I'd say better lategame optimization is more likely, though this too is just an assumption.
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Does Anyone Else Prefer Civ 3's Graphics Too?
I like the style of CivIII's graphics more than the style of CIV's graphics. But obviously CIV's graphics are far more advanced, since the game is so much newer.
I'd like to see a return to a more "epic" feel for Civ5 (as opposed to the cartoonish feel I get from CIV).
-Arriangrog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
Originally posted by Nikolai
I'm very grateful I doesn't have to wait several minutes for a new turn like in Civ3.THEY!!111 OMG WTF LOL LET DA NOMADS AND TEH S3D3NTARY PEOPLA BOTH MAEK BITER AXP3REINCES
Originally posted by Arrian
I like the style of CivIII's graphics more than the style of CIV's graphics. But obviously CIV's graphics are far more advanced, since the game is so much newer.
I'd like to see a return to a more "epic" feel for Civ5 (as opposed to the cartoonish feel I get from CIV).
looks more "cartoonish" than this:
in my opinion. I thought all the Civ3 units had their features over-emphasized to the point that they did not look realistic at all - kind of like a comic book or something."Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
"I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
"Stuie is right...." - Guynemer
The higher requirements are killer for me. I've been getting by the last couple years on a rather low-capacity video card (128 mb; I have 512 RAM total.) Everybody says I should replace it for Civ4. Why??It still runs OK for everything else. Turns crawl for Civ4 though, especially after the full map on a huge world is exposed; far worse than Civ3 ever did. I stand by what I said that C3 was brighter, with prettier mountains and some other features too; though admittedly I've mothballed the thing for the newer "ball and chain" and haven't looked at it for months.
You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!
1gb of RAM definitely helps, although late games at huge can stress my system to 100% utilization, never a good thing.
Civ IV's graphics, even at low res, are superior to Civ III's. The latter always seemed muddy to me. The watercolor option was interesting for a visit, but definitely inferior for actually playing.No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
"I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author
Well, I personally am not going to get into an extended argument with you guys. The author of the thread asked, "did you like Civ3 graphics better," my answer is yeah. Anybody can answer how they want.
Interesting Blau says he is still getting system stress for late game/huge, which is what I usually end up playing, even with 1 gb of RAM. I dropped in on the Dell website Sunday, as I was wanting to play and getting a little sick of the slowdowns; and for me to upgrade to 1024 RAM, they want me to buy the new series of the original 512 mb RAM, as well as the second card, to ensure they match, for a total of about $600/American. Then I have to either ensure Dell will guide me through installation or pay an outside consultant here locally. All for one game. On top of that, I may need a new video card. Yuck.
I did do a big game this weekend with low res/reduced graphics for the first time; and that played pretty well, though less pretty. Never did any of that with Civ3.You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!
Originally posted by Generaldoktor
Interesting Blau says he is still getting system stress for late game/huge, which is what I usually end up playing, even with 1 gb of RAM. I dropped in on the Dell website Sunday, as I was wanting to play and getting a little sick of the slowdowns; and for me to upgrade to 1024 RAM, they want me to buy the new series of the original 512 mb RAM, as well as the second card, to ensure they match, for a total of about $600/American. Then I have to either ensure Dell will guide me through installation or pay an outside consultant here locally. All for one game. On top of that, I may need a new video card. Yuck.
You seriously need to spend a few minutes looking around the net for how easy it is to install this stuff yourself. You'll save yourself hundreds of dollars and it's as easy as pulling out a part and sliding another in it's place. There may be a cable or two to hookup, on video cards for instance, but it's real easy stuff. I find it hard to believe anyone over 5 years old can't do it for him/herself, you just have to get past the "I'm not a techie" feeling.
And, never order parts from Dell. Whole sytems are ok, but for parts the prices are way overblown.
yeah it's not too hard. Though it helps if you have someone to call to talk you through it. If you have an older computer you can hook up to the internet, you can always ask us here.
As long as you aren't a complete klutz, all you really have to do is slide a plastic card into a slot. Just touch something metal first to make sure you don't have any static electricity in you.
I still have to cough up the $600 for the new RAM.
And that might be awhile. As I've said many times before, everything still runs on my box after three years except for this d-mn game.Well, it wasn't too bad last weekend with the low res/reduced animations; but I'm a little galled I have to do that with a 3 gig P4 and 512 mb RAM, when a lot of people say they don't even have that.
Oh, I see somebody doesn't feel its smart to order from Dell. Well I got to figure who to order from then. One thing I know with Dell is the stuff will be compatible.You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!
Originally posted by Generaldoktor
I still have to cough up the $600 for the new RAM.
And that might be awhile. As I've said many times before, everything still runs on my box after three years except for this d-mn game.Well, it wasn't too bad last weekend with the low res/reduced animations; but I'm a little galled I have to do that with a 3 gig P4 and 512 mb RAM, when a lot of people say they don't even have that.
Oh, I see somebody doesn't feel its smart to order from Dell. Well I got to figure who to order from then. One thing I know with Dell is the stuff will be compatible.
I just put 2Gb in mine for less than $200.
Tiger Direct is the place I order from most often.
yep I think I paid about $200 U.S. for mine. 2 gigs.
And I had a Athalon 2600 + with 512 MB of RAM when I first got civ4. I had no major problems (except wonder movies). I didn't do my last upgrade (the RAM mentioned above along with a new video card) until I bought Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion last spring.
I think your computer just sucks. No seriously. It should be able to run the game. What kind of video card does it have? If it has onboard video, that might be your problem.