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  • Paladins are good at tanking, great at buffing, and good at healing. Unfortunately, they are the worst DPS.

    While things can change a lot based upon talents and equipment, this table gives good understanding:
    A class is the primary adventuring style of a player character. A character's class determines the abilities, powers, skills, and spells they will gain throughout their adventures, and consequently the styles of play available to the character. It determines the types of weapons and armor they can use, which attributes they will value (and how those attributes function), as well as what combat roles the character is suitable for. Class also reflects the background themes of a character: whether they have chosen to pursue the dark arts of the warlock or the Holy Light of the paladin; the bloody honor of the warrior or the arcane knowledge of the mage.

    Jon Miller
    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


    • well, in my experience Paladins don't shine until you can go deeper into the talent trees.

      My 68 Paladin just respecced to holy/protection. With Holy Shock and Reckoning, I can do some decent damage when seal of righteousness is up.

      I abandoned the retribution tree.

      I also have been a healer in groups and did fairly well, while also picking up the odd mob that decides to get loose and go for clothies.


      use the seal of righteousness for now after you judge seal of crusader (it gives holy damge bonus, forget the speed increase because it reduces damage).

      You can play with seal of command, which i used for a long time, but once i got reckoning, righteousness is just better.

      but, to each his own,

      there are lots of seals that are useful, but as with alot of things, you'll weed them out and boil them down.

      I'm a blacksmith/miner bankrupted me. I would have been mountless until level 60 if pallies didn't get a free one.

      The new BOP epic BS plans in the expansion have somewhat made up for it, but I bet I won't get them for a while anyway.

      Some might suggest 2 gathering professions at the start for money and to stockpile mats, then change later.
      While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


      • Originally posted by Dis
        Which seal should I use? I like the one that does more holy damage over the one that has a faster attack. Or should I do combinations in conjunction with judgements? I'm using a one handed sword right now with shield. Lot of good the shield does, I still take a lot of damage. Doesn't seem to block much.
        In case I wasn't too clear, cast seal of the crusader, judge it, then cast seal of righteousness.

        The holy damage from sor will be increased because you judged crusader.

        This may not seem the best, but when reckoning goes off, righteousness shines, in my opinion.

        Which is why I had seal of command for so long. It puts out more damage when it goes off, but righteousness always goes off, no luck involved.

        When I respecced for full reckoning, righteouness was too good to pass up.

        On a last note, speed matters. A fast one handed sword hits more often, but does less damage. Vice versa for a big nasty 2 hander. It may be a wash really.
        Not sure.
        While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


        • Also, I have a sword and shield that I always carry in case someone wants me to tank something. Which is rare since I have been avoiding dungeons like the plague for a while now.

          But, the added armor is great and in combo with a good one hander, not a bad choice...
          While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


          • It use to be best to ahve two hander with seal of command. But when they added the judgement system things changed.

            Jon Miller
            Jon Miller-
            I AM.CANADIAN
            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


            • why do some names above players appear green, and others blue?

              I feel like such a noob asking this question.

              it took me forever to figure out what afk meant. but at least I figured it out on my own.


              • Originally posted by Asmodean
                Well for raiding they are essential. They have skill that are crucial, the way the boss fights are designed. Plus the best paladins can actually heal their asses off. Even to the level where they compete with the priests

                It's not the amount - for most fights you have a priest as main heal. It's more the burst healing.


                • Dis, for spec you usually have to make a choice between a party friendly one and a solo friendly one. If you tend to party then playing as a buffer/healer is your best bet. But you need 4 or 5 to make that efficient. This is why most people spec for dmg and solo or duo.


                  • Originally posted by Dis
                    looking for Paladin advice now.

                    I'm experimenting with all the different characters trying to figure out what suits me best. So I tried a human paladin last night.

                    Any advice to make this character not suck? . It takes forever for her to kill anything. At least compared to my mage and my druid.

                    It's funny how starting areas differ and drops differ. My mage I was finding bags everywhere. I could not find one damn bag with my paladin. . I had to buy them, combined with the cost of buying armour and swords, and I'm a poor bastard, I mean *****. Serves me right I guess for killing all those rabbits. My character likes to kill rabits, I'd never do that with my druid (I at least try to stay in character somewhat). My paladin only cares about humans. Animal life can go to hell.

                    So I spent 18 silver on this cutlass in Stormwind. It's the best I could buy for my level. Still doesn't seem to do enough damage. Which seal should I use? I like the one that does more holy damage over the one that has a faster attack. Or should I do combinations in conjunction with judgements? I'm using a one handed sword right now with shield. Lot of good the shield does, I still take a lot of damage. Doesn't seem to block much.

                    And then we move to making my own weapon. I switched professions and learned mining and blacksmithing in an attempt to get better armour and weaponry. I spent an hour last night making a ring around elwyn forest through all the mountains. I got my blacksmithing and mining around 60 now. I found plans to make one piece of armour which is a little better than the best store bought item. But I need more plans. Where do I get them? The plans in goldshire are crap. Maybe I'll go to stormwind and see what they got.

                    I've played a warrior a little bit 2 years ago. So that means I've played 4 classes now. That leaves priest, warlock, shaman, rogue, and hunter. I doubt I'll like the rogue. I'd like to try the hunter and priest. Not sure about the warlock and shaman. I'm not sure how to play them.
                    From an efficiency point of view, you should never buy armor, and only weapons rarely, and it's better to use the Auction House usually.


                    • I joined a guild whatever that means. What do guilds do? I never joined one before because I was afraid I'd have to pay high dues.

                      This guy asked me to join, so I did. This is a new character by the way. I'm still trying to find out the best character for me. I tried a druid priest, and a orc hunter (got both up to level 10). I love my orc hunter. This guy pwns everything.

                      So my orc hunter is in a guild. Though I can't see it displayed anywhere. Is there anyplace to find out your character profile? I didn't see it on the character sheet, but maybe I missed it. I can't even remember the name of the guild. But it had death in the name, so it must be good.


                      • the guild list/info is on the friends list thing.

                        default button "o" brings it up i think, then go to the guild tab.
                        While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                        • didn't think of that.

                          Course I noticed both the main guys are blood elevs, and they are in silvermoon city. Yeah I just found out you can hit Shift then click on their name in the message box to find out their level and where they are. So many tricks I have yet to learn. I don't have the expansion, so I can't go over there.


                          • hmm, so I had this character on the server for 2 years. I wonder what kind of resting experience point bonus he will get. . Actually, I think it caps out after 2 weeks. It'd be nice to kill one monster and get like 2 million experience points.


                            • Yes it definitely is capped, and it's not that high so don't expect too much.


                              • I had a feeling you would enjoy the Hunter Dis.

                                Hunter is my fav too
                                be free

