has been fixed.
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • #10
                    The piercean Tribe is piercing hymens in order to give birth to many Pierceans !


                    • #11
                      ok here we are


                      • #12
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          The only name of note on that map is Koryo.


                          • #14
                            Metalheads are in.
                            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                            • #15
                              hmm wonder who the metalheads are?

