As requested by some users, here is my Earth map with all the 18 civs unlocked, in their starting locations.
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[Map] Earth map with 18 civs
I love seeing it as the old civ1 style map, what tile size is this map anyways?
whoa it is small compared to the 200x200 ones of civ3. but for its size the detail is very well done
Originally posted by E
whoa it is small compared to the 200x200 ones of civ3. but for its size the detail is very well done
Originally posted by Locutus
124x68 in Civ4 is the equivalent of 124x136 in Civ3 due to the fact that Civ3 is isometric and Civ4 isn't. That's still somewhat smaller than 200x200 but when you actually play the game you'll find that maps of the same size as Civ3 maps feel much larger (that's hard to explain, you'll just have to try it). The earth map feels pretty damn big, I can assure you (but I'm sure even bigger maps will be developed before long).Creator of the Civ3MultiTool
I've tried twice now to run this earth18civs map and gotten a blue screen(in XP!!) both times. This is really the only scenario I wanted (save not being able to choose leaders or LESS than 18 civs) and it doesn't work. I adjusted my virtual memory settings to "system managed page file size" and will give it another shot right now. Rhye, is there any chance of getting this with the default 7 civs? All I care about is that the Americans are in there.Remember kids: The higher your post count or the faster your computer, the larger your penis!
Well it does work now. I didn't change anything in the WBS just my virtual memory settings. Before my page file had a max size of 1536MB and now I set it to "system managed". Also, instead of typing my first name for my leaders' name, I just used the system name. I wonder if there was some problem w/ the earth map autosaving over my other game saves?
Oh, the eath18civs map does work but just now I had it crap out on me. No BSOD thank goodness but civ IV just quit out to the desktop. I gotta go to work right now so I'll investigate further in the morning.Remember kids: The higher your post count or the faster your computer, the larger your penis!