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SIMPLE and EASY Ideas for the Patches

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  • 207-have different colored borders or a list in the tech advisor screen that shows you what you have researched already (hard to remember sometimes especially if you are going deep rather than broad in the tech tree).

    208-bring back the ability to see the movies from the advanced game screen, was in the manual that you could do this but seems not to have been implimented.
    A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem


    • Make my settings, all settings, stay the way I left them when leaving the game. I mean the choices in the main menu (like the map and difficulty settings), the in-game menus (sort column and sort order in the F1 screen, the selected tabs elsewhere -- things like that), and the game itself (think zoom and other camera settings, for example). It should not be too hard to write some of those to an INI file when exiting the game, and contain the rest within a save.
      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


      • French locale

        Fix mis-translation problems in the French version.

        Not that I couldn't play a full English version, but the point is I got a French one, where a large number of words / sentences have not been translated from English to French.
        I hate that kind of random mixture of 2 languages.

        It reminds me of Civ2, where the French translation was awful. So awful, that I fixed it myself !
        Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)


        • alanus: the german civ community have gathered to correct their version. maybe the francophones should do so too?

          that being said: i hate translated films, games, etc. the quality always sinks in such cases
          - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
          - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


          • Originally posted by sabrewolf
            alanus: the german civ community have gathered to correct their version. maybe the francophones should do so too?

            that being said: i hate translated films, games, etc. the quality always sinks in such cases
            I'll have a look at the French community, on French civ sites.
            Though I prefer to post on Apolyton, which is by far the largest community
            Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)


            • I found the French translation so poor that I play in English. I just translated the names of the roman cities into French (Roma for Rome ... tsk... we no longer speak latin here) for my children.
              Clash of Civilization team member
              (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
              web site and forum here on apolyton)


              • Well, I'll fix the most annoying French mistranslations myself, and share with whoever is interested.
                Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)


                • Don't know if this is the right place to mention this, but #14 was accomplished by the 1.52 patch.
                  "When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes." -Desiderius Erasmus


                  • many things have been fixed. this list will get a big update if firaxis wishes us to do so (post required)!
                    - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                    - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                    • Patch 1.52 : not localized

                      After a quick search, I found that one of the XML files (CIV4GameText_New.xml, in directory C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Assets\XML\Text) doesn't seem to have been localized in any language at all !

                      This one seem to contain all of the most irritating non translated parts that I have spotted.
                      Patch was released without localization of the changes...

                      I haven't found either someone in the French community who has fixed it. So I'll do it myself.
                      Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)


                      • How about getting rid of the "error" that many people have reported when installing the last 2 patches.


                        • Map names

                          [209] Define a map name text attributes, that could be localized, instead of map file name.

                          So far, the .py file names (from Publicmaps folder) are used directly as names displayed on the map selection screen when starting a new game.
                          As .py file names do not allow spaces, the displayed names are not nice whatever language is used : e.g. "Great_plains".

                          And though, the localized standard map names exist in the .xml files ...
                          Last edited by Alanus; December 31, 2005, 05:22.
                          Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)


                          • Automated workers

                            [210] - Define a way to quickly spot and select idle workers.

                            I found that automated workers assigned to a single city just stopped doing anything after a while, and where waiting in the said city. Even when railroads were available, they did not resume work automatically.
                            I had to go through each city one after the other to find available idle workers.

                            There could be a idle worker button like in AoE series (idle villagers).
                            Si vis pacem, para bellum (9 mm)


                            • Roll back the increase in unit costs.


                              • I think the warning about having built the maximum number of wonders in a city needs to be worked upon. Perhaps if a flashing message were to appear when a player attempts to add a wonder over the limit would be useful. It's also difficult to know which wonders are national and which are "world" unless you've memorized the list. Perhaps small symbols distinguishing them beside each would help
                                "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!

