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World of Warcraft

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  • yeah I may play some up until my experiation date on the 6th. gives me 6 or days or so to play.

    The main thing keeping me away is I'm lazy and don't want to learn the new changes. Everything seems different now. and it's weird how much I forgot about the interface etc. Seems like every game has a different interface and it messes you up.

    Plus my internet connection still isn't the best in the world. I still have problems with it.

    I think I'll load up my druid. Funny I consider druid my favourite class, but he's only level 44. I have a 70 hunter, 66 shaman, and 56 Warlock who are higher. But I still prefer druids. I love prowling in cat form.


    • So I went and did it.

      Loaded up my 44 Tauren Druid. The good thing is no chars were deleted. I was worried I might have downloaded a keylogger from the allakhazam website from a bad link, but doesn't appear so.

      It's weird at first. Everything seems so different. They did reset my graphics settings, I can't remember what they were at before. I had a few graphics slowdowns near the raptor cave, but it seems to be around 30 fps which is fine for me. The graphics aren't as good as some newer games I've been playing, so it takes a little getting used to.

      I was under the impression it was 50 new quests, it doesn't seem that way. I think it's 50 quests total for the dustwallow marsh area. I normally only do 3 quests in that area (loosely following Jame's levelling guide). The snuff, identifying the brood, and the other one where you kill 10 ashtails and stuff. Those 3 quests are still there, working on them right now. Just have to get the searing hearts, but they still have the same crappy drop rate.

      The map is a bit different. They now have a path to that one lady's house. You used to have to go cross country to get to her house. That quest is involved in a warlock quest, and maybe another class quest I think. And now a path going to the goblin village. I only found 3 quests there so far. Haven't got the followups yet. They involve gathering some plant stuff in the southern part of the area, killing a head raptor by the cave, and getting some feathers from the other raptors in the area. it appears the scroll for that one quest is still there, so you still have to go into the cave to get that scroll. It's worth it because you get like a 10 slot bag at the end. The start of the quest is at the bottom of one of the ships from the buccaneers off STV.

      The mobs are only around level 40, so I'm a bit high for the area. Jame's usually has you hit the area at 45 though after you do the buccaneer ships so you don't waste time going back and forth between the continents. Even if the mobs are green.

      And I prefer green mobs as I'm a bit rusty still. . But it still is the same ole' gameplay, so I doubt I will play much more. I'll do some more exploring around the area, but the game is only worth it for nostaligia. I had the music turned off, but turned it back on. And the music really brings the nostalgia back for me. I used to not think the music was that great, but it brings back good memories.

      and it's weird there was no messages in general chat. I guess because people are using voice chat for general BS? I still haven't enabled voice chat. When they first instituted it via a patch, my overall sound quality seemed to go down since all sound was software controlled instead of hardware . But now I can't tell if they fixed that, or it's still bad. As I've been away for 2 months, and wouldn't be able to tell any difference. I hate this clicking sound when my autoloot loots a corpse, but the sound seems okay I guess.


      • It's funny that you mention nostalgia. WoW isn't at that point yet I guess, but even the login music gave me a flashback of decent nostalgia.

        I don't know. The game is and was good. I find myself having fun playing when I log in for this period, but, something is missing...

        Lotro lacks the flashy armor, but i'm liking it more. With the exception of the forced grouping on certain epic lines and the lack of real class customization via different skills and abilities has a feel that I like more. Although It lacks any decent pvp though.

        It's like fast food when you occasionally get it. I like the burger from one place and the fries from another.

        If only they could come togehter in one game........

        oh well.
        While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


        • I have still been playing fairly consistently, though I don't worry much about levelling yet still as should be obvious by my:
          Level 42 Druid
          Level 25 Priest
          Level 25 Paladin
          Level 24 Shaman
          Level 24 Hunter
          ...that I haven't focused too much on purely levelling. I rotate through the players somewhat, and suspect that tonight I will play the Shaman (I will likely continue gaining one level at a time for the lower 4 at least until I get to level 35, as I want to upgrade all professions to Artisan).

          I like the "new" (not so new any more) changes that the newest patch brought, and most of my guild, who are all casual players, seem to agree that they are positive changes.

          The new FP in Northern Stranglethorn Vale is a welcome change as it is a long run from Booty Bay to northern STV. Being able to find different trainers/vendors within a town is a nice touch as I would regularly have to enter the same buildings multiple times as I would have forgotten where a specific vendor type was. I also really like that the maximum auction is now 48 hours as I play a lot late at night and it would seem when I set a 24 hour auction that the first 8 hours was almost lost immediately as there would be little activity over that period.

          All in all the changes get a big from me.

          "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


          • It's good that you don't worry about levelling. Never change that. It's just that after playing with my 70 paladin in pvp it's really the only thing left to do in the game since I don't and won't sell my soul to the raid demon. And I actually like the pvp for quick spurts of fun, but not with my Paladin anymore.

            And as such, I want to pvp with a new class at 70, so the levelling changes made me come back to see what's up.

            Enjoyment of the main game as you level up should always be the focus. It's just that in WOW, after the first time through, you realize that all the action is at the cap. Another thing i'm finding in lotro is the opposite. The game is actually fun thru the levels without the feeling that you need to reach the cap to have fun.

            But, that game is new and I may feel different when i'm at that cap. Like I said, if only one game could come along to get it all right. ahhhh
            While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


            • oh, and I agree that the changes, except for the GCD change because i'm still fuzzy on it, get a thumbs up as well. It did improve the game.

              The devs must have been awakened by something...
              While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


              • I'm unaware of any GCD changes. It's like 1.5 secs right? 1.0 secs for rogues I believe.


                • There's a huge 2 threads at the wow forums about it.

                  Supposedly something to do with changing something about how the game handles skill checks from client side to server side or some such thing.

                  Such as, if you are a melee rogue or warrior and use instant skills at melee range, any lag you have could trigger the cooldown so that even if it looks like you are in melee range for a skill, the server may think you aren't and the skill won't go off, but the cooldown will trigger until the client and server sync up again.

                  Causing a second or so of a delay. Which means alot in a pvp situation for a rogue who has to be behind a target etc..

                  But, for casters, it's not a big deal supposedly. I haven't pvp'ed at all since renewing, so I haven't experienced it yet.

                  But, like I said, i'm fuzzy on it...probably messed it all up in my explanation.
                  While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                  • of course, good luck navigating through all the typical wow forum trash to actually get to the problem, although i've never seen a thread so large....twice. On the test realm too I think.

                    The link on the first page links the original thread which might help a bit.
                    While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                    • I don't hang around the forums too much.

                      I'll check it out on my druid when I play later. All my skills are instant such as claw and ferocious bite.

                      As for the levelling, I haven't paid attention that much. I haven't turned in any quests except to the quest the guy gives you at the horde village to travel to the goblin village in dustwallow marsh. Though I have about 6 complete quests including ones in STV I have yet to turn in from 2 months ago. I'm on massive amount of rest bonus anyways. But my xp per kill does seem a little higher. I think I'm breaking 300 on level 39 and 40 whelps in Dustwallow with rest bonus.


                      • I didn't seem to have a GCD problem. Only happened once that the target moved out of range, though I'm not sure if that was due to lag. Sometimes when I'm prowling and I hit pounce (which should stun them) the target managed to move around. Sometimes this necessitates me to move around behind them again even though I was already behind them when I hit pounce.

                        As for XP, I just dinged 45. All rest bonus of course. I was at low 44 when I started. Definately seems faster.

                        Oh and Tabitha's farm or whatever it is called also has quests. And the big ogre in the goblin town inn has a quest chain. I finished that chain. Nothing too difficult.

                        So far, I've had my dnd on the whole time . I don't want to be bugged. I was getting tired of griefers and general *******s before, one reason why I quit. Damn beggers were getting on my nerves. But so far only one message in general chat for guild recruiting.

                        I suppose I have to enable voice chat. But I really don't want to hear these people. But I do feel a bit lonely .

                        Oh and I got my first gank in 2 months just now . Level 30 noob shouldn't be hanging around Dustwallow. I don't know why people insist on fighting things 5 levels or more above them. They don't level any faster. Although alliance quests do start early in Dustwallow at theramore. I have still yet to do them with my alliance characters, eventually I'll do alliance quests.

                        Ahh ganking just like the old days. I was 14 levels above him, so it was no contest.
                        Last edited by Dis; December 1, 2007, 02:30.


                        • Originally posted by Dis
                          So I went and did it.
                          That wasn't at all predictable after your first post.


                          • anyone know how to get voice chat working? I'm clueless apparantly.

                            I enabled it, I even checked the voice channel tab around the mini map. But I don't hear anyone. Voice chat is set up so you can hear people in general chat right? It's not only for parties and raids right? That was my impression at least.

                            So I click the voice chat icon and you can see people in the channel. I click add, but that seems to be for private channels. So I'm assuming I'm in general chat, but I can't tell. I did the microphone test, it's hard to hear, but it is recording, but right now i just want to hear.

                            Because almost no one types in general chat anymore. I kind of miss general chat. It's very lonely out there with no communication. I can't even get the usual Thx when I buff someone . I finally did see 2 messages in general chat for Stranglethorn Vale. They were badmouthing Nicollette. She used to be in my guild and is very popular/hated. I guess when you are a 16 year old girl you are very popular. She was kind of cool helped me get carrot on a stick for my shaman, which seems hard because you have to get some kind of object or something in order to summon Gahzrilla.

                            But other than those 2 messages and a couple guild recruiting messages, general chat is dead. So I'm assuming people are using voice chat maybe?


                            • well I'm getting bored of this game already. good thing I didn't renew. Though I was thinking about renewing earlier today as I thought I was hooked again. I was having fun this afternoon, but now I'm bored. hmmm.

                              I did notice there were a few spots I missed exploring in Dustwallow marsh, oh well, I can have my Paladin do that. My druid is already too high a level. I have no choice but to skip areas. I'm simply levelling too fast. 4 levels in 1 day of playing (2 days, but I didn't play all day). 44 to 48. And I was just winging it and goofing off and exploring. I wasn't following a levelling guide.

                              It's kind of nice levelling faster, but they made the game easier . Where's the challenge? Bloodsail buccaneers was never an elite quest, though many people grouped for it because it's hard. I always soloed that area. You just have to be careful and be good. I liked the challenge. There are normally 3 guys in that room at the bottom of the first set of stairs (second deck in navy terms), now only 2. There is no guy in the side room in the passage going to the front of the ship on the second deck either.

                              All elites have been removed from the game so far (in the areas I've been to) except a few cases. The giant in the Captain's Chest quest, Bangalash in Big Game Hunter quest, Pyre village by SFK are still elite for some reason.

                              sometimes it was fun trying to figure out how to beat elites solo. Usually you could wait until you were 4 levels higher. Though that didn't work with the Captains chest quest in STV, that giant is tough.


                              • Originally posted by Dis
                                well I'm getting bored of this game already. good thing I didn't renew. Though I was thinking about renewing earlier today as I thought I was hooked again. I was having fun this afternoon, but now I'm bored. hmmm.
                                By the end of the free trial will you feel the same?

