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  • Originally posted by LzPrst
    About the top five cities list... not only has ozzy written about it (the germans that admire delhi, though more subtle)
    Germans still admire Delhi. So much so they've grown bitter and jealous and send lots of armies to try and take it.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • Meet Rho'd Berth LXVIII (code name: Shirley)

      Expected date of arrival: october 17th 14.00
      I'm a happy man 8)
      (it'll be our first child!)
      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • Congrats!!!!

        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


        • Yeah congratulations...

          But I wouldn't want one right now.


          I am DLing the patch right now, and I urge everyone else to do the same. Hopefully this will help us with our connection issues last time. Also I should report to everyone else that Ozzy, Nolan and I (the Americans) have changed our clocks as well, so I THINK that covers everyone. I'm not sure if this is the case, but I think Kuno mentioned he doesn't have a daylight savings time in his country, so maybe we should make sure our coordination is good.

          The reason I say this is because I wanted to suggest we try and show up an hour or an hour and a half earlier than normal to make sure the connection isn't an issue this time around, or at least to establish a solid connection order to make sure our game goes well. Thoughts?
          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

          One Love.


          • Originally posted by The Capo
            Yeah congratulations...

            But I wouldn't want one right now.
            Don't worry, I don't think he was offering.
            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


            • Congratulations! Kids are a true blessing.
              I've got two, as some of you already know, and the great thing is they fill up your life with great moments, though there goes CyberShy's civ playing times out the window
              "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
              Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
              Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
              Wanna play some PBEMs!?


              • To remind you guys, just in case
                If starting time is 22:00 UTC/GMT (as proposed) the situation is as follows:

                Deity - England - UTC+10 (NSW, Australia) - 08:00
                KunojiLym - Russia - UTC+8 (Syngapore) - 06:00
                NPDragon - France - UTC+2 (Neatherlands) - 00:00
                CyberShy - America - UTC+2 (Neatherlands) - 00:00
                LzPrst - Germany - UTC+2 (Neatherlands) - 00:00
                NicodaMax - Inca - UTC-4 (Chile) - 18:00
                condor223 - China - UTC-4 (Atlanta, US) - 18:00
                OzzyKP - India - UTC-4 (Maryland, US) - 18:00
                TheCapo - Spain - UTC-4 (Maryland, US) - 18:00

                The problem is, I cannot make it at that time, and I wonder how Kuno feels about getting up at 6 in the morning. Hopefully we can leave it at the original 23:00 UTC/GMT.
                "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                Wanna play some PBEMs!?


                • Well the main issue is Cyber not being able to stay up much later. As it is he is playing from 0:00 to 3:00 by him, this would make the game last till 4:00 which is probably too early for him.

                  I am flexible and could easily do an hour later, but I doubt Cyber could.... hmm....
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • For the next 4 weeks I have no responsibilities on saturday

                    And The Capo: I do surely want one

                    I can start earlier and end later.
                    Though I'm not sure about Dragon, sometimes he has to work on saturday. And I think Kuno can't play earlier since that'll be about 6 am for him. (wonder though if playing untill 3 am is worse then waking up at 6 am though )
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • Well, starting friday april 14th I will be getting off work at 6pm (22pm UTC). Best I can do probably is start at 6:30 if I rush home.
                      Worst case scenario, we'll have to do 2 hour sessions from 23:00 UTC till 01:00 UTC, to get everyone in the original timeframes. Still, if we manage to iron out the connection issues, we can do in those two hours more than in 10 of last friday's session. We spent more time waiting then playing
                      "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                      Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                      Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                      Wanna play some PBEMs!?


                      • You guys are sleepgriefers. Sleepgriefers I say!

                        I *could* try to make it at 6. If it's any earlier, I'm calling cruel and unusual punishment


                        • hang on. if cyber can stay up later then why dont we start at 23:00 UTC and play for 3'ish hours?

                          we'll just sleep a little longer on saturday. after all, it is saturday that way kuno doesnt have to get up until 7 (or at least be ready to play then) and nico has a full hour to get home and say hi to his wife and children before we claim him

                          oh. and big congratz to you cyber! guess we have to finish this game before mid-october then
                          Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                          • Why finish it before mid october?
                            If shirley (code-name) is born I'll be awake all night anyway, so I'll be available all night as well 8)

                            If I have to play until 4am then I demand that Kuno must wake up at 6am at least
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • So Shirley will be emerging from beta testing in October? Just like Firaxis, trying to roll out the new product in time for the holidays. Do you have a release date scheduled?

                              When is the next beta patch due?
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • The release date is october 17th, 14:08.
                                There's no need for a patch since she'll be perfect 8)
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

