SE Asian civ is Khmer. Ballista Elephant can target mounted units in stacks.
African civ is Ethiopia.
Gilgamesh leads Sumeria.
HRE is not the Franks but they superpowerful. Their UU replaces Pikemen and has +100% vs. melee and their UB replaces courthouse and gives an extra -25% maintenance. Charlemgne's traits: IMP PRO.
The Portugese are now the best in grabbing unclaimed islands since the Carrack replaces the Caravel and can carry millitary units (it doesn't say if that includes settlers). Joao II is EXP IMP meaning that he has minimal reduced build time for both workers and settlers.
I'm going to HATE attacking the Native Americans. Sitting Bull is Protective plus Totem Pole gives 3 extra exp. for archers.
The Dutch gets Moai Statues all coastal river cities.
Customs House gives extra gold on water tiles.
Darius and De Gualle are the other leaders for existing civs.
African civ is Ethiopia.
Gilgamesh leads Sumeria.
HRE is not the Franks but they superpowerful. Their UU replaces Pikemen and has +100% vs. melee and their UB replaces courthouse and gives an extra -25% maintenance. Charlemgne's traits: IMP PRO.
The Portugese are now the best in grabbing unclaimed islands since the Carrack replaces the Caravel and can carry millitary units (it doesn't say if that includes settlers). Joao II is EXP IMP meaning that he has minimal reduced build time for both workers and settlers.
I'm going to HATE attacking the Native Americans. Sitting Bull is Protective plus Totem Pole gives 3 extra exp. for archers.
The Dutch gets Moai Statues all coastal river cities.
Customs House gives extra gold on water tiles.
Darius and De Gualle are the other leaders for existing civs.