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World of Warcraft

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  • If you have a USB modem on your desktop machine then you will need to play with settings a bit unfortunately.

    It's been a while since I've tried this but if I recall correctly your desktop machine will need to be set to share the connection and your laptop will need to be set to use your desktop machine as a proxy.

    You will still need standard network cable to connect your laptop and desktop machine as I suggested above.


    • more screenshots. I don't like the color of those pants, it doesn't go with her hair.

      omg wow is turning me gay!

      she sure is skinny. She's worse than barbie for negative role image for women. no woman could be that skinny.
      Attached Files


      • Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
        Going well so far, better then I expected actually.

        I now have a level 4 Druid and I think I am starting to get the hang of the game mechanics (I am a noob when it comes to games like these, I am more oriented to turn based games where I press enter and then see what happens or text based games where I read what it going on).

        Still more that I don't know then I do, but I am figuring it out as it go

        * Sparrowhawk
        yeah, this game can be pretty forgiving though. People of most skill levels can excel.

        I'm not a fast player. I prefer tbs over rts. So I don't do well at pvp unless I have better equipment, I'm a higher level, or I see the guy first.

        PVE is forgiving though, and you can have fun just doing that.


        • I have a frenid who can fit his hands around his girlfreinds waste. She is super skinny, but has fat at the right place (nice boobs and hips).

          I don't think she is that interesting though.

          Jon Miller-
          I AM.CANADIAN
          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


          • Okay, internet problems solved, and only one phone call required

            I think I am now level 7 and going to bed

            "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


            • Originally posted by Jon Miller
              I have a frenid who can fit his hands around his girlfreinds waste. She is super skinny, but has fat at the right place (nice boobs and hips).

              I don't think she is that interesting though.

              Being interesting or not, surely doesn't have anything to do with her figure
              Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


              • don't forget it's children's week in wow.

                a free 5 gold.

                who doesn't need 5 gold? Even my high level could use it. I lent 5 gold to a guildmate so he could get a mount. I doubt I'll see that money back. I'll do this with all my chars.


                • the patch is kind of glitchy. I've been having some clipping issues. My voidwalker went inside a hill to fight a cat. And a lot of problems with invisible monsters. Usually happens after pulls (especially pulls that involve pathing with change of elevation).

                  luckily I can target and hit it with dot's. at first I was just having my blue man take it out and keep healing blue man.

                  oh and in case you guys haven't figured it out. I have a new favourite character. . Warlock.

                  my other warlock I didn't like much. but he was a gnome. I figured it out. It's gnomes I don't like. In fact, I hate gnomes. I had 2, but never got either past 13.

                  They are similar to hunters in that they get a pet. But the method of doing damage is different.

                  I use a lot of dot's. but I was partied with another warlock who didn't use any. I think he was doing it wrong. . there's not reason not to use them. shadow bolt is too expensive to use. And we aren't mages after all.

                  I didn't think I'd like them much as I didn't like necromancers in diablo2. But what can I say. Demons are cooler than undead skeletons.

                  and I tend to like horde. I have a dranei warrior I've been playing. Up to 23 or 24. But I doubt I'll play that char anymore. I don't like alliance. Something about them just doesn't sit right with me. And warriors don't interest me much. I doubt I'll play my warrior or my mage. My pally will probably sit it out too. . Same with my rogue.


                  • not playing much today. my wrists are hurting too much. I have been playing too much and probably am developing carpal tunnel. I don't know how the chinese do it. . perhaps I need an ergonomic mouse and keyboard. I just don't have the desk space right now.

                    And I'm getting bored. I loaded up my warlock. but I have no desire to do the same quests and areas again and again. Which leaves me with just my hunter at 55. but I'm bored of him. But I hear the outlands are pretty cool. One of these days I'll push him up.


                    • my wrists are hurting too much. I have been playing too much

                      Suuuure, use that excuse for it
                      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                      • I just reached level 10 for my Druid today (I don't get as much time as Dis to play obviously ). Now I get to try and figure out talents

                        I have been trying to do every quest which I think might slow me down, but I don't care, I am not too worried about having the highest level character.

                        The game is kinda funny in that you are pretty much led around by the quests. I know if I go into an area that I haven't got a quest for yet that I am likely to get killed as it is too high an area for my character.

                        Today I was trying to finish a quest on my own and having trouble (I died ) so when I went back as a ghost I waited for two other players to catch up and asked to join them (in hopes that all three of us could complete the quest together). They ignored me so I just followed them for a bit, and when I got to the main bad guy that killed me last time (along with his helpers) they were fighting the helpers and the guy came straight for me, ignoring them.......I suspect they didn't have the quest

                        Oh well, with them taking out the rest, I was able to just deal with the main guy and killed him and teleported home right after.

                        I have gone with Herbalism and Alchemy for my Druid, which were choices more based on being a druid then anything else. I have been concentrating on trying to increase those skills (along with cooking & first aid....I don't have fishing yet).

                        So far I like the game, although it reminds me of Diablo (not surprisingly ), which I grew bored with quickly and remember very little about today.

                        "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                        • Originally posted by Dis

                          oh and in case you guys haven't figured it out. I have a new favourite character. . Warlock.

                          my other warlock I didn't like much. but he was a gnome. I figured it out. It's gnomes I don't like. In fact, I hate gnomes. I had 2, but never got either past 13.

                          Killing Gnome Warlocks

                          I still remember the time I one-shotted a full hp lvl40 Gnome Warlock with my lvl41 Troll Warrior.

                          That was so funny. There was this lvl40 Gnome Mage and a lvl40 Gnome Warlock. I was traveling with my Shaman Buddy (also a lvl40ish Male Troll), we were PvP enabled and run into the nasty little bastards who proceed to attack us. The gnomes are like "Hahah ignore the stupid Warrior it is stupid and can't hurt us Gnomes" and nuke my poor Shaman friend to death.
                          But while my friend was running around burning I closed in on the Mage and chopped it up (my weapon hit like a freight train so his frost nova/blink was of limited use).

                          The kill charged up old school Bloodthirst (DOUBLE damage for next hit!), I charge straight up to the Warlock and CRIT . Nasty little Gnome eats a quadruple damage hit from my Executioners Cleaver, the biggest number I'd ever seen in Wow floats up above his head and the Gnome makes that satisfying "Urrrrrrghugh" noise.

                          I almost shat myself with joy having killed 2 gnomes in the span of 3 seconds.


                          • Gnomes are one of the scariest looking races. I like them.

                            Jon Miller-
                            I AM.CANADIAN
                            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                            • there are quest areas you won't get to following chains (because they are of other races or whatever). has a good list of what areas ar eproper for what levels.

                              Jon Miller-
                              I AM.CANADIAN
                              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                              • Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
                                I just reached level 10 for my Druid today (I don't get as much time as Dis to play obviously ). Now I get to try and figure out talents

                                I have been trying to do every quest which I think might slow me down, but I don't care, I am not too worried about having the highest level character.

                                The game is kinda funny in that you are pretty much led around by the quests. I know if I go into an area that I haven't got a quest for yet that I am likely to get killed as it is too high an area for my character.

                                Today I was trying to finish a quest on my own and having trouble (I died ) so when I went back as a ghost I waited for two other players to catch up and asked to join them (in hopes that all three of us could complete the quest together). They ignored me so I just followed them for a bit, and when I got to the main bad guy that killed me last time (along with his helpers) they were fighting the helpers and the guy came straight for me, ignoring them.......I suspect they didn't have the quest

                                Oh well, with them taking out the rest, I was able to just deal with the main guy and killed him and teleported home right after.

                                I have gone with Herbalism and Alchemy for my Druid, which were choices more based on being a druid then anything else. I have been concentrating on trying to increase those skills (along with cooking & first aid....I don't have fishing yet).

                                So far I like the game, although it reminds me of Diablo (not surprisingly ), which I grew bored with quickly and remember very little about today.

                                * Sparrowhawk
                                if you are too low a level creatures will go for you. The greater the level difference, the greater the threat range.

                                Wow is very quest dependent. That's the only thing that's held my interest for this long.

                                I've read advice that the best way to level up is to kill monsters over and over. I can't do that. And I don't think it is. Even at level 55 questing is helping me level. Just not as much as it used to.

                                as for gnomes. they are just plain goofy looking.

