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Patch v152 out

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  • Hum, could be bug, could be not... I had checked the option "conquered cities don't flip" or however it was said... Yet, a city I took from Isabella flipped back to her, barely had time to build a theater there.

    What is the option supposed to do?
    I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


    • Actually it's something like "allow conquered cities to flip", so if you set it on, flipping is possible, while by default it's not.


      • Damn, so if it's not on, they will not flip to the previous owner, but may flip to someone else, as has happened? There needs to be something to prevent that, alltogether... I hear 10 units prevents flip, but still, I don't want to station 10 units on every city in danger of flipping, as often there are way too many of those.

        Maybe the Police State civic? Curfews, summary excecutions... Though, real democracies have taken and held cities without fearing for flip...

        How about, after Nationalism, cities simply don't flip? "No matter how good the people have it on the other side of the border, we are still proud Galbadians!"
        I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


        • Originally posted by Amickiew

          2. I appreciate the hassle saved by automating workers. I also wanted them to leave forests alone so I turned on the new option. Never the less, I'm still seeing 'so & so production yield from forest clearing' messages throughout the game.

          3. Turning off 'wait at end of turn' doesn't seem to have an effect either. I still have to press enter at the end of every round.

          Is anyone else seeing these or similar issues?

          2. I think I´ve seen that one as well.

          3. You have to press Enter if you don´t have any active units, even if this option is checked.
          I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


          • Originally posted by Tattila the Hun
            How about, after Nationalism, cities simply don't flip? "No matter how good the people have it on the other side of the border, we are still proud Galbadians!"
            actually i believe it would be the other way round. nationalism would help flipping.

            why? if you look at a city screen of a captured city or one under cultural pressure, you may see that the city has 80% foreign nationals. now if those 80% feel nationalistic, they'll WANT to flip.

            a good real-life example is kosovo. although historically it is slavic (more specifically: serbian), the albanians have populated that area and before the war made up nearly 90% (iirc now it is more because the serbs are leaving (sometimes "motivated to leave") of the whole population. you could call this cultural pressure. now although the average serb has a strong national(istic) feeling, the albanians feel just as strong and if it was up to them, kosovo would split from S-MN and join albania.
            - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
            - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


            • Originally posted by Tattila the Hun
              Damn, so if it's not on, they will not flip to the previous owner, but may flip to someone else, as has happened? There needs to be something to prevent that, alltogether... I hear 10 units prevents flip, but still, I don't want to station 10 units on every city in danger of flipping, as often there are way too many of those.
              I'm at work and can't check but I think there are TWO settings. One for culture flip at all, the other for culture flip BACK to the other owner.

              Or you could just buy a Library as soon as you take the city and not worry about it too much.

              Tom P.


              • Originally posted by Tattila the Hun

                And another thing... I'm all buddy buddy with Mansa, and he comes asking for help. OK, here ya go. I then check his techs and stuff right there, and notice he has a tech he could trade to me. Question, if we are so buddy buddy, why could he not trade the tech? Is a friends job to sleeze free booze and Gunpowder from me at every turn? Friendship is about giving, give something!
                Mansa is very stingy about tech trading.


                • The patch is excellent. Things are much more extensively hyperlinked to the Civlopedia, the Civlopedia itself is much clearer, and Marathon speed is sweet, I can actally have a subsantial war in the ancient war. BIG warrior and archer SoD!


                  • Originally posted by Odin

                    Mansa is very stingy about tech trading.
                    They all are, particularly on the higher levels it seems.


                    • Munsa?

                      He is most liberal tech trader I've seen in Civ4.


                      • I'm not sure they have different patterns in this (though they might!). I thought that it was down to the friendliness rating and some civs are more predisposed to be friendly than others.


                        • Yes difference civs have difference pesonalities.

                          What's most interesting with Munsa is that he will never have teches redded out due to you being too advanced in technology.

                          Perfect trade partnes at higher difficulty levels.


                          • Yeah, the we wont trade you this because we fear you are too advanced is annoying.


                            • Especially when I'm not...
                              Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                              I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                              Also active on WePlayCiv.


                              • Originally posted by Odin

                                Mansa is very stingy about tech trading.
                                In my latest game that nice Mr Mansa actually gave me a tech for nothing. Boy, am I losing badly!

                                RJM at Sleeper's
                                Fill me with the old familiar juice

