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World of Warcraft

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  • Dis, stick to your Mage, i'm sure the higher you get, the game will begin to change for you.

    I'm not sure myself, my highest is lvl 28, that's back when I had to stop playing. I'm trying to get back to that point so I can continue where I left off (which was 2 yrs ago!)
    be free


    • actually I could travel to another area. They have these zepplins. I'm not sure where they go yet.


      • Originally posted by Dis
        I'd have to check the realm name again. Shi hu... something. both of my characters are on this one (except the one I started 2 years ago and didn't do much with because I didn't like the game). I think they are all western U.S. Everyone I've partied with seems to be from California or Texas.

        Too hard to find a party this late. I was in a couple parties earlier. Interesting thing is I got up to level 17 faster with this character. But I've reached the limit on quests I can do alone. A lot of quests in the undead area require parties. And even with parties people are saying you should be level 20+ for some areas.

        I really don't have the patience to level 3 times killing monsters.

        Time for a new character. . Actually I was thinking I at least want to try all 8 races for at least the beginning areas.
        Take the Zeppelin that goes to Durotar\Ogrimmar (talk to the guys next to it to know which one it is, it's the one facing west).
        Then from there go west until you reach the Barrens.
        That's the zone with the most quest for lvl 12-25 for Horde.
        And it has tons of neighbouring zones with tons of quest a bit higher too (stonetalon 15-27, Ashenvale 22-30 etc..)
        The West continent is more horde favoured in general.

        If you want to stay on your continent, you can try head to Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Foothills, which you you get by following the road south and then east from Sepulcher.

        The point is, there are way more than enough quests to only level with quests and never grind, if that's what you want.
        You just have to know where they are.

        Here to help you:
        the list of region with levels:

        And here are the maps of the two continents with the region levels and how to get around:

        As you can see, each race gets a 1-10 starting zone.
        For undead, that was Tirisfal Glades (with Brill etc..)
        Then horde has two main 12-20 zones:
        Silverpine Forest, which you've experience, and The Barrens on the other continent.
        After that, it gets more and more diverse (as you go up in level, there are more zones per level range).
        Last edited by Lul Thyme; April 12, 2007, 08:34.


        • thanks. I should have figured that. As with my druid, I saw things "branching out". Almost too much. I had trouble keeping all my quests straight. . I had 23 active quests at one point.


          • I try not to pick up too many quests, it makes the game feel more like work. I pick a few (about 10) and complete them before I move on to others. It has more of an adventurous feel then.
            be free


            • My quest strategy was always keeping a full log to maximise options. Always drop red and note their position, and always drop quests as you outlevel them and get more.

              Your way has too much travel time to be efficient.


              • It's a good thing I like to travel. :P

                I am a hunter after all.
                be free


                • One "improvement" to the quests in the expansion is that they seem to be more stackable. Meaning 3-5 or more quest objectives are in the same area, so you can complete a handful of quests without too much hopping around and turn them in at once.

                  The beginning areas of original wow had this too, but if I recall correctly, in the higher levels pre-60 they weren't as stackable. So you were all over the place.

                  They were a little, but BC has made them even more so. mostly.

                  You can also see this in the BC new start zones. Well, at least the twig elf zone. Haven't tried blueberry zone yet, if i ever will.
                  While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                  • looking for Paladin advice now.

                    I'm experimenting with all the different characters trying to figure out what suits me best. So I tried a human paladin last night.

                    Any advice to make this character not suck? . It takes forever for her to kill anything. At least compared to my mage and my druid.

                    It's funny how starting areas differ and drops differ. My mage I was finding bags everywhere. I could not find one damn bag with my paladin. . I had to buy them, combined with the cost of buying armour and swords, and I'm a poor bastard, I mean *****. Serves me right I guess for killing all those rabbits. My character likes to kill rabits, I'd never do that with my druid (I at least try to stay in character somewhat). My paladin only cares about humans. Animal life can go to hell.

                    So I spent 18 silver on this cutlass in Stormwind. It's the best I could buy for my level. Still doesn't seem to do enough damage. Which seal should I use? I like the one that does more holy damage over the one that has a faster attack. Or should I do combinations in conjunction with judgements? I'm using a one handed sword right now with shield. Lot of good the shield does, I still take a lot of damage. Doesn't seem to block much.

                    And then we move to making my own weapon. I switched professions and learned mining and blacksmithing in an attempt to get better armour and weaponry. I spent an hour last night making a ring around elwyn forest through all the mountains. I got my blacksmithing and mining around 60 now. I found plans to make one piece of armour which is a little better than the best store bought item. But I need more plans. Where do I get them? The plans in goldshire are crap. Maybe I'll go to stormwind and see what they got.

                    I've played a warrior a little bit 2 years ago. So that means I've played 4 classes now. That leaves priest, warlock, shaman, rogue, and hunter. I doubt I'll like the rogue. I'd like to try the hunter and priest. Not sure about the warlock and shaman. I'm not sure how to play them.


                    • Pallies require patience.


                      • They do better than when I played mine.

                        Jon Miller
                        Jon Miller-
                        I AM.CANADIAN
                        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                        • I heard the paladin is the gay class in WoW (which in other games is the bard).


                          • You need a few pallies in raids but best to let someone else level them.


                            • What class type are paladins in WoW anyway? I heard they're supporters (buff bots) but I'm not sure if that's reliable information (been a shaman in my short stay).


                              • Well for raiding they are essential. They have skill that are crucial, the way the boss fights are designed. Plus the best paladins can actually heal their asses off. Even to the level where they compete with the priests

                                Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark

