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SIMPLE and EASY Ideas for the Patches

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  • SIMPLE and EASY Ideas for the Patches

    I'd like to reserve one thread for the very simple ideas that Firaxis might be able to implement without much trouble but which collectively might make for a much better gaming experience. To help us along, please try to use the next number in sequence and add a brief decription of the problem along with your (easy and simple!) solution.

    NEW!: I will hyperlink to your post on the issue for easy reference. Man, what I am getting myself in to...

    The ideas so far are:

    [1] Outline in red the units on the map that are at war with you. Even better would be a "breathing" red outline, one that comes in and out in steady pulses, just like the circle thing does now.

    [2] When in negotiations with the AI, let the player access the rest of the game screens in order to make a better decision about how to interact (this also applies to the civic screen when making votes on UN resolutions).

    [3] Let me completely bar communication with a given AI (even if it means it spoils the relationship a bit each time).

    [4] Have all of the blue words in the Civiliopedia and elsewhere actually work as hyperlinks.

    [5] Have the "popup help" linger long enough for you to actually click on the hyperlinks.

    [6] NOTE: Right-click solves this one: In diplomatic advisor screen, allow the double-clicking on leader portrats to initiate diplomatic contact.

    [7] In the domestic advisor screen, let the player double click to go right to a given city screen. Or at very least re-focus the map on a choosen city.

    [8] Allow music in the custom music folder to be played in order rather than random

    [9] Allow middle mouse button to be the end turn button

    [10] Save the custom game setup every time you start a new game.

    [11] Show the total cost of upgrading all units. Currently, only the individual cost is shown when you hover over the upgrade button. (can anyone confirm that this is possible currently, and if so how it is done)

    [12] Have an option preventing the research and diplomacy screens (or anything) from interupting custom music.

    [13] Have an option to turn off ALL animations. (like water, sawmills, circling planes, etc.)

    [14] Being able to right click a city to pick production from a list

    [15] Being able to select a city from the City Screen (F1)

    [16] Allow user to pick the civ's color.

    [17] Show the total cost of upgrading all units. Currently, only the individual cost is shown when you hover over the upgrade button. NOTE: It doesn't update the price while you have the cursor over the unit icon, but if you move it off, and back again, you can see the total price to upgrade all units.

    [18] WARNING: May be very difficult and out of the realm of a patch: Add a Resources Advisor screen.

    [19] Worker plot improvement buttons should show on the tooltip what the final output of the plot will be after the improvement is done.

    [20] In city screen be able to mouseover terrain and show info (production, improvements, etc) like on regular map screen

    [21] be able to right-click on city and change production (like in Civ3)

    [22] find city dialog: Ctrl-F bring list of cities so can center on one

    [23] Easier management of specialists. Currently +/- work so slow. Have a screen like F1, where it lists for each city, tiles available, tiles worked on, tiles not worked on and specialits. I'm finding it alot that for some reason I have a city starving or not growing because computer decided to have some specialists instead of working on a tile.

    [24] military advisor to list cities and units in each city (like civ 3 did)

    [25] Minimized interface (ctrl+i) shouldn't "reset" between every turn.

    [26] When someone asks me to break current deals with someone else, I'd like to have the ability to see what deals I have open with the 3rd party (while in the diplomacy screen).

    [27] Allow the player to have the music on from the very start! Maybe even add some other options like "Music correlates to zoom level and era."

    [28] A "No More Advice" radio box on the screen (or in the game options) that recommends builds after a city builds something. Let the players figure it out! Maybe leave this on for levels below Noble. You have options to turn off Sid advice and advisor pop ups, but none that I can see to turn off building recommendations on the build screen.

    [29] Add an ini option/graphics menu option to disable leaderhead animations and replace them with static pictures of the leaderheads.

    [30] When settler selected, or tile info turned on (to show food/hammers/coins for tiles) still use the white circles to indicate which tiles are worked

    [30.a] when tile info is turned on, mouse should be able to drag those white circles to shift city workers from one tile to another

    [31] please make option or just change graphics for the food when in tile info mode. Right now if you slightly zoomed out, it is very difficult to see food on plains and in the desert. Part of the reason is that the food icons are like 20% transparent, and part is that it is yellow on yellow. Remove transparency, and make a dark shadow/outline. It could be just an option in the setting to have better readability of the food/hammer/coin icons.

    [32] Add the ability to load from (and save to) a redirected my documents/my games folder.

    [32] Add a "religion" tab to custom game options screen, allowing you to disable some of the religions in game. Alternatively, have a slider allowing you to select a number of religions in game (from, say, 2 to 7) that will be elected randomly.

    [33] Add an indicator to let us know how old certain deals are, so we can tell when we can break them without penalty.

    [34] Mouseover information tends to 'fall through' the UI layer and onto the terrain sometimes. If I hover over a leader name, for example, occasionally the dipomatic information disappears after a couple seconds and I get terrain information instead.

    [35] Disable or make optional autopathing for naval vessels when you give an impossible order. For example, if there is an isthmus with two land tiles diagonal of each other, and I use the number pad to send the unit diagonally across it, it will instead go to autopilot with a navigation path around the peninsula.

    [36] There is no update to city locations on explored terrain unless you trade maps. Is there (and if not, would you add) a diplomatic ability so that you get information on where newly founded cities exist out in your fog of war?

    [37] The 'all' upgrade command seems to do a lot more work than the gamer intends. If rifleman is available, and you mouse over pikemen and spearmen, both types of units have the same "all" cost, and it appaers that if you use "all" when an spearman is selected, it upgrades all units on the same upgrade path. Is this intentional, or did I imagine it? This can be an issue if you issue the order to Spearmen => Riflemen, and intend to go Pikemen => Grenadiers... Add an option so that Alt = All of same type, Shift+Alt = all of same path.

    [38] Right-clicking a city label does not open the same menu we get at the start of a new turn to set city production once it's finished the last item. Instead, it shows the pictographic list as seen on the City Screen. I prefer the text menu, so change the functionality so that left click behaves the same as it does now, and right click opens the production menu.

    [39] The city garrison list needs to either be a bit wider or start wrapping to multiple rows. The side arrow was subtle enough that I thought I lost a great leader somehow. Scrolling sideways was a new trick to learn for me...

    [40] I'd love to see a "pause at start of turn" sort of option; even though I'm running 2.4, 1024, 6800GT without any AA on the game still freezes for a good 10 seconds or so at the start of every turn later in the game and I miss quite a bit of action.

    [41] fix the tech advisor: a) other F1-F12 shortcuts do not work; b) escape doesn't exit the screen; c) it is not centred unlike other advisor screens; d) right-clicking for civilopedia exits back to the game and selects the thing you right-clicked

    [42] tech advisor improvement requests: it would be nice to see by different colours: for a) which techs are immediately researchable; b) (optionally) which techs are researchable with 1 extra tech

    [43] tech advisor: sid's tips are nice, but mostly the exact same thing as is written in the description just lines above... maybe something like "civil service is a crucial tech that opens up many other branches" would be more helpful.

    [44] number pad keyboard shortcuts "extended" because notebooks do not have number pads but instead the normal arrows and pgup pgdown, etc. see this link for details how imagined

    [45] Custom Maps in Hot Seat Play (from cni_crazylegs)

    [46] when exiting trade negotiations, exit back to where we were, and not back to the main game screen. eg back to the resource-foreign advisor. also accept ESC to quit negotiations.

    [47] Add the ability to delete saved games from the load game or save game dialog box

    [48] Add a close button to the city screen

    [49] Better or Customisable options for showing in game events.

    [50] add the ability to create folders from the save screen. or, better yet, expose all basic file management functionality. it's there. it's just a reskinned windows explorer screen. it's just all turned off for no good reason.

    [51] Add a baloon or status bar (or any other) mouse-over help to the options screen.

    [52] When the city Build Menu pops up saying "The city has just built cool-new-item, what would you like to build now?", I would like to be able to click on cool-new-item in the text to have the city build it again if it is possible.

    [53] In the Domestic Advisor screen show the number of turns to completion beside what is being built.

    [54] Allow the player some control over the scrolling (panning) speed/deceleration of the camera. It has been designed to be "smooth" but the player needs more control - esp. those of us with LCDs where the last bit can cause flickering. [54 comment] I'd ask also for a locking option, to prevent that brief hang when your computer's re-rendering the globe when you want to zoom out.

    [55] I'd like to have the Globe view templates available on the normal view.

    [56] I'd like to be able to have multiple Globe view templates on at a time.

    [57] Fix the event/notification delay!

    [58] Add a "Needs" column to the AI lists on the Tech and Resource Diplomacy screens.

    [59] Space Bar as an option to end turn.

    [60] Lines and signs vanish when you load a saved game. I hate that. Please let them stay when you reload a saved game.

    For the next items in the list, please continue reading HERE.
    Last edited by yin26; November 5, 2005, 14:38.
    I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

    "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.

  • #2
    Yin .
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      Those would be welcome additions for sure.

      As it is now I find myself zooming all the way out and clicking on display units so I can see where the threats are located.


      • #4
        No sooner did I post this than this came up!

        I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

        "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


        • #5
          Re: SIMPLE and EASY Ideas for the Patches

          Originally posted by yin26

          [2] When in negotiations with the AI, let the player access the rest of the game screens in order to make a better decision about how to interact.
          Agree. further, I would like access to the civics screen when being asked about a UN vote. Sometimes I can't remember which civics I'm currently using and don't want to vote in the wrong thing.


          • #6
            [1] Outline in red the units on the map that are at war with you. Even better would be a "breathing" red outline, one that comes in and out in steady pulses, just like the circle thing does now.

            I know you have some help on this with the circle thing and zooming out to show enemy units, but usually I am zoomed in to show a particular part of the map, and discerning units can be hard.

            [2] When in negotiations with the AI, let the player access the rest of the game screens in order to make a better decision about how to interact (this also applies to the civic screen when making votes on UN resolutions).

            Who is who? What am I trading with them? Where are they on the map?

            [3] Let me completely bar communication with a given AI.

            If Montezuma asks me one more time for wine, I'm gonna cry. I understand, of course, that by barring the communication, our relationship should worsen a bit each time:

            -1 "You refused to talk to us."
            Last edited by yin26; November 2, 2005, 20:54.
            I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

            "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


            • #7
              Originally posted by yin26
              [3] Let me completely bar communication with a given AI.

              If Montezuma asks me one more time for wine, I'm gonna cry. I understand, of course, that by barring the communication, our relationship should worsen a bit each time:

              -1 "You refused to talk to us."
              that's like vmxa1's complaint that it was annoying to constantly have civs demand that you sever relations with a civ because they had a different religion.

              a valid one
              While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


              • #8
                4} Have all of the blue words in the Civiliopedia and elsewhere actually work as hyperlinks.
                5} Have the "popup help" linger long enough for you to actually click on the hyperlinks.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nailfoot
                  4} Have all of the blue words in the Civiliopedia and elsewhere actually work as hyperlinks.
                  5} Have the "popup help" linger long enough for you to actually click on the hyperlinks.
                  Yes, those are very good ones!
                  I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                  "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                  • #10
                    Good initiative yin.

                    A semi-related question: Is the beta testers still involved in the development of the game, or is it more up to the devs now?
                    Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                    Also active on WePlayCiv.


                    • #11
                      In the domestic advisor screen, let the player double click to go right to a given city screen. Or at very least re-focus the map on a choosen city.
                      "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                      "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                      "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                      • #12
                        6} In diplomatic advisor screen, allow the double-clicking on leader portrats to initiate diplomatic contact.
                        The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
                        - Frank Herbert


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Stuie
                          7} In the domestic advisor screen, let the player double click to go right to a given city screen. Or at very least re-focus the map on a choosen city.
                          Quoting for proper format/visibility.
                          The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
                          - Frank Herbert


                          • #14
                            Good listing and organization, keep it up.
                            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Martinus
                              6} In diplomatic advisor screen, allow the double-clicking on leader portrats to initiate diplomatic contact.
                              Doesn't right clicking work here?

                              EDIT: * cough * Threadstarter ooohh treadstarter...could you edit your first post to include the suggestions.
                              Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                              Then why call him God? - Epicurus

