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Fallout 3

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  • Yep, it's as Quillan says. The first two Fallouts obviously didn't have much in terms of modding, but Fallout 3 is built on technology similar to Oblivion. Oblivion, and Morrowind before it, spawned literally thousands of mods, ranging from mods that fix in-game bugs, add new items, to large mods that add entire new areas and things to do. Having played both Morrowind and Oblivion, I am certainly very grateful for the modding. Which is why I really hope Fallout 3 mod tools are released.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • Originally posted by Felch
      Ethical question:

      I generally prefer to play consoles (no installation headaches, easier to share with friends, etc.). However, I'm also interested in mod tools. Is it fair use if I buy a copy for the 360 and then "acquire" one for the PC? Or am I a scumbag for not paying twice?
      Normaly I'd so wag my finger at such a suggestion. BUT......well does anyone in game publishing(not talking dev here) actually give a sh*t about the punter anymore, beyond the obvious give me your money part of the 'relationship'?
      Buggy PC(even console sometimes now!) releases, pointless(and nasty) DRM's, short(bang for buck) gameplay and lack of replayability built in(as a business decision), etc.

      So ahem, no I don't think you should feel that guilty if you decide to go this way(I'm much more scared of the DarkSide mind you, so i have a way to go before coming to your quandry) - look on it as a small reward for past loyalties, and for the pain of recent years of games dissapointments. Something like that. Man, I can't believe i've just said that


      • Originally posted by Felch
        Ethical question:

        I generally prefer to play consoles (no installation headaches, easier to share with friends, etc.). However, I'm also interested in mod tools. Is it fair use if I buy a copy for the 360 and then "acquire" one for the PC? Or am I a scumbag for not paying twice?
        No. And no.


        • Thank you, both.

          It's interesting how multi-platform launches muddy up copyright law debates.
          John Brown did nothing wrong.


          • Copyright laws are a mess and there's growing talk of reforms. But regardless of that, I'm pretty sure that using a copy of a game without paying for it is still going to put you technically outside the law. This goes even if you have the XBox version legit but have the PC version nonlegit.

            Of course, catching you is going to be a challenge. But I remember when System Shock 2 came out in 1999. It was such a good game that my friends in China actively asked me to buy them multiple legit copies from Britain to bring back to them because they respected the studio so much.

            It made for an odd contrast. Normally the Brits get games from China and they're pirate copies. Here you have Chinese getting games from Britain and they're the real deal. :shrugs:
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • Originally posted by EternalSpark
              My gutt feeling(s) for Fallout 3:
              + People who really loved the original two Fallouts will consider F3 "dumbed down" and/or "lacking of the spirit {or other generalized, non-specific non-existing thing} from the first two"
              I've actually been reliving FO2 to get myself prepared for the coming of probably the game I've been waiting my entire life to be created.

              Unfortunately, I don't have an 360, PS3, or great gaming PC
              "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
              ^ The Poly equivalent of:
              "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


              • The game is already taking over my life. Minor spoilers ahead. . .

                The combat is sweet. Without decent skills you'll find yourself missing a lot in the FPS style, even if the reticle is red. Using the VATS slows you down in shooting (good) and seems to help with accuracy (good) but can drag out some of the fights.

                The missions are cool. While they can all be broken down into "Go there, kill them, find that, bring it back" that's just the way most games are. They get away with it through decent level design, and sweet atmosphere.

                Weapons are good, the 10mm pistol and hunting rifle are the essential weapons early on. There's a Rock-It Launcher, that lets you shoot all the random crap you pick up. So empty tin cans, and teddy bears, and ashtrays that litter Bethesda games by design are actually something other than clutter in your inventory and toys in the physics engine. They're ammo.

                The sense of humor is still there. Fallout is just as twisted as ever.

                I've seen a couple shout-outs already to the hood. Germantown Police HQ is the setting for one mission, and my high school and our rival have a metro stop named after us "Northwest Seneca Station". ****ing sweet.

                It is essentially Oblivion with guns. But that's not a bad thing. My biggest beef with Oblivion (the enemy scaling with levels and having to stress over every level up because of that) is gone. Now you just get your skills and your perk and keep going. Also the ranged combat is far better, much more responsive. It's essentially fixed the problems that crippled an awesome game and shows what Oblivion could have been.

                That said I can't wait to start seeing mods. Any questions or concerns, I'll be happy to answer.
                John Brown did nothing wrong.


                • The game is out?!


                  • The first question is.. How did you get it?

                    Are you playing the beta?
                    be free


                    • Playing the 360 version I assume?

                      It's all over torrent sites.

                      While I have a 360, I don't like playing FPS on it. I'll wait for release day.
                      be free


                      • Sounds good.


                        • Originally posted by FrostyBoy
                          Playing the 360 version I assume?
                          No comment
                          John Brown did nothing wrong.


                          • Originally posted by DrSpike
                            Sounds good.
                            Sounds illegal.


                            • Originally posted by FrostyBoy

                              While I have a 360, I don't like playing FPS on it.
                              QFT. I played Bioshock on XBox and on PC and the PC version (though almost identical) was far better simply by virtue of being on the PC.
                              "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                              • The only way to get Fallout 3 right now is a pirated Xbox version - speaking of which I'd like to remind everyone that such piracy discussion isn't acceptable here.
                                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

