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World of Warcraft

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  • I remember that place . The funny thing was the silly little nightelves kept attacking me. Except I was actually using a barely high level enough toon (lvl30 Warlock I think, I prefer to earn exp while farming) and it was a PvP server (meaning I couldn't stop them attacking me). Sometimes I'd **** up and get adds and stuff and I'd have to pissbolt from the tower with this huge train of adds, the nightelves were like "Wtf", sometimes they'd attack me, sometimes they'd attack the adds ( ), the smart ones just stood by and laughed, the REALLY dumb ones would notice when the tower has been cleaned out and go in and investigate ("hey why is that orc(???) warlock trying to shoo me away" *agros every mob in tower*... "nevermind"), however some of those curious ones actually managed to escape the tower, especially priests, it's FUNNY watching a low level nightelf with a huge add train . (except it'd really screw up my mob-management)

    It was most funny when they'd just run up and start attacking me when I'm not even distracted. It's like:

    Please stop attacking me puny nightelf (it doesn't).
    *Curse of Agony* (Or *Immolation*, or *Corruption*, so many choices!)

    Now run along and die like a good little nightelf.

    Another option was just fearing them for giggles, sometimes they'd pick up adds and die.

    Mostly though I tried to be as nice as possible to the Nightelves because I didn't want them calling in high level reinforcements (being a PvP server and all).


    • hehe cool. I still need more practice with my warlock on these casters. I can take them, but it was annoying. Although now I have felhunter, I suppose I could use that. I still haven't tried it out. how does it work?

      It's weird playing a female character and getting hit on. I never know what to say or do. For the most part, I don't get mistaken for a female. Possibly because I play so well. just kidding, i'm no chauvenist. Had one guy ask if I was a male or female.And another guy today guy asked me my age, he said he was 16, I told him 33. I never mentioned I was a guy. He wanted me to take off my robe.

      Had one guy say: "what's cookin' good lookin'" could he be any more corny, and old.

      And I found out the hard way there is a lick emote.

      I was playing with a woman today. a real woman. In fact, her husband was in our party for a while, but he was a much higher level, and he eventually got bored killing everything so easy. She kind of gets upset at getting hit on all the time. One guy said he'd like to throw her on the ground and have his way with her. Sometimes I'm embarrassed for being a guy. Yeah sometimes I think those things, but I think it's rude to say them to a woman.


      • It's weird playing a female character and getting hit on. I never know what to say or do. For the most part, I don't get mistaken for a female. Possibly because I play so well. just kidding, i'm no chauvenist. Had one guy ask if I was a male or female.And another guy today guy asked me my age, he said he was 16, I told him 33. I never mentioned I was a guy. He wanted me to take off my robe.
        There is generally an implicit assumption that all (unknown) players are males, many players (myself included for example) would tend to always refer to another player as "He" unless I knew or suspected they were an actual she in which case I may go with gender ambiguous (ie just using their toon name).
        Some players would always just refer to the toon gender and make no assumption about the person behind the keyboard. Bear in mind that a few females will play male characters too, to avoid unwanted attention.

        I played the most on female characters and I never bother clarifying that I was a guy, unless actually asked (people could refer to me as she, if they wanted, I didn't care), although I'd also clarify if my party started arguing about it...

        Okay weird tales from playing female characters:
        I was running around with a female troll (or was it an orc?) very low level, a hyperactive male orc runs up to me and demands I take off my clothes. Okay this wouldn't be that funny, except I was already running around as naked as a toon can get (I had a strict policy of never wearing crap armor, all armor at low levels is crap, meaning I either went naked or in pretty robes, regardless of class, yes, this meant that playing human males was a pretty gay experience, but we all have to make sacrifices).

        And then there was the female dwarf 1g for a lap dance request. I know I mentioned that one before but I want to elaborate it was just so memorable! The really funny thing is, the guy was in Ironforge and I was in Auberdine (fishing) at the time and he messaged me, meaning he actually searched for a female dwarf. Then after I accepted (OF COURSE I accepted, 1g, come on!) he flew/boated all the way to Auberdine from Ironforge. He gave me the 1g too. Maybe I should have asked for more... but I figured that I was only ever going to get one chance in this life to give a lapdance for money, I wasn't about to pass it up. Would you do the same?


        • How do you know we don't get regularly asked for lapdances?


          • 1g isn't that much.

            5g on the other hand...

            anyways my character is called Vixena on Shua halo realm. I have many characters but right now I'm mainly playing 3. My hunter, my warlock, and my shaman.

            I might have to admit I suck at druids. I'm too lazy to shift in and out of forms. I would do better if I shift to caster and use entangling roots more for crowd control, but I don't. Because 3 mobs are just beating me up every time. And the dodges are killing me. At least with a warrior I can carry a shield and use overpower. bears just have to sit there and take it.

            my warlock I think I'm pretty good at. I never die. I'm doing much better than my hunter. But that might be because I'm better at the game now, and know what to expect in these areas. But I know what to expect with my druid too, and he dies.

            But I read warlocks shouldn't have to use voidwalker and dot's on non elites. I think the guy was trolling. Makes me think I'm playing my char wrong. I'd like to not rely on voidwalker so much. How am I supposed to damage enemies without dot's? shadow bold is hugely expensive. searing pain is fairly cheap, but draws lots of hate for not much damage. bah. I hate people telling me how to play. Had one guy tell my shaman he should carry a shield. Now everyone is telling me to go for duel weild.


            • As I understand it, Hunters and Warlocks are the easiest classes to play. They can solo lots of things other, more specialized classes, cannot.

              I get quite irritated with these classes in instances though when the player doesn't keep their pet/minion on a tight leash - everything goes to heck pretty quickly with a mismanaged underling.


              • bah, I disagree. the only time pets are a problem is jumping off ledges. both classes should dismiss before doing that.

                The problem is runners, and you can't put the blame entirely on warlocks and hunters. okay maybe you can. . Warlocks should be using curse of recklessness, and hunters should be using concussive shot. you need to kill runners before they get to other mobs.

                and that also means pulling. some people have no clue how to pull. So I was pulling with my warlock in blackfathom deeps last night.

                I like warlocks better than hunters now I think. . Maybe because I don't feel so selfish, I feel I can contribute more to the group. esp nice in blackfathom as I gave everyone unending breath. not that the underwater areas are that long, but I love it. I hate fighting on top of the water, it's hard to see, I prefer to stay underwater. and I can make soulstones, healthstones etc. I can't buff like priests and pallies, but I can buff more than hunters can.


                • I haven't really had many moves made on me in WoW, but I have in other games. Including gifts, agressive sex chat, being taken to a romantic spot and having less agressive sex chat, dances (OK, I was the one dancing, but I had just got a nice gift), etc, etc.

                  I mostly play girls, although occasionally I plan men (like Hardman or Gaetrox or Dr. Gravitron).

                  Jon Miller-
                  I AM.CANADIAN
                  GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                  • I typically play females for characters who are 'expected' to be female (healer, ie) while male for more warlike characters. Makes it more obvious how I play, perhaps; dunno. Or I'm just weird

                    I do tend to roleplay when I play a MMORPG (shock of all shocks), and prefer to act as if I were a woman when I'm playing one. (Not that i'll lie when OOC, however; and anyone who is in my guild or whatnot knows who I am.) But, with random pug's etc. I play as a female, and act accordingly (though not an insane horny girl or somesuch; the boys who play as insane horny boys are disgusting to either sex IMO). I think it makes everything a bit more interesting, though, to roleplay your character properly.
                    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                    • My main, a Paladin is a dude, but when the xpak came out I made a blood elf. I couldn't stand the way they twirled when they jumped for a male character so I made a female.

                      Best decision ever. It's nice.
                      While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                      • I think my thinking is more basic. My first character was a female, and I intend to continue playing females more because if I am going to spend hours staring at my computer screen I figure I might as well have a female character that I am staring at.

                        One time while playing my druid I jumped in a boat that wasn't going anywhere and I couldn't figure out how to get out of (too high to jump out). While I tried figuring it out another player (level 4, I think I was level 15 or something) and kept repeating "You're pretty". I didn't have a response and it weirded me out, but he stood there while I tried jumping and climbing to get out of the boat until I finally admitted I couldn't get out. So he jumps in the boat and shows me there is a way out. I thanked him and went on my way, only to have him follow me and start asking for directions, and about what quests I was working on. I was able to give him directions (he was going the same direction as I was) but I was able to catch the next ship where he was too slow and missed it. Good thing, or he might still be stalking

                        Note to self: Don't ever think a female character is a female player. I would suspect most arn't, and even if they say they are, they probably arn't.

                        "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                        • the males twirl too. blood elf men are gay, this is well known.


                          • I might have to admit I suck at druids. I'm too lazy to shift in and out of forms. I would do better if I shift to caster and use entangling roots more for crowd control, but I don't. Because 3 mobs are just beating me up every time. And the dodges are killing me. At least with a warrior I can carry a shield and use overpower. bears just have to sit there and take it.
                            Hmmm you shouldn't be having that much trouble, but the Druids ability to multi-tank does only come into force at higher levels with better healing skills and talents. Shifting as a druid, is essential. Remarkable, eh?

                            my warlock I think I'm pretty good at. I never die. I'm doing much better than my hunter. But that might be because I'm better at the game now, and know what to expect in these areas. But I know what to expect with my druid too, and he dies.
                            Warlock and Hunter players a lot alike. Warlock is better IMHO, they are very easy to play, I used to go AFK when grinding with my Warlock, I'd dot stuff and leave the keyboard. Couldn't really do that with any other character.

                            But I read warlocks shouldn't have to use voidwalker and dot's on non elites. I think the guy was trolling. Makes me think I'm playing my char wrong. I'd like to not rely on voidwalker so much. How am I supposed to damage enemies without dot's?
                            You should ALWAYS grind with Succubus, she does more damage and that's what counts for grinding.


                            • Here was my rational for toon gender:
                              Humans: Must be female for any spellcaster, the males are way too "Gym buff" to be a plausible spellcaster. I'd play a wily human male, but no joy. It doesn't help that the female Humans are all bimbo. Humans are for lame people.
                              Gnomes: Why would I want to roll a gnome, unless my troll is going bowling?
                              Nightelves: Male nightelves are gay in every possible sense of the word. And they have stupid animations. So female, duh. Besides the cliche factor of running around with a naked female nightelf rocks. It's like the ultimate "I am a man" statement.
                              Dwarves: Usually male, both dwarf genders are generally inoffensive.

                              Orc: Both Orc genders are ludicrously buff, but Orcs can't be the girlier classes so it doesn't matter. It has to be said that the Female Orc is kind of scary and intimidating, probably more so than any other race/gender, can you imagine being clonked over the head by a mace-wielding female Orc? Good for psychos, anyway.
                              Undead: Both are totally eww, their bones even poke out through robes. Some people go for that. You can guarantee that someone who rolls and sticks with a female undead is a cut above the rest in the weird personality department.
                              Tauren: The male tauren is too buff. Have you ever been in a party with 3 melee tauren, all males? All you can see is a screenfull of Bull, and if you're playing a male tauren, your screen is permanently full of bull. The female tauren is more normal-toon size, as such I played female tauren.
                              Troll: Both troll genders are entirely reasonable, the female troll is quite girly with the right face and nice for casters, and has proper posture - unusual for Horde. The male troll has some sweet animations and is thin enough to not hog screen real estate - some people complain about the hunchback factor, but it means the male troll is really tall while still being normal size when it comes to screen real estate, besides : They look great on their Raptors!


                              • Originally posted by snoopy369
                                I typically play females for characters who are 'expected' to be female (healer, ie) while male for more warlike characters. Makes it more obvious how I play, perhaps; dunno. Or I'm just weird

                                I do tend to roleplay when I play a MMORPG (shock of all shocks), and prefer to act as if I were a woman when I'm playing one. (Not that i'll lie when OOC, however; and anyone who is in my guild or whatnot knows who I am.) But, with random pug's etc. I play as a female, and act accordingly (though not an insane horny girl or somesuch; the boys who play as insane horny boys are disgusting to either sex IMO). I think it makes everything a bit more interesting, though, to roleplay your character properly.
                                Yeah, I RP, which is some of why I get hit on a decent amount. I don't RP as a flirty girl though, more as an ice queen. Only beleive females if you hear them on teamspeak, or know their RL boyfreind/husband. Currently Warlocks use the Felguard to solo.

                                I don't see why people don't like Gnomes, they are a pretty wicked looking race, definitely the scariest alliance.

                                Jon Miller-
                                I AM.CANADIAN
                                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

